0||0|685|0|yes 0|0|0|||||On Voice Actors and Video Games|goldenfire||12:36:48|10/23/2003|So %5Blink%3Aimdb.com%2Fname%2Fnm0854742%2F%7CMr. Simon Templman%5D has been branching out. While most recognized %28by me%29 as the voice of %27Kain%27 from the %27Legacy of...%27 series%2C he has done some other work. SO I shouldn%27t%2C I suppose%2C have been surprised when I was watching ANgel last night%2C and recognized his voice.%0D%0A%0D%0AHe just sounds so... %5Bi%5Devil%5B%2Fi%5D %3A%29%0D%0A%28it did%2C however%2C cause all sorts of cognative dissonance...between the differences in the Vampire Lore of the two seperate sources%2C and the character differences of Kain and Pavayne%29