2||0|1370|0| 0|0|0|||1||Murphy%2C How I Loathe Thee|Terminus Est||09:45:15|07/28/2015|Randomly%2C completely out of the blue%2C my copy of MS Paint has died. Apparently%2C in Win7%2B%2C this is not an uncommon problem.%0D%0A%0D%0AAttempting to open a new document or an existing one of any format returns an error box stating %27Unable to create new document.%27%0D%0A%0D%0AWith this%2C on top of%3A%0D%0A- Infection%0D%0A- Stomach bug %28leading into dehydration%29%2C%0D%0A- Gout %28twice%21%29%2C%0D%0A- Medicaid%27s prescription BS%2C%0D%0A- and everything else%0D%0A%0D%0AI have decided to chalk this entire month up to Murphy%27s Law and call it quits. Anyone know where I can find a hole to crawl into for the rest of the week%3F 1|1|0|||1||RE%3A Murphy%2C How I Loathe Thee|Lime2K||14:42:47|07/28/2015|Amusingly enough%2C I%27ve been having issues with a Microsoft product%2C although mine was the ever-popular %22fonts not working in Word when the rest of OS X can see them just fine.%22 I had to leave and go get delicious nachos before I raged out at my laptop.%0D%0A%0D%0A--------------%0D%0ALime2K%0D%0AThe One True Evil Overlord%0D%0A%5Bi%5DRepairing permissions in Disk Utility%2C and then nuking the font caches finally fixed it%5B%2Fi%5D 2|1|0|||||RE%3A Murphy%2C How I Loathe Thee|zwol||15:03:18|07/28/2015|Sounds like what you need is some nice meaty webcomics. Try these%3A%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Bul%5D%0D%0A%5Bli%5D%5Blink%3Akillsixbilliondemons.com%2Fcomic%2Fkill-six-billion-demons-chapter-1%2F%7CKill Six Billion Demons%5D%0D%0A%5Bli%5D%5Blink%3Atemplaraz.com%2F2005%2F05%2F26%2Fchapter-1-the-great-outdoors-cover%2F%7CTemplar%2C Arizona%5D%0D%0A%5Bli%5D%5Blink%3Awww.agirlandherfed.com%2Fwoodpulp%2F1.1.html%7CA Girl and her Fed%5D%0D%0A%5Bli%5D%5Blink%3Awww.mspaintadventures.com%2F%3Fs%3D6%7CHomestuck%5D%0D%0A%5Bli%5D%5Blink%3Azebragirl.net%2F%3Fdate%3D2000-05-06%7CZebra Girl%5D%0D%0A%5Bli%5D%5Blink%3Ajessfink.com%2FChester5000XYV%2F%7CChester 5000 XYV%5D %28NSFW%29%0D%0A%5B%2Ful%5D