0||0|709|0|yes 0|0|0|||||Isn%27t it amazing...|Blob||18:02:18|05/19/2002|... what you can find in your basement.%0D%0A%0D%0AWhen I was sorting out some stuff in my basement to look%2C what I could throw away and what I wanted to keep I found some video tapes. My first reaction was%3A %22How did those get down here%3F%22 Well just out of curiosity I watched one of them and found some old %5Bi%5DQueen Millenia%5B%2Fi%5D episodes%21 That show hasn%27t been on TV around here for over a decade. Now I%27m on the greatest nostalgia trip of my life. Those where the days%2C coming home from elementary school and watching Queen Melenia and Transformers before going out with the guys to play soccer or build dams in the stream near by in the forrest. %2Asigh%2A %0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0ADamn%21 I%27m just 19 years and I already feel old%21