12||0|1760|0|yes 0|0|0|||1||Transformers%3A The Other Movie|Gryphon||03:07:46|07/21/2007|[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-07 AT 03:08 AM (EDT)]Okay%2C damn it%2C I saw it.%0D%0A%0D%0ASomeone owes me %247%2C a pair of Advil%2C and a glass of water.%0D%0A%0D%0AThere%27s more to it than that%2C but it%27ll have to wait until tomorrow. The short version is just as it was after I saw the trailer%3A It would have been nice if there had been robots in this movie.%0D%0A%0D%0A--G.%0D%0A-%3E%3C-%0D%0ABenjamin D. Hutchins%2C Co-Founder%2C Editor-in-Chief%2C %26 Forum Admin%0D%0AEyrie Productions%2C Unlimited http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyrie-productions.com%2F%0D%0A 1|1|0|||1||RE%3A Transformers%3A The Other Movie|Gryphon||16:38:59|07/21/2007|The long version%3A%0D%0A%0D%0ANot as disappointing as the long trailer indicated it would be%2C but still pretty disappointing on a few important levels. Assuming I%27m not the last person around here to get around to seeing it%2C there will be spoilers in the breakdown below.%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Bb%5DTHE GOOD%5B%2Fb%5D%0D%0A%0D%0A - An overall high level of quipsmanship. There were only a few lines in this film that made me want to put someone%27s head - my own%2C if no others were available - through a window. Overall%2C though%2C some pretty good repartee. %28%22%5Bi%5DAre you username ladiesman217%3F%21%5B%2Fi%5D%22%29 If it%27s true that Bay is a fan%2C that gets some corroboration from the way what little dialogue the Transformers get is written. The bit with the Autobots trying to be inconspicuous was outright hilarious.%0D%0A%0D%0A - Fresh-Faced Kid%27s performance is nice%2C and%2C as promised elsewhere on these boards%2C not edgy at all. %28Though I should say here that I was mocking the movie industry%27s constant quest for edginess in general when I made that crack%2C not voicing any specific expectation of that actor.%29 Granted%2C he%27s a bit nebbishy for a human hero in a Transformers property - it comes off kind of like an Ultraman series in which the Ultra%27s human host is played by%2C I dunno%2C Gene Wilder - but a young actor can do worse than be compared to Gene Wilder.%0D%0A%0D%0A - Jon Voight didn%27t make me want to set my surroundings on fire to escape%2C which is unusual for one of his appearances. I%27d still rather have seen%2C say%2C Bruce Dern in that role%2C but hey. You can%27t have everything.%0D%0A%0D%0A - Some of the detail work was cute. Did anyone else notice that Barricade%27s Non-Specific Cop Car decals include the tagline%2C %22To punish and enslave%22%3F%0D%0A%0D%0A - It was nice of them to work Optimus Prime%27s techspec quote into his dialogue.%0D%0A%0D%0A - Both female leads%3A %5Bi%5Dsmokin%27 hot%5B%2Fi%5D.%0D%0A%0D%0A - Overall production values are admirable.%0D%0A%0D%0A - Oh hey%2C Griffith Observatory.%0D%0A%0D%0A - Oh hey%2C Hoover Dam. Though it%27s too bad they didn%27t actually manage to have at least an inconclusive round of Megatron vs. Prime there. That would%27ve been a fun reference to the Sherman Dam fight in the original mini-series.%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Bb%5DTHE BAD%5B%2Fb%5D%0D%0A%0D%0A - The DTS mix was abysmal. In order to make the dialogue %28especially that of the Decepticons%2C who mumble rather more than one would expect killer robots from outer space to do%29 intelligible%2C the theater had to turn the volume up so high that every explosion and metallic noise %28and %5Bi%5Dgosh%5B%2Fi%5D%2C in a Michael Bay film about mechanical life forms%2C %5Bi%5Dthere are a lot of those%5B%2Fi%5D%29 was like a screwdriver to the forehead. I can%27t remember the last time I left a movie theater with a genuine headache.%0D%0A%0D%0A - The producers%27 choice of which Transformers to include was sometimes... puzzling. Who the hell is Barricade%3F Why is Vortex called Blackout%3F %28Okay%2C that was probably some kind of trademark thing.%29 Why include Ratchet if he%27s never going to repair anything%3F %28There%27s even a scene where he%27s %5Bi%5Dneeded%5B%2Fi%5D in a medic%27s capacity%2C and he %5Bi%5Ddoesn%27t show up%5B%2Fi%5D.%29 Was Scorponok even supposed to be a character%2C or just some kind of drone%2C like G1 Prime%27s little spy cart%3F%0D%0A%0D%0A - I stand by what I said in the original thread. Though the film does not focus on The Horror Of Interplanetary War to the degree I was afraid it did%2C there is still an entirely un-Transformers-appropriate level of human butchery.%0D%0A%0D%0A - Oh look%2C high-handed men in black. Didn%27t see %5Bi%5Dthat%5B%2Fi%5D coming. %28Also%2C why was one of them apparently recruited by the Secret Agency straight out of clown college%3F%29%0D%0A%0D%0A - %22All modern technology is reverse-engineered from Megatron%22 %3D stupid. More than that%2C it%27s a backhanded slap in the face to the whole concept of human inventiveness. We based our modern age on scraps picked from between the teeth of an alien warlord we %5Bi%5Dfound%5B%2Fi%5D%2C not even having managed to capture him ourselves%3F That casts humanity as pathetic scavengers who don%27t deserve our place in the cosmos. Hell%2C it makes the Decepticon attitude toward us %5Bi%5Dcorrect%5B%2Fi%5D. I can%27t get behind that.%0D%0A%0D%0A - Optimus Prime can%27t beat Megatron without help from a teenager and a plot device%3F What%3F%0D%0A%0D%0A - Who the %5Bi%5Dfuck%5B%2Fi%5D kills off %5Bi%5DJazz%3F%5B%2Fi%5D%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Bb%5DTHE UGLY%5B%2Fb%5D%0D%0A%0D%0A - Whoever said the Transformer designs work better in motion%3F Uh... whatever you say%2C chief. Personally%2C I think the time they come %5Bi%5Dclosest%5B%2Fi%5D to working is when they%27re all just kind of standing around. When they %5Bi%5Dmove%5B%2Fi%5D%2C that accentuates the fact that they%27re all tangled collections of scrap metal that don%27t look like robots. This is most egregious during Optimus Prime%27s fight with Bonecrusher on the freeway %28I literally got eyestrain trying to figure out what the hell was going on%29 and pretty much the entire last 20 minutes of the movie.%0D%0A%0D%0A - Not that you%27d really be able to tell if they were better-designed robots during most of the action sequences%2C since they%27re all shot in that edgy-ass motion-blur pan-and-zoom %5Bi%5DBattlestar Galactica 2004%5B%2Fi%5D handy-cam %22fake documentary%22 style%2C with bonus extra-choppy thrash-metal-video editing. Good God%2C Mike. You paid a lot of money for a lot of really talented artists to spend a lot of time rendering those scenes on a lot of huge computers. %5Bi%5DYou might at least let the audience see it.%5B%2Fi%5D%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Bb%5DTHE %22HUH%3F%22%5B%2Fb%5D%0D%0A%0D%0A - Decepticon voice casting%3A undistinguished. Autobot voice casting%3A uneven. Obviously Prime was great%2C but the others... eh. Bumblebee%27s %22can only talk in radio clips%22 schtick was cute%2C but his actual voice when he finally figures out how to speak is... strange. Also%2C I%27m a little puzzled as to why they re-cast Ironhide when they had his original voice actor right next to him the whole time%2C figuratively speaking.%0D%0A%0D%0A - Soundtrack%3A deeply undistinguished%2C apart from the oldies used as in-story music %28usually%2C I must say%2C to very cute effect%29. I stayed for the full ending credits and couldn%27t help noticing that all the songs played during the crawl%2C like all the songs used as scene BGM during the film%2C sounded pretty much the same - generic post-metal power rock. Entirely expected%2C but lame.%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0AAll in all%2C not a bad effort%2C and in some ways quite good%2C but still%2C as a Transformers picture%2C disappointing. Sure%2C it%27s bigger%2C louder%2C flashier%2C and slicker than the 1985 animated feature. Your home movies would too if they%27d cost that much more money. One is a cult icon%2C beloved by an entire generation despite its various shortcomings. The other will make a lot of money%2C spawn a sequel or two%2C and vanish into the cultural background noise within a decade or so. Which is the greater legacy%3F I know which one I%27m more likely to pull out of my video archives every six months or so.%0D%0A%0D%0A%28Also%2C is it just me%2C or is that last scene kind of... creepy%3F The kids making out on Bumblebee%27s hood was weird enough%2C but then they pull back and the rest of the Autobots are sitting there watching%3F Eeee. Jeez%2C guys.%29%0D%0A%0D%0A--G.%0D%0A-%3E%3C-%0D%0ABenjamin D. Hutchins%2C Co-Founder%2C Editor-in-Chief%2C %26 Forum Admin%0D%0AEyrie Productions%2C Unlimited http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyrie-productions.com%2F%0D%0A 2|2|1|||1||Oh%2C also%2C|Gryphon||16:41:14|07/21/2007|W. Morgan Sheppard yay%21%0D%0A%0D%0A--G.%0D%0A-%3E%3C-%0D%0ABenjamin D. Hutchins%2C Co-Founder%2C Editor-in-Chief%2C %26 Forum Admin%0D%0AEyrie Productions%2C Unlimited http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyrie-productions.com%2F%0D%0A 3|2|1|||1||RE%3A Transformers%3A The Other Movie|laudre||01:04:43|07/22/2007|%3E - %22All modern technology is reverse-engineered from Megatron%22 %3D %0D%0A%3Estupid. More than that%2C it%27s a backhanded slap in the face to the %0D%0A%3Ewhole concept of human inventiveness. We based our modern age on %0D%0A%3Escraps picked from between the teeth of an alien warlord we %0D%0A%3E%5Bi%5Dfound%5B%2Fi%5D%2C not even having managed to capture him ourselves%3F That %0D%0A%3Ecasts humanity as pathetic scavengers who don%27t deserve our place in %0D%0A%3Ethe cosmos. Hell%2C it makes the Decepticon attitude toward us %0D%0A%3E%5Bi%5Dcorrect%5B%2Fi%5D. I can%27t get behind that. %0D%0A%0D%0AI had exactly the same reaction. I figured out afterwards%2C and had it confirmed later%2C that the writers threw that in to explain why the Allspark could turn a little Nokia phone into a miniature killbot%2C by activating its latent Cybertronian tech or somesuch. My reaction was even that is completely superfluous -- anything that can compress itself down from what looks to be about 200 yards on a side down to maybe a %5Bi%5Dfoot%5B%2Fi%5D on a side doesn%27t need any further explanation for having magical-seeming powers. I mean%2C it regenerated Frenzy from a disembodied head%2C for fuck%27s sake%2C without drawing upon any outside source for construction material. And it%27s an objectionable line for all the reasons you stated.%0D%0A%0D%0ABlackout and Barricade first showed up as Decepticon names in %5Bi%5DCybertron%5B%2Fi%5D%2C AFAIK%2C though I could admittedly be wrong%3B they were two of the components of neo-Bruticus %28Barricade being the main body%2C Blackout being the purple helicopter limb%29.%0D%0A%0D%0AAnother note about Barricade in the movie%3A the other slogan in his cop markings%2C the one in Latin%2C is somewhat mistranslated%2C but apparently was intended to mean something like %22peace through pacification.%22%0D%0A%0D%0AAll told%2C at this point I think the recent Japanese series have all been much better %5Bi%5DTransformers%5B%2Fi%5D stories %28and I do mean the Japanese series%2C not the American dubs%29 than the new movie.%0D%0A%0D%0A%28I should also note that I%27m not an especial fan of the G1 movie%3B I didn%27t see until many years later%2C so it doesn%27t get the same nostalgia filter as the TV series.%29%0D%0A%0D%0A- Sean %0D%0A%22All tribal myths are true%2C for a given value of %27true.%27%22%0D%0A -- Terry Pratchett%2C from _The Last Continent_ 4|2|1|||||RE%3A Transformers%3A The Other Movie|mdg1||08:25:15|07/22/2007|I can%27t say I disagree about Turturro. I love him as an actor%2C but he seems to have wandered in from a different movie. 5|2|1|||||RE%3A Transformers%3A The Other Movie|O_M||22:33:09|07/22/2007|%3E - The producers%27 choice of which Transformers to include was %0D%0A%3Esometimes... puzzling. Who the hell is Barricade%3F Why is Vortex %0D%0A%3Ecalled Blackout%3F %28Okay%2C that was probably some kind of trademark %0D%0A%3Ething.%29 Why include Ratchet if he%27s never going to repair anything%3F %0D%0A%3E%28There%27s even a scene where he%27s %5Bi%5Dneeded%5B%2Fi%5D in a medic%27s capacity%2C %0D%0A%3Eand he %5Bi%5Ddoesn%27t show up%5B%2Fi%5D.%29 Was Scorponok even supposed to be a %0D%0A%3Echaracter%2C or just some kind of drone%2C like G1 Prime%27s little spy %0D%0A%3Ecart%3F %0D%0A%0D%0ABarricade%2C I think was there to fill a role rather than hunt down some obscure G1 character that%27d fit the same role and that may or may not have had the copyrights removed. Blackout%2C from the sounds of his tech specs%28as well as his rather %22ejectable minion%22 relationship with Scorpy%29 is suspected to have been intended to be Soundwave%27s %22loyal %232 to Megs%22 role. Which is odd given Frenzy was almost called Soundwave and Bay%27s mentioned he wants to put the spymaster in 2. Scorponok%27s most distinctively noted as having a symbiotic relationship with Blackout%2C making me think that your Roller comparison rather apt.%0D%0A%0D%0A%3E - I stand by what I said in the original thread. Though the film %0D%0A%3Edoes not focus on The Horror Of Interplanetary War to the degree I was %0D%0A%3Eafraid it did%2C there is still an entirely un-Transformers-appropriate %0D%0A%3Elevel of human butchery. %0D%0A%0D%0AI%27ll respectfully disagree%2C again citing examples of even more extensive human butchery in the original series%28no more portrayed on screen than here. The only one I suspect was killed on screen was the guy Scorpy ran into%29. But then%2C your opinion and you%27re entitled.%0D%0A%0D%0A%3E - Oh look%2C high-handed men in black. Didn%27t see %5Bi%5Dthat%5B%2Fi%5D coming. %0D%0A%3E%28Also%2C why was one of them apparently recruited by the Secret Agency %0D%0A%3Estraight out of clown college%3F%29 %0D%0A%0D%0AIn plot explanation according to novelization%3A he%27s tolerated due to his family being one of Sector 7%27s founders. I suspect they wanted some more comedic relief%28which was badly timed%2C especially since they pulled out an entirely new Sec7 character just to deliver exposition seriously%29. I pretty much agree his comedic setup was rather unnecessary.%0D%0A%0D%0A%3E - %22All modern technology is reverse-engineered from Megatron%22 %3D %0D%0A%3Estupid. More than that%2C it%27s a backhanded slap in the face to the %0D%0A%3Ewhole concept of human inventiveness. We based our modern age on %0D%0A%3Escraps picked from between the teeth of an alien warlord we %0D%0A%3E%5Bi%5Dfound%5B%2Fi%5D%2C not even having managed to capture him ourselves%3F That %0D%0A%3Ecasts humanity as pathetic scavengers who don%27t deserve our place in %0D%0A%3Ethe cosmos. Hell%2C it makes the Decepticon attitude toward us %0D%0A%3E%5Bi%5Dcorrect%5B%2Fi%5D. I can%27t get behind that. %0D%0A%0D%0AI saw that as the guy trying to make himself and his organization sound impressive. Given how utterly ineffective Sector 7 was once the other TFs made planetfall%2C and with the SecDef right there%2C I%27m sure he%27d like to make sure his organization is considered necessary when the pieces all finish falling. It%27s even incorrect%2C given modern computing started in Germany%2C if I remember correctly%2C and Sector 7 isn%27t a global Illuminati like some might%27ve cast them.%0D%0A%0D%0A%3E - Optimus Prime can%27t beat Megatron without help from a teenager and %0D%0A%3Ea plot device%3F What%3F %0D%0A%0D%0AA friend of mine and I talked about that. Given that huge cannon Megs extends about halfway through the fight is labeled on the toy as a fusion cannon%2C one can%27t blame Prime for feeling a little beat up after taking what was presumably a full power blast from that directly through the chest. Plus%2C I greatly suspect that the plot device is coming back in a sequel along with Megs%2C most likely in form of a familiar upgrade.%0D%0A%0D%0A%3E - Not that you%27d really be able to tell if they were better-designed %0D%0A%3Erobots during most of the action sequences%2C since they%27re all shot in %0D%0A%3Ethat edgy-ass motion-blur pan-and-zoom %5Bi%5DBattlestar Galactica %0D%0A%3E2004%5B%2Fi%5D handy-cam %22fake documentary%22 style%2C with bonus extra-choppy %0D%0A%3Ethrash-metal-video editing. Good God%2C Mike. You paid a lot of money %0D%0A%3Efor a lot of really talented artists to spend a lot of time rendering %0D%0A%3Ethose scenes on a lot of huge computers. %5Bi%5DYou might at least let %0D%0A%3Ethe audience see it.%5B%2Fi%5D %0D%0A%0D%0AI can%27t argue with this. Most blatant example%3A Bumblebee vs. Barricade. Frenzy getting humorously defeated could%27ve had less focus.%0D%0A%0D%0A%3E%5Bb%5DTHE %22HUH%3F%22%5B%2Fb%5D %0D%0A%3E%0D%0A%3E - Decepticon voice casting%3A undistinguished. Autobot voice casting%3A %0D%0A%3Euneven. Obviously Prime was great%2C but the others... eh. Bumblebee%27s %0D%0A%3E%22can only talk in radio clips%22 schtick was cute%2C but his actual voice %0D%0A%3Ewhen he finally figures out how to speak is... strange. Also%2C I%27m a %0D%0A%3Elittle puzzled as to why they re-cast Ironhide when they had his %0D%0A%3Eoriginal voice actor right next to him the whole time%2C figuratively %0D%0A%3Espeaking. %0D%0A%0D%0AYeah%2C it was a bit deep for my estimation of him%2C just because he seems to be the youngest of them. Though I still liked Megatron%27s voice acting. It wasn%27t Agent Megatron%2C and was suitably growly angry for Megs.%0D%0A%0D%0A%3E%28Also%2C is it just me%2C or is that last scene kind of... creepy%3F The %0D%0A%3Ekids making out on Bumblebee%27s hood was weird enough%2C but then they %0D%0A%3Epull back and the rest of the Autobots are sitting there watching%3F %0D%0A%3EEeee. Jeez%2C guys.%29 %0D%0A%0D%0A%2Asnort%2A Yeah%2C that was about my opinion of that scene. I blame Ratchet indulging a scientist%27s curiosity. %3A%29 6|2|1|||||RE%3A Transformers%3A The Other Movie|Kendra Kirai||10:20:55|07/24/2007|%3EThe long version%3A %0D%0A%3E%0D%0A%3ENot as disappointing as the long trailer indicated it would be%2C but %0D%0A%3Estill pretty disappointing on a few important levels. Assuming I%27m %0D%0A%3Enot the last person around here to get around to seeing it%2C there will %0D%0A%3Ebe spoilers in the breakdown below. %0D%0A%3E%0D%0A%3E%5Bb%5DTHE BAD%5B%2Fb%5D %0D%0A%3E%0D%0A%3E - The DTS mix was abysmal. In order to make the dialogue %28especially %0D%0A%3Ethat of the Decepticons%2C who mumble rather more than one would expect %0D%0A%3Ekiller robots from outer space to do%29 intelligible%2C the theater had to %0D%0A%3Eturn the volume up so high that every explosion and metallic noise %0D%0A%3E%28and %5Bi%5Dgosh%5B%2Fi%5D%2C in a Michael Bay film about mechanical life forms%2C %0D%0A%3E%5Bi%5Dthere are a lot of those%5B%2Fi%5D%29 was like a screwdriver to the %0D%0A%3Eforehead. I can%27t remember the last time I left a movie theater with %0D%0A%3Ea genuine headache. %0D%0A%0D%0AThis%2C I%27m not entirely certain was the fault of the movie itself...though it%27s definitely true that Frenzy for sure was rather hard to understand..perhaps because most of his dialogue is in Cybertronian.%0D%0A%0D%0A%3E - The producers%27 choice of which Transformers to include was %0D%0A%3Esometimes... puzzling. Who the hell is Barricade%3F Why is Vortex %0D%0A%3Ecalled Blackout%3F %28Okay%2C that was probably some kind of trademark %0D%0A%3Ething.%29 Why include Ratchet if he%27s never going to repair anything%3F %0D%0A%3E%28There%27s even a scene where he%27s %5Bi%5Dneeded%5B%2Fi%5D in a medic%27s capacity%2C %0D%0A%3Eand he %5Bi%5Ddoesn%27t show up%5B%2Fi%5D.%29 Was Scorponok even supposed to be a %0D%0A%3Echaracter%2C or just some kind of drone%2C like G1 Prime%27s little spy %0D%0A%3Ecart%3F %0D%0A%0D%0AI think they just needed some random Decepticons to fill out the ranks that wouldn%27t be missed... And yes%2C Scorponok is%2C according to his spec%2C %27barely sentient%27...he%27s more a direct part of Blackout than an actual Transformer%2C very much like Roller. %0D%0A%0D%0A%3E - I stand by what I said in the original thread. Though the film %0D%0A%3Edoes not focus on The Horror Of Interplanetary War to the degree I was %0D%0A%3Eafraid it did%2C there is still an entirely un-Transformers-appropriate %0D%0A%3Elevel of human butchery. %0D%0A%0D%0AAs said by somebody else%2C who%27s name unfortunately escapes me at the moment%2C the original series was at least as guilty of offscreen death. You can%27t possibly claim that nobody died when Megatron brought Cybertron into Earth orbit%2C or sent Earth towards the sun...main difference is that in the movie%2C the majority of the casualties seem to be soldiers. ..Well%2C except those poor schmucks in the office building when Megs steamrolls Prime through it....%0D%0A%0D%0A%3E - Oh look%2C high-handed men in black. Didn%27t see %5Bi%5Dthat%5B%2Fi%5D coming. %0D%0A%3E%28Also%2C why was one of them apparently recruited by the Secret Agency %0D%0A%3Estraight out of clown college%3F%29 %0D%0A%0D%0AEhh%2C call %27em the new RAAT. They don%27t know%2Fdon%27t care that there are robots who are good. %0D%0A%0D%0A%3E - %22All modern technology is reverse-engineered from Megatron%22 %3D %0D%0A%3Estupid. More than that%2C it%27s a backhanded slap in the face to the %0D%0A%3Ewhole concept of human inventiveness. We based our modern age on %0D%0A%3Escraps picked from between the teeth of an alien warlord we %0D%0A%3E%5Bi%5Dfound%5B%2Fi%5D%2C not even having managed to capture him ourselves%3F That %0D%0A%3Ecasts humanity as pathetic scavengers who don%27t deserve our place in %0D%0A%3Ethe cosmos. Hell%2C it makes the Decepticon attitude toward us %0D%0A%3E%5Bi%5Dcorrect%5B%2Fi%5D. I can%27t get behind that. %0D%0A%0D%0AI dunno%2C I think it would say a lot about human inventiveness that we were even %2Aable%2A to reverse-engineer parts of a living machine thousands of years more advanced than us. Plus%2C he must have been trying to make Sector 7 look big. A lot of technology still being used was created before Megs was moved to Hoover Dam and studied.%0D%0A%0D%0A%3E - Optimus Prime can%27t beat Megatron without help from a teenager and %0D%0A%3Ea plot device%3F What%3F %0D%0A%0D%0AWell%2C Prime had just gotten though a fight with Bonecrusher %28And apparently%2C a cut fight with Barricade%29%2C while Megs was fresh...and %2Aif%2A I%27m recalling correctly%2C Megs has always had the edge in raw power%2C and definitely ruthlessness. I%27m thinking Prime was holding back%2C trying not to hurt the humans. He never %2Adid%2A use his guns%2C I don%27t think%2C while Megs certainly used his.%0D%0A%0D%0A%3E - Who the %5Bi%5Dfuck%5B%2Fi%5D kills off %5Bi%5DJazz%3F%5B%2Fi%5D %0D%0A%0D%0AI have nothing to add%2C here%2C except I think they just needed an autobot to get croaked so it wasn%27t such an obvious win for the good guys.%0D%0A%0D%0A%3E%5Bb%5DTHE UGLY%5B%2Fb%5D %0D%0A%3E%0D%0A%3E - Whoever said the Transformer designs work better in motion%3F Uh... %0D%0A%3Ewhatever you say%2C chief. Personally%2C I think the time they come %0D%0A%3E%5Bi%5Dclosest%5B%2Fi%5D to working is when they%27re all just kind of standing %0D%0A%3Earound. When they %5Bi%5Dmove%5B%2Fi%5D%2C that accentuates the fact that they%27re %0D%0A%3Eall tangled collections of scrap metal that don%27t look like robots. %0D%0A%3EThis is most egregious during Optimus Prime%27s fight with Bonecrusher %0D%0A%3Eon the freeway %28I literally got eyestrain trying to figure out what %0D%0A%3Ethe hell was going on%29 and pretty much the entire last 20 minutes of %0D%0A%3Ethe movie. %0D%0A%0D%0AWell...to each their own.%0D%0A%0D%0A%3E - Not that you%27d really be able to tell if they were better-designed %0D%0A%3Erobots during most of the action sequences%2C since they%27re all shot in %0D%0A%3Ethat edgy-ass motion-blur pan-and-zoom %5Bi%5DBattlestar Galactica %0D%0A%3E2004%5B%2Fi%5D handy-cam %22fake documentary%22 style%2C with bonus extra-choppy %0D%0A%3Ethrash-metal-video editing. Good God%2C Mike. You paid a lot of money %0D%0A%3Efor a lot of really talented artists to spend a lot of time rendering %0D%0A%3Ethose scenes on a lot of huge computers. %5Bi%5DYou might at least let %0D%0A%3Ethe audience see it.%5B%2Fi%5D %0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0AAhh%2C the BayCam. Bay has never heard of a steadicam it seems ....or a tripod. The man should be flogged.%0D%0A%0D%0A%3E%5Bb%5DTHE %22HUH%3F%22%5B%2Fb%5D %0D%0A%3E%0D%0A%3E - Decepticon voice casting%3A undistinguished. Autobot voice casting%3A %0D%0A%3Euneven. Obviously Prime was great%2C but the others... eh. Bumblebee%27s %0D%0A%3E%22can only talk in radio clips%22 schtick was cute%2C but his actual voice %0D%0A%3Ewhen he finally figures out how to speak is... strange. Also%2C I%27m a %0D%0A%3Elittle puzzled as to why they re-cast Ironhide when they had his %0D%0A%3Eoriginal voice actor right next to him the whole time%2C figuratively %0D%0A%3Espeaking. %0D%0A%0D%0AYeah%2C %27Bee%27s real voice is definitely..odd. As for Ironhide%3F ...Maybe they didn%27t want to have to pay Cullen for two roles%3F %28I dunno%2C makes as much sense as any reason I can think of%29%0D%0A%0D%0A%3E - Soundtrack%3A deeply undistinguished%2C apart from the oldies used as %0D%0A%3Ein-story music %28usually%2C I must say%2C to very cute effect%29. I stayed %0D%0A%3Efor the full ending credits and couldn%27t help noticing that all the %0D%0A%3Esongs played during the crawl%2C like all the songs used as scene BGM %0D%0A%3Eduring the film%2C sounded pretty much the same - generic post-metal %0D%0A%3Epower rock. Entirely expected%2C but lame. %0D%0A%0D%0AIndeed. They missed several opportunities to pull out some Stan Busch%28Is that how it%27s spelled%3F%29 and the original theme%2C or even a remix%2C during the credits.%0D%0A%0D%0A%3EAll in all%2C not a bad effort%2C and in some ways quite good%2C but still%2C %0D%0A%3Eas a Transformers picture%2C disappointing. Sure%2C it%27s bigger%2C louder%2C %0D%0A%3Eflashier%2C and slicker than the 1985 animated feature. Your home %0D%0A%3Emovies would too if they%27d cost that much more money. One is a cult %0D%0A%3Eicon%2C beloved by an entire generation despite its various %0D%0A%3Eshortcomings. The other will make a lot of money%2C spawn a sequel or %0D%0A%3Etwo%2C and vanish into the cultural background noise within a decade or %0D%0A%3Eso. Which is the greater legacy%3F I know which one I%27m more likely to %0D%0A%3Epull out of my video archives every six months or so. %0D%0A%0D%0AWell...you have to admit%2C there %2Ais%2A a certain amount of nostalgia around the %2786 movie. And so many of it%27s scenes are so memorable%2C mostly because they were so shocking to a young%27un. Prime%27s Juggernaut-esque steamrolling of Decepticons on his way to Megatron%3F Megatron so coldly and easily offing half of the original cast%3F Unicron eating Lithone%3F Unicron %2Atransforming%2A%3F Every few minutes is a scene that will stick in my mind forever. Not so much in the new one...partly because I%27ve seen so much like it before. %0D%0A%0D%0AMy hope is that Transformers will be similar to The Matrix%2C in reverse...the first movie is kinda blah%2C then keeps getting better. %28Whereas the first movie of the Matrix trilogy was great%2C the others went steadily and very quickly downhill.%29%0D%0A%0D%0A%3E%28Also%2C is it just me%2C or is that last scene kind of... creepy%3F The %0D%0A%3Ekids making out on Bumblebee%27s hood was weird enough%2C but then they %0D%0A%3Epull back and the rest of the Autobots are sitting there watching%3F %0D%0A%3EEeee. Jeez%2C guys.%29 %0D%0A%0D%0AWell%2C %27Bee at least is a bit of a perv. He was trying to get Sam and HotChick to get jiggy from the word %27go%27. 7|3|6|||1||RE%3A Transformers%3A The Other Movie|Gryphon||11:01:42|07/24/2007|%3EWell%2C %27Bee at least is a bit of a perv. He was trying to get Sam and %0D%0A%3EHotChick to get jiggy from the word %27go%27. %0D%0A%0D%0AWell%2C he understands the fundamental truth that a man%27s ride has got to look out for his interests. %3A%29%0D%0A%0D%0A--G.%0D%0A-%3E%3C-%0D%0ABenjamin D. Hutchins%2C Co-Founder%2C Editor-in-Chief%2C %26 Forum Admin%0D%0AEyrie Productions%2C Unlimited http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyrie-productions.com%2F%0D%0A 8|2|1|||1||RE%3A Transformers%3A The Other Movie|Bad Moon||15:47:49|07/24/2007|%3E - An overall high level of quipsmanship. There were only a few lines %0D%0A%3Ein this film that made me want to put someone%27s head - my own%2C if no %0D%0A%3Eothers were available - through a window. Overall%2C though%2C some %0D%0A%3Epretty good repartee. %28%22%5Bi%5DAre you username ladiesman217%3F%21%5B%2Fi%5D%22%29 If %0D%0A%3Eit%27s true that Bay is a fan%2C that gets some corroboration from the way %0D%0A%3Ewhat little dialogue the Transformers get is written. The bit with %0D%0A%3Ethe Autobots trying to be inconspicuous was outright hilarious. %0D%0A%0D%0AI was waiting for Ironhide to ask anybody if they had tickets to the Gun Show%21 Ah well%2C maybe the next movie.%0D%0A%0D%0A------%0D%0AJon Helscher%0D%0A%0D%0AI%27m here to slow you down%2C cost you money%2C and generally retard the process.%0D%0A%0D%0A-Mike Rowe%3A Dirty Jobs 9|1|0|||1||RE%3A Transformers%3A The Other Movie|BlackAeronaut||01:25:24|08/03/2007|Some thoughtful soul%28s%29 wrote %5Ba href%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FTransformers_%2528film%2529%22%5Da pretty damn thorough Wikipedia article%5B%2Fa%5D on the movie that will probably answer a lot of questions. Most interestingly%2C I found that Bay did not want to make Bumblebee a VW Bug because he was afraid he%27d be confused for Herbie the Love Bug. %2AInsert rimshot and lame trombone here%2A%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Btable%5D%5Btr%5D%5Btd%5D%5Bhr%5D%5Bfont size%3D%222%22 face%3D%22Arial Narrow%22%5D%5Bb%5DBlack Aeronaut Technologies%5B%2Fb%5D%0D%0ACreative aerospace solutions for the discerning spacer%0D%0A%5Bi%5D%22To the commissary we should go%2C%22 Yoda declared firmly. %22News of this kind a danish requires.%22%5B%2Fi%5D%5B%2Ffont%5D%5B%2Ftd%5D%5B%2Ftr%5D%5B%2Ftable%5D 10|2|9|||1||RE%3A Transformers%3A The Other Movie|Gryphon||01:34:41|08/03/2007|%3EMost interestingly%2C I found that Bay did %0D%0A%3Enot want to make Bumblebee a VW Bug because he was afraid he%27d be %0D%0A%3Econfused for Herbie the Love Bug.%0D%0A%0D%0AI suspect Mike might be frontin%27 somewhat%2C and that in reality Volkswagen declined to license the Beetle%27s design%2C as they have consistently declined to license any of their vehicles to Hasbro or Takara in the past 10 years or so.%0D%0A%0D%0A--G.%0D%0A-%3E%3C-%0D%0ABenjamin D. Hutchins%2C Co-Founder%2C Editor-in-Chief%2C %26 Forum Admin%0D%0AEyrie Productions%2C Unlimited http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyrie-productions.com%2F%0D%0A 11|3|10|||1||RE%3A Transformers%3A The Other Movie|remande||10:53:08|08/03/2007|%3E%3EMost interestingly%2C I found that Bay did %0D%0A%3E%3Enot want to make Bumblebee a VW Bug because he was afraid he%27d be %0D%0A%3E%3Econfused for Herbie the Love Bug.%0D%0A%3E%0D%0A%3EI suspect Mike might be frontin%27 somewhat%2C and that in reality %0D%0A%3EVolkswagen declined to license the Beetle%27s design%2C as they have %0D%0A%3Econsistently declined to license any of their vehicles to Hasbro or %0D%0A%3ETakara in the past 10 years or so. %0D%0A%3E%0D%0A%3E--G. %0D%0A%0D%0AWell%2C a good third of the movie did look like %3Ci%3EThe Love Bug%3C%2Fi%3E%2C even with a Camaro. OTOH%2C they had some honkin%27 huge deal with GM on this movie %28I%27m told that GM will be releasing a special edition Ironhide pickup truck%29.%0D%0A%0D%0AI hated Bernie Mac as the salesman. But looking back%2C maybe that%27s there because he%27s as far from Thorndyke as you can get.%0D%0A%0D%0A--rR%0D%0A 12|4|11|||1||RE%3A Transformers%3A The Other Movie|BlackAeronaut||22:04:04|08/07/2007|[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-07-07 AT 10:06 PM (EDT)]%3EOTOH%2C they had some honkin%27 huge deal with GM on %0D%0A%3Ethis movie %28I%27m told that GM will be releasing a special edition %0D%0A%3EIronhide pickup truck%29. %0D%0A%0D%0AThere %5Bi%5Dis%5B%2Fi%5D that. %3A%29%0D%0A%0D%0A%3EI hated Bernie Mac as the salesman.%0D%0A%0D%0AI think that was the point entirely. %3B%29%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Btable%5D%5Btr%5D%5Btd%5D%5Bhr%5D%5Bfont size%3D%222%22 face%3D%22Arial Narrow%22%5D%5Bb%5DBlack Aeronaut Technologies%5B%2Fb%5D%0D%0ACreative aerospace solutions for the discerning spacer%0D%0A%5Bi%5D%22To the commissary we should go%2C%22 Yoda declared firmly. %22News of this kind a danish requires.%22%5B%2Fi%5D%5B%2Ffont%5D%5B%2Ftd%5D%5B%2Ftr%5D%5B%2Ftable%5D%0D%0A%0D%0AEDIT%3A Oh%2C and in case no one has said so yet%2C Welcome Back%2C reRob%21 %5E_%5E