1||0|1514|0|yes 0|0|0|||||Happy New Year%21%21%21|Blob||19:33:58|12/31/2001|Lieutenant Brill reports back from antiaircraft emplacement seven%21%0D%0A%0D%0AWell 2002 is now one and a half hours old and it%27s still like back in the %2740s out there. %5E_%5E%0D%0A%0D%0AHappy new year to all of you%21%0D%0A%0D%0A----------------%0D%0A%22And what _are_ we dealing with%3F Little green men%21%3F%22%0D%0A%22No. Little green blobs in bonded polycarbite-armor%21%22 1|1|0|||||RE%3A Happy New Year%21%21%21|TRB||21:56:52|12/31/2001|It%27s still two hours and five minutes off by my clock%2C but I have to get up at 8%3A00 in the morning to make it to the combination party%2Frifle match at the range. So%2C I sign on and off in the same sentence%2C May We Own the New Year%2C and Good Night. %0D%0A%0D%0ATRB%0D%0A%0D%0A%22You are... what you do... when it counts.%22 -The Masao