Eyrie Productions, Unlimited
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Apr-11-23, 01:48 PM (EST) |
3. "RE: Midnight Suns the Fourth"
In response to message #0
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-23 AT 01:48 PM (EDT) So, I finished the game. Highlight for my thoughts! Or, well, thought. There's really only one.I don't know what I thought I was expecting, I mean, we romped the mission and then arbitrarily lost in the cutscene every other time, for fuck's sake. --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Charter Member
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Apr-11-23, 04:36 PM (EST) |
4. "RE: Midnight Suns the Fourth"
In response to message #3
>So, I finished the game. Highlight for my thoughts! Or, well, >thought. There's really only one. > >I don't know what I thought I was expecting, I >mean, we romped the mission and then arbitrarily lost in the cutscene >every other time, for fuck's sake. Spoiler-ish reply below, highlight to read. Mmm. Yeah. I agree, though I have to say it felt more natural here than elsewhere in the game. At the very least, I didn't think the twist with Lilith was too badly done, and the Doom voiceover in the very end will hopefully make for an interesting sequel. That said, yeah, I don't want my Hunter to be out of action for too long, you know? ------ Authors of our fates Orchestrate our fall from grace Poorest players on the stage Our defiance drives us straight to the edge
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Member since Aug-17-13
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Apr-12-23, 01:59 PM (EST) |
5. "RE: Midnight Suns the Fourth"
In response to message #4
>>I don't know what I thought I was expecting, I >>mean, we romped the mission and then arbitrarily lost in the cutscene >>every other time, for fuck's sake. > >Spoiler-ish reply below, highlight to read. > >Mmm. Yeah. I agree, though I have to say it felt >more natural here than elsewhere in the game. At the very least, I >didn't think the twist with Lilith was too badly done, and the Doom >voiceover in the very end will hopefully make for an interesting >sequel. That said, yeah, I don't want my Hunter to be out of action >for too long, you know? >
Just managed it myself. I unironically enjoyed it. Yes, the cutscene losses were a bit annoying, but the encounter design of the finale was great. Granted, the game somehow thought _Wanda_ was one of my 'strongest' characters, which was annoying in the second phase. And Nico too for some reason. I wonder if it's based on plot, number of after-cap levels, hangouts ... etc. That or I just got a bad random decision roll, since almost everyone was at social 5 or more. Comparatively speaking, the portions with Carol or Ilyana were a bit of a cakewalk. The unlikely team that took out possessed!Hunter in the first phase ended up being Logan, Eddie and Morbius ... appropriate, given the last lines of the pre battle banter Hunter shared with Morbius went something along the lines of: "So, what's your catchphrase? It's time to Morb?" I dearly hope we get _some_ form of follow up, but I'm not so sure given the game is reportedly a commercial flop. We may need to live with the cliffhanger. I might do an NG+ playthrough once some time has passed and Storm has been added to the roster.
--- The non-believers climbed for days to confront the master in the mountains. "Where do you get your so-called faith?" they asked. "You brought it," the master replied. "You've all climbed so high." - The Book of Cataclysm |
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Charter Member
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Apr-12-23, 03:15 PM (EST) |
6. "RE: Midnight Suns the Fourth"
In response to message #5
OK, this highlight-to-read stuff is getting silly. Maybe from here forward I should just change the subject line to a warning and let the chips fall where they may. Thoughts? For now, you know the drill. >Just managed it myself. > >I unironically enjoyed it. Yes, the cutscene losses were a bit >annoying, but the encounter design of the finale was great. > >Granted, the game somehow thought _Wanda_ was one of my 'strongest' >characters, which was annoying in the second phase. And Nico too for >some reason. I wonder if it's based on plot, number of after-cap >levels, hangouts ... etc.Pretty sure that part's based on straight level/XP, not anything on the social side. My four were Cap, Blade, Robbie, and Illyana, which made sense, because I took Robbie, Cap, and Blade along on a lot of grind missions and 'Yana got a bunch of level-ups from sparring and random stuff happening. >The unlikely team that took out possessed!Hunter in the first phase >ended up being Logan, Eddie and Morbius Heh, mine were Hulk, Eddie, and Deadpool?! There was sweet poetry in the fact that Wade's was the hand that struck the final blow that freed the Hunter from the greyfaced tyranny of Chthonic possession. Even managed to do it with his Legendary! So I guess it was actually his boot, technically speaking. What there is not sweet poetry in is the fact that you have to go through all the frigmarole of establishing the four seals and then Chthon is just "lol nope losers" in the cutscene, like always in this goddam game. It even happens so fast it doesn't register. There's no drama in it at all, it just... doesn't work. He's winning, you Do the Thing and free Hunter, now he's winning even more, you Do the Other Thing and make the seals, he's... still winning, seamlessly. It's so. Frustrating. And then the other thing you don't have anything to do with happens and he finally loses, and... you still lose. And they spin it that Hunter is OK with that, but fuck that, man. I wanted to go bowling for Skrulls with Carol and all the rest'a them obvious death flags I spent the whole damn game raising. --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Charter Member
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Apr-12-23, 10:29 PM (EST) |
10. "RE: Midnight Suns the Fourth"
In response to message #6
And while we're here, I love how surreal it is that after the ending and the (inadequate) epilogue cutscenes about how Hunter didn't make it... the game continues. Hunter wakes up in her room and Act III-formula Abbey business is continuing as normal. There's still hot and cold running Lilin-flavored Hydra at the Mirror Table, everybody's still hanging out, Blade still insults you while you look over the card-mod menu... it's like Hunter's Groundhog Daying the day before the final mission or something, except that can't be it, because Sara isn't loitering by the Mirror Table wanting to know if you're ready to pull the endgame lever. WTF, game? --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Charter Member
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Apr-12-23, 06:00 PM (EST) |
7. "New Game +"
In response to message #0
OK, maybe I'm missing a sequence of gamer DNA or something, but I have to admit I don't really see the point of this. So... you start the game over at level 1, but now... a bunch of stuff is unlocked that it makes no sense for you to have. For instance, you start with a full hero roster. Does that mean you can take Eddie along on the missions where you fight Eddie? Can the Hulk be one of your squaddies in the Act I missions where Banner's talking to you on the radio? (Actually there's precedent for both of those things in the comics, kind of, but anyway.) What happens if you pick Captain America for the mission where you can only launch with one friend because the first thing you're going to do when you get there is recruit Captain America to be your other friend? Is the lineup then The Hunter and two Captains America for the rest of that mission? That would be awesome, but also not make any god damn sense, unless you dressed the one you launched with in the black outfit from when he was "The Captain" and pretend the other one is John Walker. And who the hell wants John Walker in their Midnight Suns lineup? Not me, that's for damn sure. I digress, where was I? Oh yeah! Starting with a full hero roster in a storyline that's largely built around building your team doesn't make any sense. Having all the cosmetics unlocked (but not paid for) is slightly weird too, but I guess they figure nobody who's playing through the game for the second time in a row is going to be that invested in scrounging around the Abbey unlocking all the stuff again. In fact, now that I've typed that out loud, is that the whole rationale behind it, that anyone who's playing this mode doesn't actually give a fuck about anything other than the missions? They're just going in there to see if you can get two Captains America on the Captain America recruitment mission and stuff? In that case, why make it a playthrough mode at all? Just make completing the game open a sandbox mode where you just have All the Stuff and a Mirror Table with unlimited missions on tap. No, I thought I had it there for a second, but I still don't get it. :) --G. totally going to try that "two Captains America" thing, though -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Charter Member
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May-05-23, 05:32 PM (EST) |
13. "RE: Midnight Suns the Fourth"
In response to message #0
LAST EDITED ON May-05-23 AT 05:32 PM (EDT) Well, I've tried the "all Light dialogues" Hunter and the "all Dark dialogues" Hunter (who is hilariously brutal to Caretaker). Maybe when the Storm DLC drops next week I'll try a playthrough where the Hunter never, ever passes up an opportunity to make a joke, no matter how inappropriate the occasion. If nothing else, I'm sure Deadpool will appreciate her style.--G. "I agree, Doctor. I, too, hope my spawn do not inherit your condition." -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Charter Member
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May-06-23, 01:41 PM (EST) |
15. "RE: Midnight Suns the Fourth"
In response to message #0
I love that you can get right to the precipice of the last mission, and then, if you feel like it, spend literally years going up to Caretaker each morning like, CARETAKER Well, kiddo, how about it? Ready to defy a prophecy? HUNTER Nah, not feelin' it. I think me, Bruce and Pete are gonna go bust up a Hydra warehouse today. Anyway, Charlie needs walkies. CARETAKER "Bruce, Pete, and I." HUNTER I maketh an effort to modernize my way of speaking, Aunt Sara, for verily do I grow weary of coming across like a 17th-century armoire. Diggest thou my ditch? CARETAKER I knew letting Nico into this place was a mistake. --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Member since Jun-29-03
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Dec-29-24, 07:23 PM (EST) |
20. "RE: Midnight Suns the Fourth"
In response to message #19
>My grumbles about the ending notwithstanding, it's a lot >of game for nine bucks, I'm just sayin'. >In re this, the said winter sale, at least in the EU parts of the world, also has: Metro Exodus with all DLC, 4 bucks. State of Decay 2,Fatso Edition, 3 bucks Borderlands GOTY Enhanced, 3 bucks Need for Speed Heat Deluxe, 3.50 bucks Stellaris, 4 bucks Batman Arkham Origins, 2 bucks In addition, there's Grounded Fully Yoked, 20 bucks Hogwarts Legacy, 15 bucks Sins of a Solar Empire 2, 37 bucks And a whole heaping stack of DLCs for this, that and the other. This has been the "best" sale for me, at least, in a long while! ...! Stoke Mandeville, Esq & The Victorian Ballsmiths "Nobody Want Verdigris- Covered Balls!" |
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Eyrie Productions,
D. Hutchins
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