4||0|1388|0|yes 0|0|0|||1||You know...|Gryphon||22:28:46|06/24/2007|[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jun-25-07 AT 01:39 AM (EDT)]... I quite enjoyed %5Bi%5DMighty Morphin Power Rangers%3A The Movie%5B%2Fi%5D. I was never a particular fan of the show%2C but I went to see the movie a couple of times with Derek Bacon%2C and it was great fun.%0D%0A%0D%0ADumb%2C of course%2C that goes without saying%2C but great fun.%0D%0A%0D%0AThe first time we saw it was at what was then the General Cinemas 14 in Framingham. For some strange reason%2C they were showing it at all the usual times%2C not just in the afternoon%2C as is customary with kids%27 movies in that neck of the woods%2C so we went to the very last show a Friday%2C which started at around 11%3A15 PM. Apart from the two of us %28and I think Josh Brandt%2C unless he went the second time%29%2C there were only a handful of people there%2C all of them fratboys from some area college who were sitting down front. They intended to bust on the film%2C but Derek and I were having such a good time that they got freaked out and left about ten minutes in%2C so we had the place entirely to ourselves for the duration.%0D%0A%0D%0AMan. Hard to believe that was 12 years ago. I wonder if the girl who played the pink ranger is still hot.%0D%0A%0D%0A%28... apparently so%2C albeit not in a way I%27d probably have appreciated 12 years ago. So that%27s something%2C anyway. I guess.%29%0D%0A%0D%0AGood theme song%2C too. Right up there with the Lion version of the Transformers theme. And it had %22SenSurround%22 in it%2C though the version from the %22S-E-X-X-Y%22 single is better.%0D%0A%0D%0A--G.%0D%0A-%3E%3C-%0D%0ABenjamin D. Hutchins%2C Co-Founder%2C Editor-in-Chief%2C %26 Forum Admin%0D%0AEyrie Productions%2C Unlimited http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyrie-productions.com%2F%0D%0A 1|1|0|||||RE%3A You know...|BZArcher||18:12:57|06/25/2007|There was a lot of pretty campy fun in the movie%2C and in the original chopped up show%2C I think. I got a kick out of watching it back then. 2|2|1|||1||RE%3A You know...|laudre||20:21:24|06/25/2007|%3EThere was a lot of pretty campy fun in the movie%2C and in the original %0D%0A%3Echopped up show%2C I think. I got a kick out of watching it back then. %0D%0A%0D%0AAside from the massive nostalgia of Tommy%27s return in %5Bi%5DDino Thunder%5B%2Fi%5D%2C the last good Power Rangers show was %5Bi%5DTime Force%5B%2Fi%5D -- it had enough camp to still feel like Power Rangers%2C but actually managed to make the drama that it did have work without feeling out of place. That%2C and Ransik is probably the best villain the show has ever seen.%0D%0A%0D%0AI watched an episode of Operation Overdrive%2C and it was taking itself way too seriously. Boukenger%2C the show OO is adapted from%2C is a bit more serious than average for Super Sentai%2C but it was mustly just about raw badassitude%2C not%2C for god%27s sake%2C %5Bi%5Dangst%5B%2Fi%5D.%0D%0A%0D%0AEh%2C I%27m more into Kamen Rider anyway. The only reason I even watch Super Sentai%2C on the rare occasions when I do%2C is for the women.%0D%0A%0D%0A- Sean %0D%0A%22All tribal myths are true%2C for a given value of %27true.%27%22%0D%0A -- Terry Pratchett%2C from _The Last Continent_ 4|3|2|||1||RE%3A You know...|Gryphon||21:56:03|07/11/2007|%3EEh%2C I%27m more into Kamen Rider anyway.%0D%0A%0D%0AToo much jaw-jackin%27%2C not enough guys in beetle costumes beating the crap out of each other.%0D%0A%0D%0A--G.%0D%0A-%3E%3C-%0D%0ABenjamin D. Hutchins%2C Co-Founder%2C Editor-in-Chief%2C %26 Forum Admin%0D%0AEyrie Productions%2C Unlimited http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyrie-productions.com%2F%0D%0A 3|1|0|||1||RE%3A You know...|laudre||21:40:37|06/25/2007|Roger Ebert panned the movie quite thoroughly%3B I hunted up the review a few years ago%2C and while he was technically correct in all his criticisms %28almost nonexistent characterizations%2C no explanation of who these people are or how they got their powers%2C things of that nature%29%2C but said criticisms were like complaining about the lack of sea salt on your Burger King fries.%0D%0A%0D%0AI enjoyed it then%2C and it%27s still amusing now. About the only complaint I can make is that watching MMPR when I was 16 started me on the trail to watching the entirety of Magiranger... which%2C admittedly%2C had lots of redeeming qualities%2C but resolved its final fight with the ultimate villain with what amounted to a %5Bi%5DCare Bear Stare%5B%2Fi%5D.%0D%0A%0D%0A- Sean %0D%0A%22All tribal myths are true%2C for a given value of %27true.%27%22%0D%0A -- Terry Pratchett%2C from _The Last Continent_