1||0|1157|0|yes 0|0|0|||1||A Momentarily Diverting Activity|Gryphon||11:22:45|04/26/2012|Bored%3F Stuck inside on a rainy day%3F Here%27s something to do.%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Bb%5DYou will need%3A%5B%2Fb%5D%0D%0A %0D%0A - A copy of the 2009 %5Bi%5DStar Trek%5B%2Fi%5D feature film%0D%0A - A recording of Michael Giacchino%27s score to not that movie%2C which he did score%2C but instead the 2004 Pixar film %5Bi%5DThe Incredibles%5B%2Fi%5D%0D%0A - Some way of playing both at once%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Bb%5DWhat you do%3A%5B%2Fb%5D%0D%0A%0D%0A - Cue up the movie to 01%3A38%3A30%2C the moment at which the Romulans notice that Kirk and Spock have just beamed into the middle of their command center. Pause.%0D%0A - Start track 19%2C %22The Incredits%22%2C on the %5Bi%5DIncredibles%5B%2Fi%5D soundtrack at the same time that you resume playback of the movie. Make sure the volume settings are such that you can still hear the movie sound effects through the music.%0D%0A - Enjoy.%0D%0A%0D%0A--G.%0D%0A-%3E%3C-%0D%0ABenjamin D. Hutchins%2C Co-Founder%2C Editor-in-Chief%2C %26 Forum Mod%0D%0AEyrie Productions%2C Unlimited http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyrie-productions.com%2F%0D%0Azgryphon at that email service Google has%0D%0A%5Bi%5DCeterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.%5B%2Fi%5D 1|1|0|||1||RE%3A A Momentarily Diverting Activity|BlackAeronaut||00:02:40|04/27/2012|Wow. Definitely gonna have to try this sometime. %3A%29%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Btable%5D%5Btr%5D%5Btd%5D%5Bhr%5D%5Bfont size%3D%222%22 face%3D%22Arial Narrow%22%5D%5Bb%5DBlack Aeronaut Technologies%5B%2Fb%5D%0D%0ACreative aerospace solutions for the discerning spacer%0D%0A%5Bi%5D%22Murphy never sleeps%2C but that%27s no reason to poke him with a sharp stick.%22%5B%2Fi%5D%5B%2Ffont%5D%5B%2Ftd%5D%5B%2Ftr%5D%5B%2Ftable%5D