12||0|1896|0|yes 0|0|0|||1||Nice while it lasted...|Apostate_Soul||19:29:14|03/15/2012|A little under a year ago%2C I posted about my engagement.%0D%0A%0D%0AI am very sorry to say that this is no longer a going concern%2C and myself and my partner have separated. There had been problems%2C which I admit had been wearing%2C and we had decided to go on a break. But then... well%2C almost a month ago now... she had an Episode. I%27d known she had mental health problems for a while%2C and I went into the relationship with both eyes open. And this episode was bad. Essentially%2C I spent the best part of a week preventing her from killing herself before I finally managed to get her into a hospital for treatment.%0D%0A%0D%0ANo-one%2C not even her closest friends%2C are blaming me. Some of them despised me when we got together%2C but having seen%2C now%2C what I had dealt with%2C that I spent a week making suer that she kept breathing after the initial overdose%2C a week of restr5aining her when she went after more pills%2C of hypnotising her at one point %28under false pretences%29 to knock her out so more of the initial overdose could work through her system... even her father is giving me full support in whatever I wish to do next. The fact that she was only finally admitted to hospital after she had taken another overdose inside the hospital while waiting to be assessed with stolen tablets that she%27d hidden in a pot of face cream... well%2C that was pretty much the final straw.%0D%0A%0D%0ABut I didn%27t end it because of her mental health problems. No%2C I%27ve had to get out of it because after a week%2C she discharged herself. And the first thing I did when she came back... I had an anxiety attack. I had an anxiety%2Fpanic attack in the hallway when I saw her. The girl scares me now%2C and I can%27t live in that situation. I%27ve also found myself more emotional- in the past%2C my friends have thought of me as being so reserved and controlled as to damn near be a Vulcan%2C or to have a supplier of Prozium- I have been told by my friends that after speaking to me%2C once or twice%2C they%27d been on the verge of getting me help%2C never mind her. I%27d be in a hospital now myself if I hadn%27t got out.%0D%0A%0D%0ASo now... now I am trying to rebuild and heal. I have some triggers now that I never had %28another bad sign%29 and the thought of randomly meeting her makes me anxious. A female friend of mine %28who I am very fond of%29 was napping in her front room the other day%2C and my first instinct%3F %22Is she still breathing%3F%22%0D%0A%0D%0ASo. I have had a hell of a month%2C and I am now doing my best to get back to normal. Whatever Normal is.%0D%0A%0D%0A%22It%27s difficult keeping up with the cross-continuity%2C but I think Cosmouse just gave The Saturnian Scraphunter his Ultimate Pacifier to use against Galactapuss...%22 1|1|0|||1||RE%3A Nice while it lasted...|Gryphon||21:57:24|03/15/2012|Wow%2C dude. Just... wow.%0D%0A%0D%0AAt this hour I cannot really come up with anything more than that.%0D%0A%0D%0AOn the plus side%2C and it is admittedly quite a small one relatively speaking%2C there%27s been new stuff while you were%2C uh%2C handling that.%0D%0A%0D%0ADang.%0D%0A%0D%0A--G.%0D%0A-%3E%3C-%0D%0ABenjamin D. Hutchins%2C Co-Founder%2C Editor-in-Chief%2C %26 Forum Mod%0D%0AEyrie Productions%2C Unlimited http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyrie-productions.com%2F%0D%0Azgryphon at that email service Google has%0D%0A%5Bi%5DCeterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.%5B%2Fi%5D 2|1|0|||||RE%3A Nice while it lasted...|clg||00:06:16|03/16/2012|Um%85 yeah. What Gryph said.%0D%0A%0D%0AAlso%2C don%27t be afraid to see a specialist yourself%2C especially if the anxiety %26 triggers persist. After an injury like that%2C the quicker you get it addressed%2C the better. 3|2|2|||1||RE%3A Nice while it lasted...|The Traitor||08:47:59|03/16/2012|As someone who refused point-blank to get treated for depression and GID out of paranoia%2C I strongly second the previous post. Don%27t be afraid of getting help for this and don%27t be afraid of pain. To borrow one of my people%27s messages%2C it really does get better.%0D%0A%0D%0AOr at least it gets less worse.%0D%0A%0D%0A---%0D%0A%22Yeah%2C I%27m definitely going to hell%2FBut I%27ll have all the best stories to tell%22 -- Frank Turner%2C The Ballad of Me and My Friends 4|3|3|||||RE%253A Nice while it lasted...|BeardedFerret||09:24:56|03/16/2012|Emphatically thirded. You%27ve made it through this but you need to make sure it doesn%27t keep eating at you. Don%27t be afraid to ask for help%2C and don%27t be surprised at how hard it can be. Sincreely%2C good luck. 5|4|4|||1||RE%3A RE%253A Nice while it lasted...|Apostate_Soul||21:23:30|03/20/2012|%0D%0ADon%27t worry%2C I %2Aam%2A seeking help. But due to the lengthy waiting lists and the fact that I%27m presently engaged in a crash course in Security%2C That%27s not going to be for a little while.%0D%0A%0D%0AI have had a short period of time where I thought I might be hallucinating %28as opposed to the other times where I see things that shouldn%27t be there.... ah%2C the perils of Hermetic Ritual%21%29%2C a brief bout of suicidal impulses%2C and a residual time with my emotions much closer to the surface. But if I have had a breakdown%2C it%27s not all bad. I now have a remarkable memory for numbers... although I wouldn%27t recommend that method of achieving powers.%0D%0A%0D%0A%22It%27s difficult keeping up with the cross-continuity%2C but I think Cosmouse just gave The Saturnian Scraphunter his Ultimate Pacifier to use against Galactapuss...%22 6|5|5|||||RE%3A RE%253A Nice while it lasted...|BeardedFerret||07:35:55|03/23/2012|Brave faces aside%2C don%27t be afraid to talk to someone%2C anyone%2C if you need to. Even if it%27s just stupid random Internet people. Just talk. 7|6|6|||1||RE%3A RE%253A Nice while it lasted...|Apostate_Soul||23:30:41|03/24/2012|%0D%0A...I%27ll be blunt. This whole thing has lots more threads attached to it.I would type the whole thing up as a kind of therapy session for myself%2C but I%27m not sure that this place is the right forum for it.%0D%0A%0D%0AHowever%2C if you folks here are willing to listen... I%27ll let it all pour out. Hell%2C there might even be a story idea in it for someone...%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%22It%27s difficult keeping up with the cross-continuity%2C but I think Cosmouse just gave The Saturnian Scraphunter his Ultimate Pacifier to use against Galactapuss...%22 8|7|7|||1||RE%3A RE%253A Nice while it lasted...|Offsides||00:09:38|03/25/2012|Regardless of whether or not you want to post it here for everyone to read %28and remember%2C that theoretically includes anyone doing a Google search%29%2C I recommend writing it down for yourself. And I say that from personal experience - in my case%2C it too the form of an email to a friend who asked me what happened%2C but it ended up being very good for my mental health.%0D%0A%0D%0AGood luck dealing with this.%0D%0A%0D%0AOffsides%0D%0A%0D%0A%26%2391%3B...%26%2393%3B in order to be a realist you must believe in miracles.%0D%0A -- David Ben Gurion%0D%0AEPU RCW %23%26pi%3B%0D%0A%23include %3Cstdsig.h%3E%0D%0A%0D%0A 9|8|8|||||RE%3A RE%253A Nice while it lasted...|Star Ranger4||09:17:19|03/25/2012|I will second Offsides suggestion. 11|2|2|||1||RE%3A Nice while it lasted...|Prince Charon||22:12:49|03/30/2012|[updated:LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-12 AT 10:15 PM (EDT)]Pretty much this. I hope you get better%2C and I hope she does%2C regardless of what does or doesn%27t happen between you.%0D%0A%0D%0AI%27ve had %27is she breathing%27 moments%2C myself %28friend with a scary migraine%29%2C though I%27ve never had the level of prolonged trauma that you went through. The fact that you%27re even as well as you are speaks well of you.%0D%0A%0D%0A%EF%BF%BDThey planned their campaigns just as you might make a splendid piece of harness. It looks very well%3B and answers very well%3B until it gets broken%3B and then you are done for. Now I made my campaigns of ropes. If anything went wrong%2C I tied a knot%3B and went on.%EF%BF%BD%0D%0A%09-- Arthur Wellesley%2C First Duke of Wellington 12|3|11|||1||RE%3A Nice while it lasted...|Apostate_Soul||21:37:43|04/07/2012|%0D%0AWell%2C she has a new diagnosis and a new set of meds and is much more stable now. Which is very good.%0D%0A%0D%0AAs it happens%2C I%27m now... looking at ending up in a new relationship. If it happens%2C it%27s not going to happen tomorrow%3B but this will be much more stable than my previous one. %28Lets be honest%2C it couldn%27t be much more eventful.%29%0D%0A%0D%0AAnd as far as the prolonged trauma goes%2C I have put it in the past like this%3A I do not Flap. Flapping achieves nothing but the Chicken Dance%2C and that does not resolve a crisis. I find it helps to deal with things as they come. But maybe I just don%27t know my own willpower and mental resilience... either way%2C I am feeling a lot better than I was. I still have bad%2Foff days%2C but I am coping.%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%22It%27s difficult keeping up with the cross-continuity%2C but I think Cosmouse just gave The Saturnian Scraphunter his Ultimate Pacifier to use against Galactapuss...%22 10|1|0|||||RE%3A Nice while it lasted...|BLUE||14:04:30|03/25/2012|I was going to say%2C sounds like you%27re developing PTSD%2C so you definitely need some time off%2C or less pressure. My PTSD got better with lots of time%2C but YMMV%2C so you need to find what works for you. Having said that%2C hang in there%2C find people that are willing to help you%2C and just take things one day at a time.