0||0|1010|0|yes 0|0|0|||||Shaolin Brands%3F|mdg1||14:58:19|01/05/2009|Maybe you can help defrag my brain here.%0D%0A%0D%0AI know from KUNG FU%2C among other places%2C that the Shaolin reportedly did the %22lift a hot cauldron with their forearms%2C and get branded%22 thing%2C but I could have sworn that I read somewhere that an alternate test was to lift the cauldron in a bear hug%2C and brand the supplicant%27s _chest_ instead. Does this ring a bell with anyone%3F%0D%0A%0D%0A%28The reason I asked is that I was wondering if there%27s a connection between that and Marvel%27s IRON FIST%2C who not only had a brand on his chest%2C but was also empowered by a flaming cauldron%29.