3||0|1170|0| 0|0|0|||1||Let me just note...|Gryphon||02:52:41|07/08/2014|[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-14 AT 09:42 AM (EDT)]... for the record%3A%0D%0A%0D%0ARule 34 is all well and good%2C but it is an uphill god damn slog to consume if you still want everyone to be acting in character.%0D%0A%0D%0A--G.%0D%0A-%3E%3C-%0D%0ABenjamin D. Hutchins%2C Co-Founder%2C Editor-in-Chief%2C %26 Forum Mod%0D%0AEyrie Productions%2C Unlimited http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyrie-productions.com%2F%0D%0Azgryphon at that email service Google has%0D%0A%5Bi%5DCeterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.%5B%2Fi%5D 1|1|0|||1||RE%3A Let me just note...|The Traitor||08:51:56|07/08/2014|Pick a couple of traits the fandom has picked up on%2Finvented entirely and focus near-exclusively on those when doing the romance stuff%2C writing any mistakes off as %22love changes people%22. Most people won%27t notice any oddities%2C and you%27ll have an army of screeching defenders for the people who do. A few of my friends used to be really into Drarry%2C and I%27m too cheap to get people proper birthday presents%2C so... yeah. I know more about this than is probably healthy.%0D%0A%0D%0A---%0D%0A%22She%27s old%2C she%27s lame%2C she%27s barren too%2C %2F%2F %22She%27s not worth feed or hay%2C %2F%2F %22But I%27ll give her this%2C%22 - he blew smoke at me - %2F%2F %22She was something in her day.%22 -- Garnet Rogers%2C %5Bi%5DSmall Victory%5B%2Fi%5D%0D%0A%0D%0AFiMFiction.net%3A we might accept blatant porn involving the cast of My Little Pony but as God is my witness we have %5Bi%5Dstandards%5B%2Fi%5D. 2|2|1|||1||RE%3A Let me just note...|Gryphon||09:41:35|07/08/2014|I meant in terms of consumption%2C not creation. Not my scene%2C the latter.%0D%0A%0D%0A--G.%0D%0A-%3E%3C-%0D%0ABenjamin D. Hutchins%2C Co-Founder%2C Editor-in-Chief%2C %26 Forum Mod%0D%0AEyrie Productions%2C Unlimited http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyrie-productions.com%2F%0D%0Azgryphon at that email service Google has%0D%0A%5Bi%5DCeterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.%5B%2Fi%5D 3|1|0|||1||RE%3A Let me just note...|laudre||10:49:44|07/08/2014|%3E... for the record%3A %0D%0A%3E%0D%0A%3ERule 34 is all well and good%2C but it is an uphill god damn slog to %0D%0A%3Econsume if you still want everyone to be acting in character. %0D%0A%0D%0AMy better half has this issue with a %5Bi%5Dlot%5B%2Fi%5D of fic. And not just Rule 34%2C but also gen %28i.e. not explicit%29 fic that also involves non-canon romantic relationships.%0D%0A%0D%0AMe%2C I barely read fanfic any more. I hardly have time to consume the original fiction I want%2C let alone trying to sift through the collective output of fandom in search of gems hidden among raw sewage.%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Bhr %2F%5D%5Bsmall%5D%22Mathematics brought rigor to economics. Unfortunately%2C it also brought mortis.%22%0D%0A - Kenneth Boulding%5B%2Fsmall%5D%5Bhr %2F%5D