10||0|1999|0|yes 0|0|0|||1||Dead to me%2C Claremont%21 DEAD TO MEEEEEE%21%21|Ardaniel||03:54:15|04/06/2006|[updated:LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-06 AT 04:07 AM (EDT)]God.%0D%0A%0D%0ASo%2C I added %5Bem%5DNew Excalibur%5B%2Fem%5D to my pull for nostalgia factor and %22hey%2C maybe with a new series based on past stuff%2C Claremont will get his creepy head out of his Storm-cosplayer-fist-wracked-arse%21%22 hope.%0D%0A%0D%0A%2AFalse%2A hope%2C mind you. I picked it up right through this week%2C six issues%2C and I%27m not touching it again. Holy shit. I swear the old man%27s got mad cow disease or something%2C way he%27s plotting this trainwreck. So far%2C in six issues%2C we%27ve had%3A%0D%0A%0D%0A1%29 Random appearance of %22shadow%22 X-Men clones%2C who are Evil and Into D%2Fs and Generally There to Remind Us That Mr. Claremont%27s Fetishes Are All Evil. This is pretty standard-- Nazi Excalibur%2C any and all Shadow King plotlines%2C etc.-- and I %2Amight even be kinda OK with that%2C%2A if they weren%27t captured by issue 3 and then%2C gee%2C set free again in issue 6. So they can keep being all Fetishy and Evil.%0D%0A%0D%0AMan needs to just write %5Bem%5DMutants of Gor%5B%2Fem%5D and get it OUT of his SYSTEM.%0D%0A%0D%0A2%29 Black Air. Black Air is mysteriously back as of issue 6%2C in defiance of previous canon%2C and are a Horrible Dangerous Going Concern%2C per Pete Wisdom and Sage%2C who%27ve apparently known this all along and just not shared with the class. This also means we get Scicluna back%2C yet another victim of Horrific Claremontian Naming Schemes %28which seem to involve Scrabble sets tossed into large%2C classy black top hats for the purposes of randomization%29.%0D%0A%0D%0A3%29 The Warwolves. Well%2C I think we%27ve got the Warwolves%2C at least. They%27ve been running around being all fetishy-Warwolfy for a couple issues%2C but they%27ve vanished from the scene as of issue 6. Maybe I missed something. It%27s entirely too easy to miss things in this mess.%0D%0A%0D%0A4%29 %2ABlack Tom Cassidy%2C%2A ferfuckssake%2C in a cunning rubber some-other-guy %28I don%27t even REMEMBER the other guy in issue 6%2C and I read it THIS MORNING%29 mask. Last page of issue 6. No. Really. He shows up for the first time tearing off his mask and proclaiming that he%27s behind a bunch of shit involving%2C gee%2C Black Air and the Fetish X-Clones.%0D%0A%0D%0ANot that we%27ve seen any hint of that so far%2C mind%2C nor any hint of Black Air still being a going concern.%0D%0A%0D%0A5%29 Lionheart%2C the only Captain Britain to pick the sword instead of the amulet%2C and Albion%2C some guy I%27ve never seen before. I had been hearing that NE was going to delve more into the %22what happens when you choose the sword%22 bit of the Captain Britain mythos%2C and that was a big purchase incentive for me.%0D%0A%0D%0AExcept%2C you know%2C it%27s Claremont. Which means we got a few pages in issues 4 and 5 %28I think. Might%27ve been 3 and 4. They blur so horribly in the mind%29 involving Lionheart showing up nine kinds of psycho and trying to kill Brian for not telling her what happens when you choose the sword. Brian%2C mind%2C doesn%27t seem to KNOW what happens%2C or%2C at least%2C he%27s not telling her other than to chide her for not picking the amulet like everyone else did. She and her buddy continue to be whoop-assy for a few more pages and then...%0D%0A%0D%0Asay it with me now...%0D%0A%0D%0Avanish. Gone from Earth-616%2C gone from the plotline. Apparently%2C the purpose of the sword Captains is to provide the writer with a chance to resort to fight scenes when he runs out of other shit to do in his overcrowded plotline.%0D%0A%0D%0ANeedless to say%2C this is not the mythic plot arc I was looking for. To put it mildly.%0D%0A%0D%0AOn top of the Serious Villain Overcrowding Problem%2C and the Dropped Plotline Thing%2C we%27ve got hints that Sage and Pete Wisdom are Eeevul%2C or at least plotting behind the team%27s back. These%2C of course%2C are dispersed wildly throughout any given issue and then not followed up in any way. %0D%0A%0D%0ADazzler might be immortal now-- she was dead for a full 93 minutes of the first issue and now she%27s A-OK again-- but who knows%2C since she somehow is totally incurious about the entire topic and doesn%27t want to investigate it. %28Perhaps she%27s now a Fetishy Clone Excalibur Member. I wouldn%27t want to talk too much about that if that were my lot in life%2C either.%29 Worse%2C they mention Mojo very offhandedly and apropos to exactly nothing in issue 6%2C which means we%27re heading for an Incoherent Mojoverse Episode soon%3B most likely%2C that%27ll happen when Tony Bedard gets yanked off %5Bem%5DExiles%5B%2Fem%5D in a month or two and Claremont%27s run starts. Since Longshot%27s currently fully brainwiped and on the Exiles%27 team%2C this will give Claremont an excuse for a crossover that won%27t make a lick of fucking sense and will prominently feature the X-Babies for no goddamn reason.%0D%0A%0D%0ANocturne%27s in %5Bem%5DNew Excalibur%5B%2Fem%5D too. This is a damn shame%2C as I actually like TJ and would like to see her put to better use.%0D%0A%0D%0AOh%2C and Cain Marko. He%27s there too. Claremont has no idea what to do with him%2C but he has to be there to have vague%2C improbable sexual tension with Dazzler. Cain spends a lot of time being left behind by sexier members of the team-- he%27s kind of the Dick Cheney of Excalibur%2C always being Removed to an Undisclosed Location.%0D%0A%0D%0ASomeone please tell me why I even give Claremont six issues%27 worth of chance these days. I need to drop %5Bem%5DExiles%5B%2Fem%5D now%2C before he puts his dick in it.%0D%0A%0D%0ADead to me%2C I tell you. Christ.%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0AArd Sumhenner%0D%0Athat Janice chick%0D%0AUsual Suspect and general menace 1|1|0|||||RE%3A Dead to me%2C Claremont%21 DEAD TO MEEEEEE%21%21|BZArcher||08:14:20|04/06/2006|My personal hope is that when he %22writes%22 that X-women limited with the Italian erotica artist%2C he%27ll suffer a heart attack%2C stroke%2C permanent testicular combustion%2C or all three%2C and stop destroying all the characters he helped make famous.%0D%0A%0D%0AFailing that%2C I%27ll settle for Jack Kirby rising from the dead to avenge his creative work. 4|2|1|||1||RE%3A Dead to me%2C Claremont%21 DEAD TO MEEEEEE%21%21|Gryphon||13:41:12|04/06/2006|%3EFailing that%2C I%27ll settle for Jack Kirby rising from the dead to %0D%0A%3Eavenge his creative work. %0D%0A%0D%0AIf he does that%2C he has to start with Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale for what they did to the Challengers of the Unknown. Only then will he be permitted to move on to the Marvel side of things.%0D%0A%0D%0A--G.%0D%0A-%3E%3C-%0D%0ABenjamin D. Hutchins%2C Co-Founder%2C Editor-in-Chief%2C %26 Forum Admin%0D%0AEyrie Productions%2C Unlimited http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyrie-productions.com%2F%0D%0A 6|3|4|||||RE%3A Dead to me%2C Claremont%21 DEAD TO MEEEEEE%21%21|BZArcher||07:20:23|04/07/2006|Deal.%0D%0A%0D%0AAnyone got a spare copy of %22Installing Linux on a Dead Creative Genius%22%3F 7|4|6|||||RE%3A Dead to me%2C Claremont%21 DEAD TO MEEEEEE%21%21|mdg1||08:28:07|04/07/2006|Sounds like one of those Bacon books they use in FI. %22So You Aren%27t A Genius Author%22 9|4|6|||||RE%3A Dead to me%2C Claremont%21 DEAD TO MEEEEEE%21%21|jer||12:53:13|04/07/2006|I hear NetBSD will install on almost anything 2|1|0|||||RE%3A Dead to me%2C Claremont%21 DEAD TO MEEEEEE%21%21|mdg1||08:15:25|04/06/2006|Albion is%2Fwas one of the Knights of Pendragon%2C as I recall. 3|2|2|||1||RE%3A Dead to me%2C Claremont%21 DEAD TO MEEEEEE%21%21|Ardaniel||13:39:29|04/06/2006|It kinda sounds like %22was%2C%22 given that he was only accompanied by Lionheart when he showed up and was just generally a tremendous dick with fetishy overtones. %3B%29%0D%0A%0D%0AArd Sumhenner%0D%0Athat Janice chick%0D%0AUsual Suspect and general menace 5|1|0|||1||RE%3A Dead to me%2C Claremont%21 DEAD TO MEEEEEE%21%21|Peter Eng||14:05:53|04/06/2006|%3E%0D%0A%3ESomeone please tell me why I even give Claremont six issues%27 worth of %0D%0A%3Echance these days. %0D%0A%3E%0D%0A%0D%0AYou%27re so used to working with Gryphon that you forget that Claremont ran out of ideas some time around 1987%3F %28This figure is made up.%29%0D%0A%0D%0AHonestly%2C the %22Ben Hutchins%2C Lord and Master of the Marvel Bullpen%22 scenario is looking better and better...%0D%0A%0D%0APeter Eng%0D%0A--%0D%0AI%27m only a Charter Member because of the DCForum upgrade%2C and because there%27s no rank below %22Clueless F%21wit.%22 8|1|0|||1||RE%3A Dead to me%2C Claremont%21 DEAD TO MEEEEEE%21%21|StaticdashPulse||10:33:29|04/07/2006|I pretty much put Claremont on my Level 6 Do Not Touch For Fear Of Death list years back when I tried to read %5Bi%5DSovereign Seven%5B%2Fi%5D. That book is the only comic to date to give me a headache trying to figure out WTF was going on.%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Bb%5DAndrew Burton%5B%2Fb%5D%2C aka Static-Pulse%0D%0A%5Blink%3Autilitarian.us%2F%7CA Guide To Esoteric Technology in Paragon City%5D 10|1|0|||1||RE%3A Dead to me%2C Claremont%21 DEAD TO MEEEEEE%21%21|Ardaniel||01:14:10|04/15/2006|Admittedly%2C I wrote this a month after the incident related below%2C but%3A%0D%0A%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.silverbulletcomicbooks.com%2Fnews%2F114436401349681.htm%0D%0A%0D%0AGeez%2C I didn%27t mean I wanted him %2Aliterally%2A dead to me.%0D%0A%0D%0AOn the upside%2C though%2C he%27s not ruining %5Bem%5DExiles%5B%2Fem%5D until the end of the year now.%0D%0A%0D%0A%28More seriously%2C it%27s rather like Paul from %5Ba href%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thexaxis.com%2F%22%5DThe X-Axis%5B%2Fa%5D said earlier in the week%3A Claremont got me into %2780s Marvel. It would be a damn shame for him to drop dead%2C regardless of the current wash of hideous spew he%27s unleashed upon the industry.%29%0D%0A%0D%0AArd Sumhenner%0D%0Athat Janice chick%0D%0AUsual Suspect and general menace