10||0|806|2|yes 0|0|0|||||Dreams...|Shadowhavoc||14:02:18|04/03/2002|Maybe some people might be getting a bit sick of me mentioning it%2C but this is about the%2C uh%2C VK%27s. Do any other writers here have dreams about their projects%3F Plot lines%2C characters%2C certain scenes%3F I had a weird dream last night%2C kinda disturbing. My subconcious%2C I guess was taunting me with the perfect%2C well%2C for lack of a better term%2C scenario on how the story goes. Trouble is%2C the more I try to remember the dream%2C the less I remember. Anybody else have anything like this%3F 1|1|0|||||RE%3A Dreams...|acarr||15:16:49|04/03/2002|Oh%2C yes...%0D%0A%0D%0AI hate those kinds of dreams%2C personally. The main reason is that I have movie-type dreams. The kind where you are a character in it or you%27re watching from a 3rd person POV%3F You know the storyline%2C the plot%2C the major and minor characters and then.... you wake up.%0D%0A%0D%0AWhat a letdown.%0D%0A%0D%0AThe latest one I had was 24 hours long and ended on a beach with the main characters lounging back watching 2 suns rise in the morning while a city burned behind them.%0D%0A%0D%0AFreaky%2C no%3F I guess we need to invent something like that dream catcher in Final Fantasy...%0D%0A%0D%0A-- Andrew Carr%0D%0ARCW%2357 2|2|1|||||RE%3A Dreams...|Perko||17:34:51|04/03/2002|It%27s not uncommon. Uncommon is that once I dreamed I was playing a weird version of Gradius for several hourse...%0D%0A%0D%0AAnd I%27m not even a big fan of Gradius%2C and hadn%27t played it in years. Phaugh...%0D%0A%0D%0ACinematic dreamers are rare%2C but we exist. %28Insert irritating smiley face here with your imagination.%29%0D%0A%0D%0A-Craig 7|3|2|||||RE%3A Dreams...|PCHammer||11:48:09|04/04/2002|%3EIt%27s not uncommon. Uncommon is that once I dreamed I was playing a %0D%0A%3Eweird version of Gradius for several hourse... %0D%0A%0D%0AA pity Konami%27s %27shroom-munching game designers long since beat you to it. Of course the end result was so warped they had to call it Parodius instead. I think this must%27ve been the crew that eventually skipped the company and formed Treasure%3B there%27s no other explanation for games like Dynamite Headdy%2C Silhouette Mirage and Stretch Panic. %3A%29%0D%0A%0D%0A- TTTFITN 8|4|7|||1||RE%3A Dreams...|Laudre||12:29:31|04/04/2002|%3E%3EIt%27s not uncommon. Uncommon is that once I dreamed I was playing a %0D%0A%3E%3Eweird version of Gradius for several hourse... %0D%0A%3E%0D%0A%3EA pity Konami%27s %27shroom-munching game designers long since beat you to %0D%0A%3Eit. Of course the end result was so warped they had to call it %0D%0A%3EParodius instead. I think this must%27ve been the crew that eventually %0D%0A%3Eskipped the company and formed Treasure%3B there%27s no other explanation %0D%0A%3Efor games like Dynamite Headdy%2C Silhouette Mirage and Stretch Panic. %0D%0A%0D%0AI acknowledge weirdness.%0D%0A%0D%0AHowever%2C there are two instances of weird that meet or exceed the standards set by Parodius%3A%0D%0A%0D%0ASome of Taito%27s strange games%2C made even more surreal by the Engrish translation. Best example is %5Bcite%5DPuLiRuLa%5B%2Fcite%5D.%0D%0A%0D%0AAnd%2C two words%3A %5Bcite%5DEarthworm Jim%5B%2Fcite%5D.%0D%0A%0D%0A-- Sean -- %0D%0A%5Bb%5DRabid Crack Weasel %2342%5B%2Fb%5D %0D%0A%22All tribal myths are true%2C for a given value of %27true%27.%22 -- Terry Pratchett %0D%0A%5Blink%3Awww.drelau.com%2F%7CThe Broken Link%5D %0D%0A%5Blink%3Awww.livejournal.com%2Fusers%2Feva_densetsu%2F%7CFollow my creative process%5D %0D%0A 9|5|8|||1||RE%3A Dreams...|Pangaro||13:00:05|04/04/2002|%3EHowever%2C there are two instances of weird that meet or exceed the %0D%0A%3Estandards set by Parodius%3A %0D%0A%3Csnip%27%3E%0D%0A%3EAnd%2C two words%3A %5Bcite%5DEarthworm Jim%5B%2Fcite%5D. %0D%0A%0D%0AI will not dispute that Earthworm Jim is weird%2C but it %5BI%5Dis%5B%2FI%5D funny as hell. It%27s one of the best 16 bit games out there. Did I mention it is my favourite game%3F%0D%0A%0D%0APangaro%2C %5BI%5Dracing through a Wormhole%5B%2FI%5D%0D%0ARelaxed Marijuana Weasel %2322%0D%0APaying attention to the wrong part of the speech since 1986 10|4|7|||1||RE%3A Dreams...|Perko||13:54:08|04/04/2002|%3EA pity Konami%27s %27shroom-munching game designers long since beat you to %0D%0A%3Eit. Of course the end result was so warped they had to call it %0D%0A%3EParodius instead. I think this must%27ve been the crew that eventually %0D%0A%3Eskipped the company and formed Treasure%3B there%27s no other explanation %0D%0A%3Efor games like Dynamite Headdy%2C Silhouette Mirage and Stretch Panic. %0D%0A%0D%0AYes%2C but I didn%27t play Parodius%2C Parodius II%2C or PuLiRuLa %28or EarthWorm Jim%29 until the next year. But they %5Bi%5Dwere%5B%2Fi%5D comically insane.%0D%0A%0D%0A-Craig 3|1|0|||||RE%3A Dreams...|Star Ranger4||23:46:42|04/03/2002|%3EMaybe some people might be getting a bit sick of me mentioning it%2C but %0D%0A%3Ethis is about the%2C uh%2C VK%27s. Do any other writers here have dreams %0D%0A%3Eabout their projects%3F Plot lines%2C characters%2C certain scenes%3F I had a %0D%0A%3Eweird dream last night%2C kinda disturbing. My subconcious%2C I guess was %0D%0A%3Etaunting me with the perfect%2C well%2C for lack of a better term%2C %0D%0A%3Escenario on how the story goes. Trouble is%2C the more I try to remember %0D%0A%3Ethe dream%2C the less I remember. Anybody else have anything like this%3F %0D%0A%0D%0ANot exactly. However%2C if you wander by my website %28it SHOULD be in my profile%29 You%27ll notice an interesting piece in the %5Blink%3Ahome.talkcity.com%2FTheSanitarum%2Fda_muck%2FLIbr%2F%7CLibrary%5D called %27Sully%27s Whorehouse%27. That piece came to me complete in a dream%2C from start to finish. As soon as I woke up %28at 4AM%29 I instantly wrote the major points down so I WOULDN%27T forget... with those to remind me%2C I was able to re-create it. Its also one of the two pieces I ever actually considered submitting to a magazine%3B the other being %22Cat on the ward %22 and I have no idea where I put that one.%0D%0A%0D%0ATwo interesting pieces of Trivia if you ever decide to read it%3A%0D%0AI experianced the entire dream from the %22Dr. Rose%22 viewpoint%2C hence the first person style.%0D%0ASecondly%2C I was kidnapped by the A-Team. I decided to only hint at that in the story line because mentioning them specifically wouldn%27t be right. This is told from Rose%27s viewpoint%2C and the kidnapping is the one and only time they appeared. So%2C though %2AI%2A knew who they were%2C HE never did... 4|1|0|||1||RE%3A Dreams...|Griever||02:20:35|04/04/2002|%3EMaybe some people might be getting a bit sick of me mentioning it%2C but %0D%0A%3Ethis is about the%2C uh%2C VK%27s. Do any other writers here have dreams %0D%0A%3Eabout their projects%3F Plot lines%2C characters%2C certain scenes%3F I had a %0D%0A%3Eweird dream last night%2C kinda disturbing. My subconcious%2C I guess was %0D%0A%3Etaunting me with the perfect%2C well%2C for lack of a better term%2C %0D%0A%3Escenario on how the story goes. Trouble is%2C the more I try to remember %0D%0A%3Ethe dream%2C the less I remember. Anybody else have anything like this%3F %0D%0A%0D%0AHad something like that a while ago. Weirdness incarnate and a double dream%2C%0D%0Awhere I was well aware of one level%2C but totally oblivious to the other. %0D%0AWaking up once screaming did little for me%2C and I found that I couldn%27t talk.%0D%0AThen I woke up from that. %0D%0AThe fact that I%27d dreamt of a war-torn Tokyo and the Senshi fighting alongside %0D%0Aarmed forces against creatures that looked like something stolen from %0D%0AFF The Movie%28which hadn%27t been released back then%2C and I never was one for %0D%0Atrailers%29 %2C plus myself with no idea how the hell I got there made me start%0D%0Awriting on a fic%2C but it%27s frozen right now because of a block on it. %0D%0ABut damn it %2C it was so _realistic_. Weeeell%2C aside from the fact that %0D%0Athat I could hear the generic dramatic anime-say-goodbye-to-your-friends-and-family theme.%0D%0A%0D%0APossibly until I have another dream.%0D%0A%0D%0A -Griever %0D%0ARCW XIII ... no the _other_ thirteen.%0D%0A%27Back%2C he spurred like a madman%2C shrieking a curse to the sky%2C%0D%0AWith the white road smoking behind him%2C and his rapier brandished high%21%27 5|1|0|||1||RE%3A Dreams...|Silverex||03:11:47|04/04/2002|%3Csnip%3E%0D%0A%3Escenario on how the story goes. Trouble is%2C the more I try to remember %0D%0A%3Ethe dream%2C the less I remember. Anybody else have anything like this%3F %0D%0A%0D%0AMy dreams seem to disapear into the ether a few minutes after I wake up...%0D%0A%0D%0AI did remember a 2D%2C Black and White dream... That one was rather odd...%0D%0A%0D%0A---- %0D%0ADream are funny... Unless they aren%27t.%0D%0A%0D%0AThe Lurking %5Bb%5DInvisble%5B%2Fb%5D Rabid Crack Weasel.... %0D%0A---- %0D%0A%5Bi%5DOr at least I was...%5B%2Fi%5D 6|1|0|||||RE%3A Dreams...|Blob||03:20:04|04/04/2002|[updated:LAST EDITED ON Apr-04-02 AT 01:36 PM (EST)]%3EMaybe some people might be getting a bit sick of me mentioning it%2C but %0D%0A%3Ethis is about the%2C uh%2C VK%27s. Do any other writers here have dreams %0D%0A%3Eabout their projects%3F Plot lines%2C characters%2C certain scenes%3F I had a %0D%0A%3Eweird dream last night%2C kinda disturbing. My subconcious%2C I guess was %0D%0A%3Etaunting me with the perfect%2C well%2C for lack of a better term%2C %0D%0A%3Escenario on how the story goes. Trouble is%2C the more I try to remember %0D%0A%3Ethe dream%2C the less I remember. Anybody else have anything like this%3F %0D%0A%0D%0AYep. Been there done that. %5E_%5E%0D%0AAbout half a year back I had a dream about my story Dragoncronicles. It was set after the story I planed and introduced the Borg to that universe. It was basically about all big nations of that universe %28well nearly all. nobody would trust the Ferengi in such an operation. They are a Corp-race after all.%29%2C the big merc units and even some of the better equiped pirates trying to capture a borgship.%0D%0A