13||0|3306|3| 0|0|0|||1||SOON%3A S5DS04 Familiar Spirits|Gryphon||01:52:09|05/28/2014|And by %22soon%22 I mean%2C like%2C late tomorrow or sometime Thursday.%0D%0A%0D%0A--G.%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Bhr%5D%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Bpre%5D Shiro Shinobi Arena was packed and roaring on the first day of%0D%0Athe Major League Bending regular season - much more so than it had been%0D%0Afor the exhibition game Utena had caught%2C and Corwin had found himself%0D%0Aplaying in%2C a couple of weeks ago. There had been a good crowd on hand%0D%0Afor that%2C but tonight the place was absolutely -rammed%2C- standing room%0D%0Aonly and not much of that%2C and there was a whole different intensity to%0D%0Athe energy in the room. It reminded Utena of nothing so much as the%0D%0AToronto Raiderdome just before Game 7 of the 2404 World Series. Here at%0D%0Athe other end of the season%2C the excitement was all about potential%2C not%0D%0Aultimate outcomes%2C but the level of it was about the same.%0D%0A She reflected on that day as she and Corwin made their way to%0D%0Atheir seats. That was%2C she was faintly shocked to realize%2C before she%0D%0Amet him. Nowadays she often had trouble imagining that there had been%0D%0Asuch a time%2C but there it was. There%27d been two whole terms - half a%0D%0Aschool year - when %28apart from MegaZone%29 she knew no one at all in%0D%0AMidgard outside of WPI. Utena didn%27t much like to look back at those%0D%0Adays%3B in many ways%2C they had been the darkest of her life. True%2C they%27d%0D%0Acontained the seeds of her eventual deliverance%2C but she hadn%27t known%0D%0Athat at the time. Apart from a few bright and precious moments%2C she%27d%0D%0Aonly known the heartbreak until Christmastime.%0D%0A Game 7 had been one of those moments %28in fact%2C the whole Toronto%0D%0Atrip had been stuffed with them%29%2C and she had no qualms about calling it%0D%0Ato mind now. They weren%27t heading for the bleachers this time%2C but down%0D%0Afront%2C to one of the courtside boxes where the season ticket holders%0D%0Asat. This was much like being in the regular stands - they were still%0D%0Adown in the great bowl of the arena%2C in the thick of it all - but with%0D%0Abetter seats and smartly uniformed waiters to handle concession runs.%0D%0A Utena approved of this arrangement%2C and it was with a smile that%0D%0Awas part nostalgia and part plain enjoyment of the occasion that she%0D%0Atook the seat Minami Sato was holding for her down front.%0D%0A %22Evening%2C Prince Tenjou%2C%22 said Ryo with a courtly bow from the%0D%0Afar side of his sister. %22You%27re looking divine as always.%22%0D%0A Utena thought that was pushing the boat out a little%2C since she%0D%0Awas dressed in nothing fancier than some old Martian Army cargo shorts%0D%0Aand Corwin%27s KARASU 99 Fire Ferrets sweater %28which served her fairly%0D%0Awell as an overcoat%29%2C but she smiled and thanked him graciously all the%0D%0Asame. It was hard not to be gracious with Ryo%2C even when his charm went%0D%0Aa little over the top%2C because it was always done with such deliberate%2C%0D%0Aself-mocking wryness - not -irony-%2C exactly%2C that would%27ve been tedious%2C%0D%0Abut with a winking acknowledgement that he couldn%27t help being a little%0D%0Asilly. He reminded her slightly of Devlin Carter%2C with whom%2C she%0D%0Asuspected%2C he would probably get on like a house afire.%0D%0A Corwin slipped into his own seat beside her%2C checking his watch%0D%0Aas he did so. %22Hmm%2C just in time for the pregame show%2C%22 he said%2C%0D%0Apowering up his omni-tool.%0D%0A %22Ooh%2C what%27s that%3F%22 Minami inquired eagerly%2C leaning across%0D%0AUtena to get a better look.%0D%0A %22I%27ll show you later%2C%22 Corwin said%2C waving her back to her seat.%0D%0A %22I bet you will%2C%22 said Utena%2C elbowing him.%0D%0A Corwin gave her a Vulcan-style I-beg-your-pardon eyebrow%2C which%0D%0Agot giggles out of both the women to his right%2C and then went back to%0D%0Awhat he was doing%3B a moment later%2C the tool%27s holographic interface fell%0D%0Aback to passive mode and the audio feed from the Republic Television%0D%0ANetwork gently overlaid the rest of the sounds around them.%0D%0A %22... to MLB on RTN%21 I%27m Hitomi Hattori. With me as always is%0D%0Aace earthbender and two-time Western League MVP Kuo Renli.%22%0D%0A %22Always a pleasure%21%22%0D%0A %22And on my right%2C joining us here for opening day at Shiro%0D%0AShinobi Arena%2C a guest I%27m sure requires no introduction. Welcome back%0D%0Ato the press box%2C Avatar Korra.%22%0D%0A %22Thanks%2C Hitomi. Good to be back. How was your offseason%3F%22%0D%0A Corwin sat back in his seat and smiled%2C listening to Korra chat%0D%0Aand banter with the two regular commentators. He%27d always enjoyed%0D%0Awatching and%2For hearing her work a room%2C be it just a couple of people%0D%0Ain a broadcast booth or%2C on one memorable occasion%2C the United Republic%0D%0ASenate.%0D%0A %22%28How come you%27re not not pulling in the video feed too%3F%29%22 Utena%0D%0Awondered%2C leaning to murmur in his ear.%0D%0A %22%28Do you really want me to have to explain how I%27m doing that to%0D%0AMinami right here and now while she sits in your lap%3F%29%22 Corwin replied%0D%0Adryly. %22%28%27Cause that%27s what happens when I bust out the full-motion%0D%0Aholograms%2C tellin%27 you right now.%29%22%0D%0A %22%28Hmm%2C good point. I guess we%27d better skip that for right now. %0D%0AI wouldn%27t mind so much%2C%29%22 she added with a mischievous grin%2C %22%28but Ryo %0D%0Amight be embarrassed... %29%22%0D%0A %22%28You%27re in a playful mood tonight%2C%29%22 said Corwin with a wry%0D%0Alittle smile.%0D%0A %22%28Why shouldn%27t I be%3F%29%22 Utena replied with a carefree toss of%0D%0Aher hair. %22%28It%27s Friday%21%29%22%5B%2Fpre%5D 1|1|0|||1||RE%3A SOON%3A S5DS04 Familiar Spirits|Mercutio||02:09:37|05/28/2014|I approve of the amount of alliteration in the name of Shiro Shinobi%27s spiritual successor.%0D%0A%0D%0A-Merc%0D%0AKeep Rat 2|2|1|||||RE%3A SOON%3A S5DS04 Familiar Spirits|eriktown||06:27:45|05/28/2014|SOON. 3|1|0|||1||RE%3A SOON%3A S5DS04 Familiar Spirits|SpottedKitty||10:23:14|05/28/2014|Don%27t mind us%2C we%27re just sitting here nibbling our fingernails down to the elbow.%0D%0A%0D%0AAnd maybe letting rip with the occasional %3Csquee%3E noise...%0D%0A%0D%0A-- %0D%0AUnable to save the day%3A File is read-only. 5|2|3|||||RE%3A SOON%3A S5DS04 Familiar Spirits|Droken||13:42:14|05/28/2014|This is a particularly troublesome reaction for me%2C as I%27m at work. As some others of our illustrious circle have previously mentioned%2C making odd noises in your cubical at rhe office can be bad. Or at least mildly embarrassing. %0D%0A%0D%0ASo%2C must twitch and spasm in anticipation quietly. 4|1|0|||||RE%3A SOON%3A S5DS04 Familiar Spirits|Meagen||10:44:26|05/28/2014|%0D%0A%3E Corwin slipped into his own seat beside her%2C checking his %0D%0A%3Ewatch %0D%0A%3Eas he did so. %22Hmm%2C just in time for the pregame show%2C%22 he said%2C %0D%0A%3Epowering up his omni-tool. %0D%0A%3E %22Ooh%2C what%27s that%3F%22 Minami inquired eagerly%2C leaning across %0D%0A%3EUtena to get a better look. %0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0AWell it%27s %22a TV or radio presentation that occurs immediately before the live broadcast of a major sporting event%22%2C but that%27s not important right now.%0D%0A 6|1|0|||1||STILL SOON%3A S5DS04 Familiar Spirits|Gryphon||16:57:39|05/28/2014|[updated:LAST EDITED ON May-28-14 AT 05:51 PM (EDT)]Not many really suitable teasers in here%2C but here%27s another little fragment.%0D%0A%0D%0A--G.%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Bhr%5D%0D%0A%5Bpre%5D Turning to Gryphon with an expression of wonderment%2C Skuld said%0D%0Aas if surprised%2C %22This is our granddaughter.%22%0D%0A Gryphon nodded. %22Indisputably.%22%0D%0A %22We have a -granddaughter%2C- you fool%2C%22 Skuld insisted%2C as if he%0D%0Awasn%27t -getting- it.%0D%0A %22Yes we do%2C%22 said Gryphon patiently.%0D%0A %22Our first.%22%0D%0A %22Jointly and separately%2C as it were%2C%22 Gryphon agreed.%0D%0A Skuld looked back at Annabelle%27s face%2C shaking her head in%0D%0Aamazement. %22Inconceivable%2C%22 she muttered.%0D%0A %22Well%2C obviously not%2C%22 said Gryphon%2C causing Korra to snort%0D%0Ainvoluntarily%2C Corwin to cough awkwardly%2C Anthy to giggle%2C and Utena to%0D%0Astifle a bark of laughter that probably would have startled the baby%2C%0D%0Athen shoot him a reproachful smile.%0D%0A %22What%3F%22 Skuld wondered distractedly%3B then she parsed it and%0D%0Agroaned. %22Uuugh.%22 To Annabelle%2C she said conversationally%2C %22I can%27t%0D%0Abelieve I procreated with a paronomasiac. Still%2C worked out OK for you%2C%0D%0Adidn%27t it%3F%22%0D%0A %22In my defense%2C you did make it almost unavoidable%2C%22 said%0D%0AGryphon.%0D%0A %22The pun or the procreation%3F%22 wondered Anthy innocently.%0D%0A %22Both%2C%22 Gryphon replied promptly%2C drawing another round of%0D%0Asimilar reactions.%0D%0A %22You%27re really on your game today%2C%22 Korra remarked%2C offering him%0D%0Aa casual high-five.%5B%2Fpre%5D 7|2|6|||||RE%3A STILL SOON%3A S5DS04 Familiar Spirits|Senji||17:10:25|05/28/2014|%3E%3ELaughing In Real Life%3C%3C%0D%0A%0D%0AAlso%2C New Word%21 Yay.%0D%0A%0D%0AS.%0D%0A 8|2|6|||1||RE%3A STILL SOON%3A S5DS04 Familiar Spirits|Mercutio||17:45:13|05/28/2014|Pedantry%3A Merriam-Webster and Google are both telling me %22paronomasiac.%22%0D%0A%0D%0A-Merc%0D%0AKeep Rat 9|3|8|||1||RE%3A STILL SOON%3A S5DS04 Familiar Spirits|Gryphon||17:50:57|05/28/2014|%3EPedantry%3A Merriam-Webster and Google are both telling me %0D%0A%3E%22paronomasiac.%22 %0D%0A%0D%0ARight. Thanks. Gods forbid anyone ever PMs anything like this. Much better to beat the dirty rugs in full view of the public.%0D%0A%0D%0A--G.%0D%0A-%3E%3C-%0D%0ABenjamin D. Hutchins%2C Co-Founder%2C Editor-in-Chief%2C %26 Forum Mod%0D%0AEyrie Productions%2C Unlimited http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyrie-productions.com%2F%0D%0Azgryphon at that email service Google has%0D%0A%5Bi%5DCeterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.%5B%2Fi%5D 10|1|0|||||RE%3A SOON%3A S5DS04 Familiar Spirits|eriktown||22:06:12|05/28/2014|DNS resolution failed for me on EPU for a few hours. I assume that my constant reloading of the What%27s New page caused my ISP%27s nameserver to keel over and die. 11|2|10|||1||RE%3A SOON%3A S5DS04 Familiar Spirits|Gryphon||22:09:12|05/28/2014|%3EDNS resolution failed for me on EPU for a few hours. I assume that my %0D%0A%3Econstant reloading of the What%27s New page caused my ISP%27s nameserver %0D%0A%3Eto keel over and die. %0D%0A%0D%0AHmm%2C that%27s the second report I%27ve seen of that in the last few minutes. I wonder what%27s up with that. I didn%27t see it myself.%0D%0A%0D%0A--G.%0D%0A-%3E%3C-%0D%0ABenjamin D. Hutchins%2C Co-Founder%2C Editor-in-Chief%2C %26 Forum Mod%0D%0AEyrie Productions%2C Unlimited http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyrie-productions.com%2F%0D%0Azgryphon at that email service Google has%0D%0A%5Bi%5DCeterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.%5B%2Fi%5D 12|1|0|||1||RE%3A SOON%3A S5DS04 Familiar Spirits|Gryphon||22:50:01|05/28/2014|You can stand down your refresh buttons for the moment%2C it%27s not gonna be tonight. It%27s finished but still under review. Lookin%27 like tomorrow evening.%0D%0A%0D%0AAs a consolation prize%2C here%27s one more tiny piece.%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Bpre%5D %22I%27ve got a little surprise for you guys%2C%22 she told Corwin%2C%0D%0AUtena%2C and Anthy at the end of breakfast. A few moments later%2C when the%0D%0Astewards cleared away the dishes%2C they replaced them with a trio of%0D%0Aneatly wrapped brown paper bundles%2C one for each.%0D%0A %22Ahaaa%2C%22 said Utena%2C smiling broadly%2C as she opened hers and%0D%0Adrew out a sturdy%2C fur-trimmed garment. %22I -wondered- why you told us%0D%0Anot to bother buying any winter clothes before we left. Thank you%21%22%0D%0A %22Oh my%2C%22 said Anthy%2C regarding her own. %22These are lovely.%0D%0AWhere did you get them%3F%22%0D%0A %22Well%2C the hides came by way of Karana%27s mom%2C%22 said Korra%2C %22and%0D%0AI did most of the work myself.%22 She grinned as Utena glanced up in%0D%0Asurprise from a closer examination of hers. %22What%2C you didn%27t think I%0D%0Acould sew%3F Avatar or not%2C I%27m a South Pole girl%21 Been making my own%0D%0Aclothes since I was a kid.%22%0D%0A %22That explains why all your pants that aren%27t store-bought look%0D%0Aexactly the same%2C%22 Corwin deadpanned%2C drawing a swat to the back of the%0D%0Ahead. %22What%3F%22 he protested.%5B%2Fpre%5D 13|1|0|||||RE%3A SOON%3A S5DS04 Familiar Spirits|eriktown||00:44:33|05/30/2014|For those who forgot to check the What%27s New page%2C it%27s up. Reading is go%21