0||0|1654|0|yes 0|0|0|||1||S5M3 and DSM Panic thoughts|Chris Redfield||18:12:41|06/17/2013|To date I have been kind of struggling through the DSM Panic story arc in part because I am completely unfamiliar with a majority of the characters. Pretty much aside from Boba Fett and Lindsey Willows I%27ve got nothing. That said%2C its been an interesting look into life at DSM after the core duelists graduated. I didn%27t hate it by any means%2C it just hadn%27t quite solidified for me%2C until now.%0D%0A%0D%0AWhat I really enjoyed about S5M3 in that framing is that it finishes the characterizations from the characters enough that it no longer matters whether I know where they%27re from or what they do. I liked the outside view into the big fighty fighty with Earthforce. I liked the real horror at the death of President %28%3F%29 Santiago and the implications of Clark in the office. I liked the evolution of Kaname and Sanosuke%27s relationship. I LOVED Anakin%27s portrayal and decision to do the right thing even at great personal cost to himself.%0D%0A%0D%0AAll in all%2C very good stuff.%0D%0A%0D%0A-------------------------------------%0D%0AChris can%27t handle Japanese names