0||0|1725|0| 0|0|0|||1||Teaser 2%3A S5DS03 Goodbye %26 Hello|Gryphon||19:49:52|11/21/2013|%5Btt%5D%5Bpre%5D Minami Sato took off her leather flying helmet%2C shaking out%0D%0Aher long%2C wavy black hair in a gesture that was so obviously unstudied%2C%0D%0Aand yet so effortlessly glamorous%2C that Utena was reminded %28not for the%0D%0Afirst time%29 of Juri Arisugawa. Near the front of the little crowd of%0D%0Ayoungsters%2C Tenzin and Gyatso glanced at each other in astonishment%2C%0D%0Atheir cheeks going red%3B beside them%2C Sita hauled off and slugged Tenzin%0D%0Ain the shoulder%2C nearly knocking him down.%0D%0A %22Hello%2C all%21%22 Minami declared cheerfully as she began tugging%0D%0Aoff her gloves. %22Can I trouble a few of you to help me tie this beast%0D%0Adown%2C please%3F We don%27t want it wandering off if the wind comes up.%22%0D%0A She had no shortage of volunteers for the task%2C which was%0D%0Aaccomplished in mere moments. Then%2C tossing her gloves into her helmet%0D%0Aand the whole affair into the cockpit%2C she trotted across the paved area%0D%0Ato give first Corwin%2C then Utena a hug.%0D%0A %22Hey%2C strangers%2C%22 said Ryo%2C who opted for the Manly Handshake%0D%0Ainstead. %22You%27ve got this whole town in an uproar.%22%0D%0A %22Yeah%2C uh%2C not really our -intention%2C- but it sort of started%0D%0Awithout us and we ended up deciding to just go with it%2C%22 Corwin replied%0D%0Asheepishly. %22We%27ll have to get into that later. First things first%2C%0D%0Athough%2C%22 he said with a mischievous grin as the four of them started%0D%0Aback toward the house. %22C%27mon and meet my newborn daughter.%22%0D%0A Ryo stopped walking.%0D%0A %22I%27m sorry%2C I could have sworn I just heard you say %27c%27mon and%0D%0Ameet my newborn daughter%2C%27%22 he said conversationally.%0D%0A Corwin paused and turned back%2C still grinning%2C while Minami%0D%0Ahalted next to her brother and stared at him in turn and Utena giggled%0D%0Aat both of their reactions. %22I did%2C%22 he said cheerfully.%0D%0A Ryo pondered that for a moment%2C then raised a finger as if to%0D%0Aobject%2C then lowered it and thought some more before saying slowly%2C%0D%0A%22Now... I realize I%27m not the most -observant- prairie hog in town%0D%0Asometimes... %22 He glanced pointedly at Utena and concluded%2C %22... but I%0D%0Awas definitely clocking your good lady thoroughly enough the other night%0D%0Athat I would have -noticed- a thing like that.%22%0D%0A Utena would probably at least have considered punching most%0D%0Aguys%2C particularly most relative strangers%2C for a remark like that%3B but%0D%0Acoming from Ryo%2C it was so straightforward and sincerely complimentary%0D%0Athat she found herself just rolling her eyes with a wry little smile and%0D%0Aa slight blush - which deepened a bit when Minami put in helpfully%2C%0D%0A %22For the record%2C I concur%21%22%5B%2Fpre%5D%5B%2Ftt%5D%0D%0A