20||0|2460|0| 0|0|0|||1||guns%21 Old guns%2C new guns%2C bang bang%21|Pasha||18:46:17|01/28/2014|%3EWe%27re well outside the perimeter fence of this topic now%2C but could %0D%0A%3Ealways pursue it further in General or private-mail if circumstances warrant.%0D%0A%0D%0AHey%2C I%27m always down for talking about guns%21 %0D%0A%0D%0A%3E%28Sadly%2C it doesn%27t appear that CVA does kits any more%2C or indeed historical %3Ereproduction firearms at all. Based on a quick snout around their website%2C it %3Elooks like nowadays they%27re all about the fancy high-tech modern muzzleloaders%2C %3Ewhich is a thing I frankly don%27t get the point of. It%27s like using modern %3Ematerials and technologies to build an automobile%2C but deliberately making it %3Eas uncomfortable and hard to drive as a Ford Model T. Why%3F%29%0D%0A%0D%0AMy guess would be hunting. I know that in Nevada%2C California and Washington states there%27s a separate %28and earlier%29 black powder hunting season. Meaning you could%2C if you were really into it%2C get three tags%3A Bow%2C Black Powder%2C and Modern Rifle.%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A-- %0D%0A-Pasha%0D%0A%22Don%27t change the subject%22%0D%0A%22Too slow%2C already did.%22 1|1|0|||1||RE%3A guns%21 Old guns%2C new guns%2C bang bang%21|Gryphon||19:18:14|01/28/2014|%3EMy guess would be hunting. I know that in Nevada%2C California and %0D%0A%3EWashington states there%27s a separate %28and earlier%29 black powder %0D%0A%3Ehunting season. Meaning you could%2C if you were really into it%2C get %0D%0A%3Ethree tags%3A Bow%2C Black Powder%2C and Modern Rifle. %0D%0A%0D%0AAh%2C of course. And the manufacturers have cannily realized that there%27s a ready %28and probably larger than the vintage-repros one%29 market of people who are inclined to ignore the spirit of that rule entirely and kit themselves out with hyper-advanced equipment that has laser sights and whatnot because%2C as that quintessential thespian Wesley Snipes once observed%2C some motherfucker%27s always trying to ice-skate uphill. %3A%29%0D%0A%0D%0AAlthough%2C that said%2C I rather like the advanced muzzleloading gear I%27ve seen%2C in spite of my earlier snark. I still think it%27s %5Bi%5Dpointless%5B%2Fi%5D %28or I did before you described what the point most likely is%29%2C but it%27s interesting%2C in a weird parallel-21st-century-where-the-cartridge-was-never-invented kind of way. It%27s like the firearm equivalent of the anti-steampunk backlash I once envisioned%2C in which instead of making faux-Victorian future stuff%2C people made faux-modern 19th-century stuff.%0D%0A%0D%0AApropos of nothing%2C I used to have a personal website%2C long ago when that kind of thing was still something you nailed together yourself in the electronic equivalent of the garage if you were too proud to use GeoCities%2C and one of the pages on that site was a tour of my firearms collection. Amazingly%2C it didn%27t occur to me for %5Bi%5Dyears%5B%2Fi%5D how monumentally stupid that was%3B even more amazingly%2C my house was never broken into by someone looking to score some free guns. Mind you%2C most of my collection is junk%2A and at least one of the pieces in it would probably kill you if you tried to shoot someone with it%2C but still%2C that was pretty dumb.%0D%0A%0D%0A--G.%0D%0A%5Bsmall%5D%2A but %5Bi%5Dcharismatic%5B%2Fi%5D junk%2A%2A%0D%0A%5Bsmall%5D%2A%2A band name%5B%2Fsmall%5D%5B%2Fsmall%5D%0D%0A-%3E%3C-%0D%0ABenjamin D. Hutchins%2C Co-Founder%2C Editor-in-Chief%2C %26 Forum Mod%0D%0AEyrie Productions%2C Unlimited http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyrie-productions.com%2F%0D%0Azgryphon at that email service Google has%0D%0A%5Bi%5DCeterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.%5B%2Fi%5D 2|2|1|||1||RE%3A guns%21 Old guns%2C new guns%2C bang bang%21|Mercutio||20:25:25|01/28/2014|%3E%3EMy guess would be hunting. I know that in Nevada%2C California and %0D%0A%3E%3EWashington states there%27s a separate %28and earlier%29 black powder %0D%0A%3E%3Ehunting season. Meaning you could%2C if you were really into it%2C get %0D%0A%3E%3Ethree tags%3A Bow%2C Black Powder%2C and Modern Rifle. %0D%0A%0D%0AWe do that up here in New York as well%2C although black powder is more generically a %22muzzleloader%22 season%3B you don%27t have to actually use black powder%2C you can load up with smokeless if you like. The state discourages doing both%3B it%27s either%2For unless you pay for the super ultra special license that costs a lot of money.%0D%0A%0D%0A%3EAh%2C of course. And the manufacturers have cannily realized that %0D%0A%3Ethere%27s a ready %28and probably larger than the vintage-repros one%29 %0D%0A%3Emarket of people who are inclined to ignore the spirit of that rule %0D%0A%3Eentirely and kit themselves out with hyper-advanced equipment that has %0D%0A%3Elaser sights %0D%0A%0D%0AInterestingly%2C it is completely and utterly illegal to hunt here in NYS with a laser sight of any kind. Your scope can be as advanced as you like in all other ways%2C but it can%27t project a beam or light of any sort.%0D%0A%0D%0AReally%2C making antique or obsolete technology using modern methods isn%27t particularly odd or weird. I mean%2C yeah%2C a modern muzzleloader seems stupid... but I would humbly submit that when you hear about the people making really badass swords using all the modern metallurgical tricks afforded to them%2C your reaction is not %22that%27s silly%2C the sword is an antiquated%2C obsolete weapon%22 but rather %22cooooooooool.%22 %3A%29%0D%0A%0D%0A%3E Amazingly%2C it didn%27t occur to me for %5Bi%5Dyears%5B%2Fi%5D how %0D%0A%3Emonumentally stupid that was%3B even more amazingly%2C my house was never %0D%0A%3Ebroken into by someone looking to score some free guns. Mind you%2C %0D%0A%3Emost of my collection is junk%2A and at least one of the pieces in it %0D%0A%3Ewould probably kill you if you tried to shoot someone with it%2C but %0D%0A%3Estill%2C that was pretty dumb. %0D%0A%0D%0AWell%2C it%27s not like you%27re alone here.. People are still doing this. Literally half the pictures on my brothers wall %28by which I mean facebook%29 are him posing with his gun cabinet. And the pictures on his hunting buddies walls. And the ones on that friend of his who never hunts but is way%2C way to eager to let us know how heavily armed he is at all times. %0D%0A%0D%0ASo far none of them have been ripped off for their guns%2C although frankly at times I%27ve wished it would happen%3B one or two of them are the sort of people who will quickly and huffily correct you if you refer to a firearm as a gun or a cartridge as a bullet.%0D%0A%0D%0A-Merc%0D%0AKeep Rat 3|3|2|||1||RE%3A guns%21 Old guns%2C new guns%2C bang bang%21|Gryphon||20:33:17|01/28/2014|%3EWell%2C it%27s not like you%27re alone here.. People are still doing this.%0D%0A%0D%0AOn another page of that same site%2C I had a copy of my r%26eacute%3Bsum%26eacute%3B. With my address at the top.%0D%0A%0D%0AJust... yeah.%0D%0A%0D%0AAs for terminological correction%2C I can see where the bullet-v.-cartridge thing could be important in some contexts%2C but I%27ve never given a shit about the firearm%2Fgun thing. That%27s plainly someone who drank way too much of the Kool-Aid%2C either in the actual Marine Corps or %28statistically more likely%29 jerking off to %5Bi%5DFull Metal Jacket%5B%2Fi%5D.%0D%0A%0D%0A--G.%0D%0A-%3E%3C-%0D%0ABenjamin D. Hutchins%2C Co-Founder%2C Editor-in-Chief%2C %26 Forum Mod%0D%0AEyrie Productions%2C Unlimited http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyrie-productions.com%2F%0D%0Azgryphon at that email service Google has%0D%0A%5Bi%5DCeterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.%5B%2Fi%5D 6|4|3|||1||RE%3A guns%21 Old guns%2C new guns%2C bang bang%21|Pasha||13:30:32|01/29/2014|%3EAs for terminological correction%2C I can see where the %0D%0A%3Ebullet-v.-cartridge thing could be important in some contexts%2C but %0D%0A%0D%0AThe only time I%27ve cared about it was when I was still handloading%2C and the register biscuit didn%27t understand when I wanted BULLETS not CARTRIDGES%2C and it took me ten extra minutes to get out of the shop. %0D%0A%0D%0A-- %0D%0A-Pasha%0D%0A%22Don%27t change the subject%22%0D%0A%22Too slow%2C already did.%22 9|5|6|||1||RE%3A guns%21 Old guns%2C new guns%2C bang bang%21|Gryphon||22:58:49|01/29/2014|%3EThe only time I%27ve cared about it was when I was still handloading%2C %0D%0A%3Eand the register biscuit didn%27t understand when I wanted BULLETS not %0D%0A%3ECARTRIDGES%2C and it took me ten extra minutes to get out of the shop. %0D%0A%0D%0AI sort of miss handloading - I did it for a while in high school - but on the other hand I sort of don%27t. It was fun and all%2C but it%27s really something that should only be undertaken in one%27s garage%2C and%2C well%2C I haven%27t got a garage any more. Well%2C it doesn%27t have to be a garage%2C I suppose. Any reasonably comfortable outbuilding would do. A reloading bench isn%27t the kind of thing to set up in the house%2C I don%27t think. Supplies are a bit volatile.%0D%0A%0D%0AI never managed to get 9mm Para ammunition that would actually work%2C but by the time I moved out and the gear went back to my grandfather %28who I presume still has it%29%2C I had .44 Special pretty much nailed.%0D%0A%0D%0AThat reminds me%2C though%2C that I should try a thing I read about the other day and build some paper cartridges for my 1851 Navy this summer%2C just to see if I can get it to work. That%27d go a long way toward getting the old thing some more mileage. I can only stand by the back of the car packing the chambers with Crisco so many times before I start seriously wondering what the hell I am doing with my life. %3A%29%0D%0A%0D%0A--G.%0D%0A-%3E%3C-%0D%0ABenjamin D. Hutchins%2C Co-Founder%2C Editor-in-Chief%2C %26 Forum Mod%0D%0AEyrie Productions%2C Unlimited http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyrie-productions.com%2F%0D%0Azgryphon at that email service Google has%0D%0A%5Bi%5DCeterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.%5B%2Fi%5D 13|6|9|||1||RE%3A guns%21 Old guns%2C new guns%2C bang bang%21|Mercutio||21:31:44|01/30/2014|%3E It was fun and all%2C but it%27s %0D%0A%3Ereally something that should only be undertaken in one%27s garage%2C and%2C %0D%0A%3Ewell%2C I haven%27t got a garage any more. %0D%0A%0D%0AIs this actually safe%3F My great-grandfather was deeply adamant that if someone were going to get into handloading and at-home gunsmithing %28which he was%2C but not as a hobby%3B the man was born in rural upstate in 1904%2C where that sort of thing was less a fun hobby and more an actual necessary skill%29 it should be in a dedicated space and %5Bi%5Despecially%5B%2Fi%5D shouldn%27t be anywhere that could potentially fill with volatile fumes and other curious kinds of moisture and gases%2C as many garages are wont to do.%0D%0A%0D%0AIn fact%2C he was pretty firmly against mixed-use spaces as a whole%2C always for nebulously-defined safety reasons. His carpentry space was rigorously segregated from his metalworking space which was segregated from his %5Bi%5Dextremely%5B%2Fi%5D well-ventilated painting space %28he was a carpenter by trade%2C had a big converted barn%29 and his gun shack was a different building entirely.%0D%0A%0D%0AIn fairness%2C the man may have simply been an excessively cautious type. I didn%27t know him as well as I wish I had%2C especially since my grandmother waited until he was dead to drop such interesting chestnuts as %22Oh%2C yes%2C daddy ran booze across from Canada through all of prohibition. That%27s where the money for the house he bought me when I got married came from%2C you know%22 and %22He tried indoor work for awhile%2C but quit the hotel job after that young man was shot in the lobby%22 on us. It would have been nice to know he was that awesome when we could still properly appreciate him.%0D%0A%0D%0A... I may have digressed.%0D%0A%0D%0A-Merc%0D%0AKeep Rat 14|7|13|||1||RE%3A guns%21 Old guns%2C new guns%2C bang bang%21|Gryphon||21:48:17|01/30/2014|%3E%3E It was fun and all%2C but it%27s %0D%0A%3E%3Ereally something that should only be undertaken in one%27s garage%2C and%2C %0D%0A%3E%3Ewell%2C I haven%27t got a garage any more. %0D%0A%3E%0D%0A%3EIs this actually safe%3F%0D%0A%0D%0AWell%2C I wouldn%27t store the gunpowder right next to the stove%2C or be decanting it while someone else is over at the workbench using an angle grinder or doing a spot of oxyacetylene welding%2C but with the exercise of ordinary prudence I shouldn%27t think it would be that big a problem. I don%27t see the issue as being with mixed-use workspaces so much as %5Bi%5Dshared%5B%2Fi%5D workspaces. If I%27m the only one in the garage%2C it doesn%27t make any difference if the other end of the bench I%27m working on is set up for cabinetry%2C because I%27m not over there building a cabinet right now%2C y%27know%3F %3A%29%0D%0A%0D%0AIf I had a garage and were setting up a reloading bench in it nowadays%2C I%27d probably get hold of one of those THE SHIT INSIDE HERE IS FLAMMABLE%2C YO cabinets to keep the powder and primers in%2C but that%27s mainly because I%27d have an excuse to get one of those then. Back in the day we just kept the Hercules Blue Dot on the high shelf next to the Aero-Kroil and whatnot.%0D%0A%0D%0A%3E... I may have digressed. %0D%0A%0D%0APerhaps%2C but interestingly.%0D%0A%0D%0A--G.%0D%0A-%3E%3C-%0D%0ABenjamin D. Hutchins%2C Co-Founder%2C Editor-in-Chief%2C %26 Forum Mod%0D%0AEyrie Productions%2C Unlimited http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyrie-productions.com%2F%0D%0Azgryphon at that email service Google has%0D%0A%5Bi%5DCeterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.%5B%2Fi%5D 5|3|2|||1||RE%3A guns%21 Old guns%2C new guns%2C bang bang%21|Pasha||13:28:19|01/29/2014|%3EWe do that up here in New York as well%2C although black powder is more %0D%0A%3Egenerically a %22muzzleloader%22 season%3B you don%27t have to actually use %0D%0A%3Eblack powder%2C you can load up with smokeless if you like. The state %0D%0A%3Ediscourages doing both%3B it%27s either%2For unless you pay for the super %0D%0A%3Eultra special license that costs a lot of money. %0D%0A%0D%0AI%27m pretty sure it%27s just a name thing %28I may even have the actual name wrong an just call them %27black powder%27 rifles in my head.%29%0D%0A%0D%0A%3E%3EAh%2C of course. And the manufacturers have cannily realized that %0D%0A%3E%3Ethere%27s a ready %28and probably larger than the vintage-repros one%29 %0D%0A%3E%3Emarket of people who are inclined to ignore the spirit of that rule %0D%0A%3E%3Eentirely and kit themselves out with hyper-advanced equipment that has %0D%0A%3E%3Elaser sights %0D%0A%3E%0D%0A%3EInterestingly%2C it is completely and utterly illegal to hunt here in %0D%0A%3ENYS with a laser sight of any kind. Your scope can be as advanced as %0D%0A%3Eyou like in all other ways%2C but it can%27t project a beam or light of %0D%0A%3Eany sort. %0D%0A%0D%0A..you know%2C I%27ve never thought to look in any state I%27ve hunted in%3F I%27ve made my position wrt laser sights clear elsewhere on this board%2C so it%27s never been relevant to my interests.%0D%0A%0D%0A%3EReally%2C making antique or obsolete technology using modern methods %0D%0A%3Eisn%27t particularly odd or weird. %0D%0A%0D%0AOr making a trebuchet out of modern steel that throws pumpkins. Or heck%2C even taking a %27classic%27 car%2C but fitting modern safety equipment into it. People like taking something that has cachet %28and probably because of the myth space that both the revolution and civil war take up%2C muzzleloaded weapons have a lot of cache with those of us from the United States.%0D%0A%0D%0A-- %0D%0A-Pasha%0D%0A%22Don%27t change the subject%22%0D%0A%22Too slow%2C already did.%22 4|1|0|||||RE%3A guns%21 Old guns%2C new guns%2C bang bang%21|thorr_kan||11:12:25|01/29/2014|%3EMy guess would be hunting. I know that in Nevada%2C California and %0D%0A%3EWashington states there%27s a separate %28and earlier%29 black powder %0D%0A%3Ehunting season. Meaning you could%2C if you were really into it%2C get %0D%0A%3Ethree tags%3A Bow%2C Black Powder%2C and Modern Rifle. %0D%0A%0D%0AAnd some places Shotgun. And Second Bow. And Doe Permits. %28We%27re starting to sound like hobbits talking about meals...%29%0D%0A%0D%0ABack in the mid-80s%2C when I did deer hunt %28before I found out deer hair is a Fatal Allergen %28tm%29%29%2C my favorite hunting license was the Farm Permit. Basically%2C if you could prove to the MI DNR that you were are real%2C honest-to-god farmer and that deer were a clear-and-present danger to your crops%2C the four-legged vermin were fair game. No bag limit%2C as long as they were on your property.%0D%0A%0D%0AGod%2C I miss venison in those qtys. 7|2|4|||1||RE%3A guns%21 Old guns%2C new guns%2C bang bang%21|Nova Floresca||14:37:02|01/29/2014|Airports are the same way- I worked at the local FBO for 2 years%2C and the other lineman on my shift and the airport fire chief were both rabid venison fans %28not sure if killing it or eating it was the better half of the deal%2C but they spent about the same amount of time and money on both sides of the hobby%29. So it was pretty much Christmas come early when a deer got over the fence one winter. In fact I think getting that deer caught%2C shot%2C and sent to the butcher%27s was the single fastest operation ever performed at that airport.%0D%0A%0D%0A%22This is probably a stupid question%2C but . . .%22 8|3|7|||||RE%3A guns%21 Old guns%2C new guns%2C bang bang%21|MuninsFire||15:40:09|01/29/2014|Venison is delicious%2C and it has been far too long since I had it...%0D%0A%0D%0AI do recall that%2C when my dad worked at the Bangor airport%2C they would frequently end up with moose on the runway. I was always looking forward to the day that someone would end up requiring the disposal of a couple hundred pounds of moosemeat.... 10|4|8|||||RE%3A guns%21 Old guns%2C new guns%2C bang bang%21|thorr_kan||09:56:36|01/30/2014|MN DNR gives a quarterly or semi-annual safety lecture to local%2C state%2C and federal outdoor employees %28Forest Service%2C DNR%2C Fish %26 Wildlife%2C etc%29. %22If you see a blackness in the night that blots out the stars and moves%2C it%27s a %2AMOOSE.%2A You cannot win this confrontation.%22 11|1|0|||||RE%3A guns%21 Old guns%2C new guns%2C bang bang%21|thorr_kan||09:58:59|01/30/2014|Back on topic %28sorry for the derail%21%29...%0D%0A%0D%0APart of the modern materials is cost. Dad hunts during muzzleloading season to avoid the rifle season crowds. But he can %2Aafford%2A to use a muzzleloader because the modern ones are cheaper than the traditional ones.%0D%0A%0D%0ANB%3A That was the case about 15 years ago when he started muzzleloading. Things may have changed since then. 12|2|11|||1||RE%3A guns%21 Old guns%2C new guns%2C bang bang%21|Mercutio||21:21:06|01/30/2014|If I may ask%2C if you know at all... is it that modern muzzleloaders with all the bells and whistles are cheaper than only %5Bi%5Dactual%5B%2Fi%5D traditional ones %28which only makes sense%3B those things are antiques whose supply will only go down%2C never up%29 or are they also cheaper than modern repros of traditional muzzleloaders%3F%0D%0A%0D%0A-Merc%0D%0AKeep Rat 15|3|12|||1||RE%3A guns%21 Old guns%2C new guns%2C bang bang%21|Pasha||02:12:14|01/31/2014|%3EIf I may ask%2C if you know at all... is it that modern muzzleloaders %0D%0A%3Ewith all the bells and whistles are cheaper than only %5Bi%5Dactual%5B%2Fi%5D %0D%0A%3Etraditional ones %28which only makes sense%3B those things are antiques %0D%0A%3Ewhose supply will only go down%2C never up%29 or are they also cheaper %0D%0A%3Ethan modern repros of traditional muzzleloaders%3F %0D%0A%0D%0ALooks like they%27re both about the same price%2C actually. Repros are going for %7E450usd on GI%2C and modern rifles are going for %7E425 modulo optics.%0D%0A%0D%0A-- %0D%0A-Pasha%0D%0A%22Don%27t change the subject%22%0D%0A%22Too slow%2C already did.%22 16|3|12|||||RE%3A guns%21 Old guns%2C new guns%2C bang bang%21|thorr_kan||09:52:11|01/31/2014|%3EIf I may ask%2C if you know at all... is it that modern muzzleloaders %0D%0A%3Ewith all the bells and whistles are cheaper than only %5Bi%5Dactual%5B%2Fi%5D %0D%0A%3Etraditional ones %28which only makes sense%3B those things are antiques %0D%0A%3Ewhose supply will only go down%2C never up%29 or are they also cheaper %0D%0A%3Ethan modern repros of traditional muzzleloaders%3F %0D%0A%0D%0APa%27s got a basic%2C no-frills one. It was cheaper than a traditional one %28you%27re right.%29 and cheaper than a reproduction %2815 years ago%29. His only concessions to modern design %28besides materials%29 were rifling and modern adjustable sights. 17|1|0|||1||Elder Days Story Time|Gryphon||15:26:45|02/03/2014|%28another transplant from the Weapons Tech thread%29%0D%0A%0D%0A%3EFor when you absolutely have to have a gun that will fit in your %0D%0A%3Epocket%2C chambering a round designed to take down %5Bb%5Dbears%5B%2Fb%5D. %0D%0A%0D%0AMany years ago%2C when I lived in the SF Bay Area%2C I used to go shooting at an indoor range in Milpitas called Target Masters. - Oh hey%2C it%27s still there - got a %5Blink%3Awww.targetmasterswest.com%2F%7Cwebsite and everything.%5D If you%27re in the area%2C check it out. They did right by Zoner and me while we were in the area. Eventually we got to be well-enough-known to the staff that they would rent us guns to shoot on their range even if we showed up alone. %28This is normally not allowed at many ranges that rent guns%2C because%2C well... sometimes people who go into a place like that alone and rent a gun have no intention of leaving again under their own power%2C as it were%2C and the staff really doesn%27t want to have to put up with that shit. And%2C really%2C can you blame them%3F%29%0D%0A%0D%0AAnyway%2C TM was a great place%2C but like anywhere that deals in guns and the usage of guns%2C it attracted its share of just utter outright headslap-inducing dipsticks. There was%2C for instance%2C the time it was invaded by a group of Japanese executives who were in the area for a tech conference%2C and who - how stereotypical is this - had a %5Bi%5Ddeep and abiding love%5B%2Fi%5D for guns but %5Bi%5Dno conception whatsoever%5B%2Fi%5D of how they really work or how dangerous they really are. In particular%2C whenever one of them made a shot he was particularly proud of%2C he would turn to the guy next to him and declaim excitedly about it%2C making many sweeping and expansive gestures.%0D%0A%0D%0AUsually with the gun he was using still in his hand.%0D%0A%0D%0AThose guys could be at least partially excused%2C I guess%2C by the fact that they really didn%27t know what the hell they were doing - they were from a country where such things are unknown to the general populace except in movies and on TV%2C and they%27re not the memory that got me started about this in the first place.%0D%0A%0D%0ANo%2C that is of the man who came in one evening with a couple of his friends and a gun he had just paid a great deal of money - which he was more than happy to talk about - to have customized to his personal specifications. It had started life as a perfectly respectable firearm%2C a Colt Anaconda double-action revolver in .44 Magnum. Until this clown got hold of it%2C and then found a gunsmith with so little self-respect that he would actually take %28in fairness%2C a startling%2C understandably-self-image-bending quantity of%29 this guy%27s money and perform the hideous crimes he had envisioned upon this poor%2C unsuspecting pistol.%0D%0A%0D%0AWhich mainly involved %5Bi%5Dreducing%5B%2Fi%5D the size of the grip frame %28a feature of the Anaconda numerous owners sought to make %5Bi%5Dbigger%5B%2Fi%5D over the years%29%2C and then chopping the barrel to what I believe was the legal minimum length in California at the time%3A one and three-quarters inches.%0D%0A%0D%0ASo there the guy was%2C with his tragically amputated Anaconda he had paid as much for as a decent midrange sports car%2C blazing away with %28what he was also cheerfully willing to inform anyone who asked%2C or didn%27t%2C for that matter%29 the most powerful .44 Magnum ammunition available on the market at the time. With a barrel that short%2C that gun couldn%27t even %5Bi%5Dburn%5B%2Fi%5D much of the propellant stuffed into .44 Magnum rounds as hot as that%3B it was actually spraying onto the floor in front of him%2C such that after about a dozen rounds%2C there was a visible fan pattern of dark grey unburned gunpowder on the floor in front of his station. Anyone who tossed a match down there would have caused a very lively little show. The gun made a %5Bi%5Dgodawful%5B%2Fi%5D noise even by .44 Magnum standards%3B it made a muzzle flash sufficient to interfere with the vision of people in neighboring lanes%3B and with it%2C he was more or less guaranteed not to hit anything he wanted to hit. On occasion%2C he hit other people%27s targets. And he was %5Bi%5Dso proud%5B%2Fi%5D of that thing.%0D%0A%0D%0AZoner and I knew a few of the rangemasters pretty well by then%3B well enough that the two of us and one of them ended up standing off in a little group outside the shooting range%27s %22airlock%22%2C watching through the big windows from the shop floor%2C and shaking our heads to ourselves at what a maroon that guy was. But hey%2C he was having a ball%2C and I suppose that%27s really the main thing. If only he hadn%27t been such a nuisance to everyone else.%0D%0A%0D%0AStill%2C at least he didn%27t point it at anyone%2C unlike a couple of the Japanese guys. It must have made for a long day for their interpreter%2C having to explain to them why the red-faced man was throwing them out of his place of business.%0D%0A%0D%0A--G.%0D%0A-%3E%3C-%0D%0ABenjamin D. Hutchins%2C Co-Founder%2C Editor-in-Chief%2C %26 Forum Mod%0D%0AEyrie Productions%2C Unlimited http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyrie-productions.com%2F%0D%0Azgryphon at that email service Google has%0D%0A%5Bi%5DCeterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.%5B%2Fi%5D 18|2|17|||1||RE%3A Elder Days Story Time|Mercutio||19:19:42|02/03/2014|... good lord%2C that%27s just awful.%0D%0A%0D%0AI%27m not much of a gun guy%2C nearly unique among the males in my family. I technically inherited a number of very nice rifles that I promptly turned over to my brother%2C but aside from that my experience with them is purely intellectual. That said%2C I appreciate a well-turned-out firearm%2C and what that guy did to that Colt was just... I mean... what the balls%3F Why%3F If you%27re going to mangle a .44 like that%2C isn%27t the common way to do it to turn it into some extended-barrel%2C custom-walnut-gripped%2C be-scoped monstrosity that resembles the Lovecraftian offspring of a rifle and a pistol%3F You know%2C like a proper%2C self-respecting gun nut%3F%0D%0A%0D%0AThe scariest part for me is that that yahoo probably got a custom-tooled leather shoulder holster for the thing and walks around with it concealed%2C secretly %5Bi%5Dhoping%5B%2Fi%5D somebody messes with him.%0D%0A%0D%0A-Merc%0D%0AKeep Rat 19|2|17|||||RE%3A Elder Days Story Time|mdg1||20:42:04|02/03/2014|Your insight about Japanese businessmen is quite accurate. For several years%2C I worked with the US Navy%2C which meant occasional trips to the Pearl Harbor sub base. And on one trip%2C I noted the large number of gun clubs in the area%2C and was told that they catered to the Japanese tourist market%2C as the nearest country a salaryman could go to play cowboy. %3A%29 20|2|17|||||RE%3A Elder Days Story Time|Zox||21:25:53|02/03/2014|%3EThere was%2C for instance%2C the time it was %0D%0A%3Einvaded by a group of Japanese executives who were in the area for a %0D%0A%3Etech conference%2C and who - how stereotypical is this - had a %5Bi%5Ddeep %0D%0A%3Eand abiding love%5B%2Fi%5D for guns but %5Bi%5Dno conception whatsoever%5B%2Fi%5D of %0D%0A%3Ehow they really work or how dangerous they really are. In particular%2C %0D%0A%3Ewhenever one of them made a shot he was particularly proud of%2C he %0D%0A%3Ewould turn to the guy next to him and declaim excitedly about it%2C %0D%0A%3Emaking many sweeping and expansive gestures. %0D%0A%3E%0D%0A%3EUsually with the gun he was using still in his hand. %0D%0A%0D%0AI%27ve often wondered if the average Japanese viewer was mightily confused by the famous sword-versus-pistol scene in %5Bi%5DRaiders of the Lost Ark.%5B%2Fi%5D%0D%0A%0D%0A%22Wait-what%3F The guy%27s dead%3F From only one bullet%3F And he didn%27t even %5Bi%5Dtry%5B%2Fi%5D to dodge%21%22