Eyrie Productions, Unlimited
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Oct-12-23, 08:21 PM (EDT) |
"Persona 4 Golden"
This was 20 bucks on Switch, so I decided to go back and play it first before continuing P5R. Made a couple of posts about it in the P5 stream, but I might as well give it its own. Today's thought is about that sinking feeling that comes in every JRPG when you realize that you messed up something important without realizing it at some earlier point in the timeline, and there's nothing you can do about it now. Welp! Time to power to the end and look to New Game + for my salvation. --G. also, why did they introduce a new cohort character so late in the game, then give her such a tiny, easily missed window to start her social link? -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Oct-13-23, 06:56 PM (EDT) |
5. "RE: Persona 4 Golden"
In response to message #1
>Oh fuck off, a never-before-seen mandatory stealth mission at the >endgame?! OK, to be fair, that wasn't as bad as it initially seemed like it would be. The prompt's phrasing notwithstanding, you don't actually have to be undetected (which would be virtually impossible) in that dungeon, just avoid getting into any actual fights with the things that do manage to spot you. It was nowhere near as annoying as the next dungeon... --G. I'm not sure I can take finding out how much worse the one after that is. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Oct-13-23, 06:59 PM (EDT) |
6. "RE: Persona 4 Golden"
In response to message #3
>Lil' bit of spoilers here, and it's been...since before P4Golden even >came out that I last played it, I think, but as I recall things, you >*literally cannot* get the true ending in Persona 4 without rolling a >New Game + run.I don't think that's still true of Golden; if it is, fuck me, there's a dungeon after the dungeon after the dungeon after the "this is the last dungeon in the game, honest!" dungeon? --G. It's starting to remind me of the dueling false endings of the prog rock parody in Bill Bailey's Remarkable Guide to the Orchestra. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Oct-21-23, 05:11 PM (EDT) |
14. "RE: Persona 4 Golden"
In response to message #7
>Possibly?? I don't remember enough about the P4 endgame to say if >there was a dungeon there or not, and I don't think I ever got far in >Golden, if I played it at all. Report from the end of New Game Plus: There is a thing at the end of the game that you can't do in the first playthrough, but it's not an ending, it's a tangent that happens right before the end. I guess the timing is so tight you need a damn spreadsheet to max all your social links, though. There's an achievement for it, so I assume it is actually possible, but I haven't managed it in two playthroughs now. Well, on to New Game Plus Plus, I guess... --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Oct-16-23, 09:18 PM (EDT) |
10. "RE: Persona 4 Golden"
In response to message #0
"Hey, Senpai, did you know the fireworks festival is tonight?" "Nice, let's you and me go together." "Aww, Senpai, I'd love to, but we only had the budget for one anime cutscene and the whole gang is in it." --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Member since Aug-17-13
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Oct-17-23, 08:15 AM (EDT) |
11. "RE: Persona 4 Golden"
In response to message #0
>This was 20 bucks on Switch, so I decided to go back and play it first >before continuing P5R. Made a couple of posts about it in the P5 >stream, but I might as well give it its own. > >Today's thought is about that sinking feeling that comes in every JRPG >when you realize that you messed up something important without >realizing it at some earlier point in the timeline, and there's >nothing you can do about it now. Welp! Time to power to the end and >look to New Game + for my salvation. >I remember playing this way back when on the PS2 ... getting to Izzy was a fun twist. Certainly better than the end of P3. Even if Naoto doesn't quite hold a candle to Mitsuru. Oh well. I think that used to be the running gag. Souji is better with women, Minato has better women. --- The non-believers climbed for days to confront the master in the mountains. "Where do you get your so-called faith?" they asked. "You brought it," the master replied. "You've all climbed so high." - The Book of Cataclysm |
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Oct-21-23, 04:58 PM (EDT) |
13. "RE: Persona 4 Golden"
In response to message #11
>Even if Naoto doesn't quite hold a candle to Mitsuru. Oh well. Huh. You think so? I think Naoto has much to recommend her, once she stops being such a dang tryhard. But then, I go for the "slightly cracked Vulcan" type. I love the way she doesn't even blink in the face of genuine mortal danger, but gets flustered over little things of no cosmic consequence. Also, she can follow a recipe, which is evidently more than any other woman in Inaba can claim. :) At first glance Mitsuru seems like a similar type, but she has that ojō-sama thing going on that I just find kind of tiring. I know a lot of folks are into that, though. >I think that used to be the running gag. Souji is better with women, >Minato has better women. That's a bit harsh. Admittedly, I haven't played P3, only watched someone stream Portable a bunch, but even so. I'll grant you that Yukari and Chie are pretty much even, but Kanji is clearly way cooler than Akihiko. --G. what? -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Member since Aug-17-13
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Oct-23-23, 05:26 PM (EDT) |
15. "RE: Persona 4 Golden"
In response to message #13
>Huh. You think so? I think Naoto has much to recommend her, once she stops being >such a dang tryhard. But then, I go for the "slightly cracked Vulcan" type. >I love the way she doesn't even blink in the face of genuine mortal danger, >but gets flustered over little things of no cosmic consequence. >Also, she can follow a recipe, which is evidently more than any other woman >in Inaba can claim. :)Oh, don't get me wrong, Naoto is right up there in my ranking of favorite Persona companions. Doesn't hurt that she grows up into this: https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/358106607845081015/ That and the utterly non-nonsense attitude she has when she's in work-mode. She's definitely my favorite pairing for Souji in P4. I just like Mitsuru a whole lot. I guess I have a thing for stern but kind characters. Also, fur coats and leather catsuits. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/4/4b/P4A_Mitsuru_Render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20141207153340 >At first glance Mitsuru seems like a similar type, but she has that >ojō-sama thing going on that I just find kind of tiring. I know a lot of >folks are into that, though. Mitsuru's anthem might as well be Queen's 'I want to break free'. >That's a bit harsh. Admittedly, I haven't played P3, only watched someone >stream Portable a bunch, but even so. I'll grant you that Yukari and Chie are >pretty much even, but Kanji is clearly way cooler than Akihiko. Like I said, that used to be the running gag back when P4 first launched. I don't quite agree with it, but P3 had the force majeure of Mitsuru, Yukari and Aigis. In P4, Chie and Yukiko have a great dynamic, but pairing-wise I think they work better on the friendship route. P5, I haven't finished yet or gotten all the Phantom Thieves together, but I can see they folded parts of Mitsuru into Makoto, and _some_ of Fuuka into Futaba, but with some great twists. Well, okay, with Futaba the twists are mostly trauma. But Makoto is a blast, and instantly gets favorite character status in the installment from me for being a massive Ryu Ga Gotoku fan (or, the local version of it anyway). Of the guys, yeah, Junpei and Akihiko kind of fall off when compared to later games. But P3 still remains strong simply by virtue or Best Boy Koromaru! P4, Kanji is the standout and a really good character. And I don't really find his writing dated. A little ham-fisted and played for laughs, but this IS Japan. Home of such entertainment titans as Hard Gay. Yosuke is a stronger character than Junpei IMO, mostly for his interactions with the others. And Teddie is a meme, until he isn't. --- The non-believers climbed for days to confront the master in the mountains. "Where do you get your so-called faith?" they asked. "You brought it," the master replied. "You've all climbed so high." - The Book of Cataclysm |
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Oct-23-23, 07:40 PM (EDT) |
16. "RE: Persona 4 Golden"
In response to message #15
LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-23 AT 07:45 PM (EDT) >Oh, don't get me wrong, Naoto is right up there in my ranking of >favorite Persona companions. Doesn't hurt that she grows up into this: >https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/358106607845081015/ Heck yeah. For that matter, just the change in her from the end of the game proper to the summer epilogue in Golden is plenty dramatic. In fact, I think the way they adjusted the character designs for that epilogue is pretty great across the board. 
Naoto's being a Girl In Public, Kanji turned into an Industrial Arts teacher, Marie turned into your favorite homeroom teacher, Yosuke finally remembered that he does not even own a skateboard, Rise finally got around to going off-model with her hairstyle (seriously, girl, if you were so bothered being recognized after you left showbiz, why did you keep rocking the Idol Twintails the whole time), Yukiko looks like she's already running the Greater Inaba Chamber of Commerce, and good heavens, Miss Satonaka, where did those come from?! (And Teddie... well... Teddie is still Teddie.) >Also, fur coats and leather catsuits. >https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/4/4b/P4A_Mitsuru_Render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20141207153340 Alas, this one doesn't work. I think Wikia sabotages attempts to direct-link their images on purpose... >>At first glance Mitsuru seems like a similar type, but she has that >>ojō-sama thing going on that I just find kind of tiring. I know a lot of >>folks are into that, though. > >Mitsuru's anthem might as well be Queen's 'I want to break free'. ... So she's Mugi without an outlet? >P3 had the force majeure of Mitsuru, Yukari and Aigis. And Kotone/Minako, if you include Portable. The streamer I was watching play P3P picked her route, and for the half or so of the game she got through, I really enjoyed how not like the typical Blank Cipher MC she was. Said streamer more or less abandoned the run when P3 Reload was announced in favor of waiting for the new version to come out, which makes me kind of sad, since I understand Kotone won't be in it. Then again, I accidentally found out how that game ends, so maybe it's just as well that she didn't see it through. What the fuck, video game writers. Seriously now, knock that shit off. ... I might have to rescue her someday. >In P4, Chie and Yukiko have a great dynamic, but pairing-wise I think >they work better on the friendship route. Yeah, they're kind of a package deal, and choosing one or the other kind of feels like splitting them up, even though they're not written with much of any subtext between them. I feel like outside the constraints of a Friendship Or Romance? game script, Chie is the kind of girl who would still be your bestest pal even if futonic things were happening. Which, you know, longtime viewers might have gotten the idea that that's my jam. But yeah, in a setting where it's one or the other--and, for that matter, one where you have to pick between her and Yukiko--I'd tend to agree. Although, the way they set up the romance on-ramp for Yukiko in particular, it's painful to friendzone her in that moment. Poor girl worked so hard to get there, it feels like stepping on a butterfly. >P5, I haven't finished yet or gotten all the Phantom Thieves together, Yeah, I'm only a few hours in myself--just past the first palace. Whatever else you might fault these games for, they ain't short. :) >Of the guys, yeah, Junpei and Akihiko kind of fall off when compared >to later games. But P3 still remains strong simply by virtue or Best >Boy Koromaru! I love how confused the characters from the other games are by everything about P3 whenever there's a crossover. "Wait, the dog is a persona user? And why are you pointing a gun at your head?!" >P4, Kanji is the standout and a really good character. And I don't >really find his writing dated. A little ham-fisted and played for >laughs, but this IS Japan. Home of such entertainment titans as Hard >Gay. His shtick gave me flashbacks to that scene with Raphael and Casey in the first live-action TMNT movie: "Ohh, I get it! You're a claustrophobic!" "You wanna punch in the mouth?! I never even looked at another guy!" But yeah, Kanji's great. That whole thing in his S-Link arc where he thinks he shouldn't be kind but he just can't help it is so endearing. I also particularly love his blithe cluelessness in the scene where everyone thinks the PC and one of the girls were getting frisky in the cabin behind the ski lodge. RISE (surprised and relieved) They've still got their clothes on! KANJI (genuinely baffled) Why would they take their clothes off? It's freezing in here. And why are you so flustered, dude? (I also enjoy Rise's reactions if she's the other party in that scene. She gets so fed up with everyone suspecting that she manufactured the "emergency", not because she's embarrassed about being accused of hanky to the power of panky, but because she wouldn't have to sneak around if she wanted that action, do you know who she is?! She practically folds her arms and says, "If I wanted it that bad I'd just have it, I'm Rise Kuji-fuckin'-kawa." Personally, I trace her decision to go back into showbiz to that moment. If people are going to assume I'm fooling around in the limo, I might as well have a limo to fool around in, goddammit. :) >Yosuke is a stronger character than Junpei IMO, mostly for his >interactions with the others. Yosuke has the advantage that he kind of knows he's a huge doofus, whereas Junpei seems to be under the genuine delusion that he's cool. :) >And Teddie is a meme, until he isn't. Let's be honest, even when he isn't he still is. :) --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Oct-27-23, 12:48 PM (EDT) |
24. "RE: Persona 4 Golden"
In response to message #22
>The running gag with all the Persona 3 characters there is they're >supposed to be secret government operatives but almost none of them >were wearing normal clothing.Junpei Iori, Secret Government Operative. In the words of former comedian Dennis Miller, "Who the fuck were they turning away?" :) >So Mitsuru's outfit is supposed to be >laughed at, to a degree, but she's got such pride and dignity she >almost pulls it off anyway. Yukari, Junpei, and Akihiko...not so much. Isn't Yukari just wearing her costume from the TV show she was in the middle of shooting when the Incident arose? Or is that the second game? I haven't played either one, so I lose track of the details... >Aigis and Fuuka were more normal looking ... Or, well, within the bounds of how normal Aigis is capable of looking. (Although I saw a clip where she was dressed in a Men In Black outfit and, uh, O HAI, as I believe the young people used to say.) --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Oct-27-23, 05:03 PM (EDT) |
25. "RE: Persona 4 Golden"
In response to message #24
>>The running gag with all the Persona 3 characters there is they're >>supposed to be secret government operatives but almost none of them >>were wearing normal clothing. > >Junpei Iori, Secret Government Operative. > >In the words of former comedian Dennis Miller, "Who the fuck were they >turning away?" :)In fairness, they were turning away people without Personas. The group was there specifically to deal with things ordinary government agents could not, and as a result beggars couldn't be choosers. Even still, Junpei and Yukari were only 'on call', as it were, which is why he had his baseball coach outfit on and she had her sentai actress costume. :) Still, it's played for laughs. > >>So Mitsuru's outfit is supposed to be >>laughed at, to a degree, but she's got such pride and dignity she >>almost pulls it off anyway. Yukari, Junpei, and Akihiko...not so much. > >Isn't Yukari just wearing her costume from the TV show she was in the >middle of shooting when the Incident arose? Or is that the second >game? I haven't played either one, so I lose track of the details... Yes indeed! And it's the second game, Yukari was, alas, not in the first. > >>Aigis and Fuuka were more normal looking > >... Or, well, within the bounds of how normal Aigis is capable of >looking. Yep. There's definitely some 'informed attribute' when it comes to how well she was disguised. To be fair, though, it's been a LONG time. There's a lot of details I didn't remember. > >(Although I saw a clip where she was dressed in a Men In Black outfit >and, uh, O HAI, as I believe the young people used to say.) Mmm, yes, I saw that! ------ Authors of our fates Orchestrate our fall from grace Poorest players on the stage Our defiance drives us straight to the edge
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Oct-28-23, 10:09 PM (EDT) |
27. "RE: Persona 4 Golden"
In response to message #26
>As I recall, Aigis was somehow able to pass as a school classmate, so >maybe as long as you cover her joints nobody’s the wiser? She doesn't have feet! You'd think someone would have noticed that. I mean, even if you somehow put shoes on her they wouldn't move right. (Also, she talks like a 1985 Nissan Maxima, but I suppose people might chalk that up to a social deficit disorder of one kind or another.) --G. "Lights are on." -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Oct-30-23, 08:08 PM (EDT) |
29. "RE: Persona 4 Golden"
In response to message #28
>Well, everybody's what, 16-18? That’s around the ‘chuunibyo’ >stage, where everybody’s a dang weirdo, going by school anime >stereotypes.I thought chuunibyou was a middle school thing. Isn't that literally what the word means, something like "second year of middle school syndrome"? By high school, they should be past that and on to full-dress Don Quixote delusional behavior. :) Then again, it's pretty well-established that everyone at Gekkoukan High is deranged, especially the faculty. Even the visiting kids from Yasogami think so, and they have a teacher who thinks she's Cleopatra. I guess when your history prof wears a kabuto at all times and your school literally has a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, a classmate whose visibly mechanical legs end in bedpost knobs instead of feet really isn't that weird. :) --G. maybe they think she's testing a new type of prosthesis, like those spring things amputee runners wear -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Oct-24-23, 05:26 PM (EDT) |
23. "RE: Persona 4 Golden"
In response to message #16
>>Oh, don't get me wrong, Naoto is right up there in my ranking of >>favorite Persona companions. Doesn't hurt that she grows up into this: >>https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/358106607845081015/ > >Heck yeah. For that matter, just the change in her from the end of >the game proper to the summer epilogue in Golden is plenty >dramatic. In fact, I think the way they adjusted the character >designs for that epilogue is pretty great across the board. Oooo, that is an amazing design. > > > >Naoto's being a Girl In Public, Kanji turned into an Industrial Arts >teacher, Marie turned into your favorite homeroom teacher, Yosuke >finally remembered that he does not even own a skateboard, Rise >finally got around to going off-model with her hairstyle (seriously, >girl, if you were so bothered being recognized after you left showbiz, >why did you keep rocking the Idol Twintails the whole time), >Yukiko looks like she's already running the Greater Inaba Chamber of >Commerce, and good heavens, Miss Satonaka, where did >those come from?! > >(And Teddie... >well... Teddie is still Teddie.>) > >>Also, fur coats and leather catsuits. >>https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/4/4b/P4A_Mitsuru_Render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20141207153340 > >Alas, this one doesn't work. I think Wikia sabotages attempts to >direct-link their images on purpose... > >>>At first glance Mitsuru seems like a similar type, but she has that >>>ojō-sama thing going on that I just find kind of tiring. I know a lot of >>>folks are into that, though. >> >>Mitsuru's anthem might as well be Queen's 'I want to break free'. > >... So she's Mugi without an outlet?
That's actually very apt. > >>P3 had the force majeure of Mitsuru, Yukari and Aigis. > >And Kotone/Minako, if you include Portable. The streamer I was >watching play P3P picked her route, and for the half or so of the game >she got through, I really enjoyed how not like the typical Blank >Cipher MC she was. > >Said streamer more or less abandoned the run when P3 Reload was >announced in favor of waiting for the new version to come out, which >makes me kind of sad, since I understand Kotone won't be in it. Then >again, I accidentally found out how that game ends, so maybe it's just >as well that she didn't see it through. What the fuck, video game >writers. Seriously now, knock that shit off. > >... I might have to rescue her someday.
I -adore- Kotone and have beaten P3P entirely. She does get some love in one of the spinoff games, PQ2 I think, but still, the biggest reason I am not interested in P3 Reload is the lack of Kotone's route -or- the Aigis-focused addon to the original game. You'd think they'd have at least one or the other, and I very much wanted them to merge both. As for how P3 ends, I don't want to spoil too much, but the end of P4A has a side thread about someone starting a quest to fix that. Pity it was not addressed in the P4A2, but still. > >>In P4, Chie and Yukiko have a great dynamic, but pairing-wise I think >>they work better on the friendship route. > >Yeah, they're kind of a package deal, and choosing one or the other >kind of feels like splitting them up, even though they're not written >with much of any subtext between them. I feel like outside the >constraints of a Friendship Or Romance? game script, Chie is the kind >of girl who would still be your bestest pal even if futonic things >were happening. Which, you know, longtime viewers might have gotten >the idea that that's my jam. But yeah, in a setting where it's one or >the other--and, for that matter, one where you have to pick between >her and Yukiko--I'd tend to agree. > >Although, the way they set up the romance on-ramp for Yukiko in >particular, it's painful to friendzone her in that moment. Poor girl >worked so hard to get there, it feels like stepping on a butterfly. > >>P5, I haven't finished yet or gotten all the Phantom Thieves together, > >Yeah, I'm only a few hours in myself--just past the first palace. >Whatever else you might fault these games for, they ain't short. :)
So true! I can't say as much as I want without spoiling awesome things, so I will abide. Best girl in P5 is yet to come for you, in I think the dungeon after next. The crowning moment of awesome there is chef's kiss. > >>Of the guys, yeah, Junpei and Akihiko kind of fall off when compared >>to later games. But P3 still remains strong simply by virtue or Best >>Boy Koromaru! > >I love how confused the characters from the other games are by >everything about P3 whenever there's a crossover. "Wait, the dog is a >persona user? And why are you pointing a gun at your head?!" > >>P4, Kanji is the standout and a really good character. And I don't >>really find his writing dated. A little ham-fisted and played for >>laughs, but this IS Japan. Home of such entertainment titans as Hard >>Gay. > >His shtick gave me flashbacks to that scene with Raphael and Casey in >the first live-action TMNT movie: > >"Ohh, I get it! You're a claustrophobic!" > >"You wanna punch in the mouth?! I never even looked at another >guy!" > >But yeah, Kanji's great. That whole thing in his S-Link arc where he >thinks he shouldn't be kind but he just can't help it is so endearing. > I also particularly love his blithe cluelessness in the scene where >everyone thinks the PC and one of the girls were getting frisky in the >cabin behind the ski lodge. > >RISE >(surprised and relieved) >They've still got their clothes on! > >KANJI >(genuinely baffled) >Why would they take their clothes off? It's freezing in here. And >why are you so flustered, dude? > >(I also enjoy Rise's reactions if she's the other party in that >scene. She gets so fed up with everyone suspecting that she >manufactured the "emergency", not because she's embarrassed about >being accused of hanky to the power of panky, but because she wouldn't >have to sneak around if she wanted that action, do you know who she >is?! She practically folds her arms and says, "If I wanted it >that bad I'd just have it, I'm Rise Kuji-fuckin'-kawa." >Personally, I trace her decision to go back into showbiz to that >moment. If people are going to assume I'm fooling around in the limo, >I might as well have a limo to fool around in, goddammit. :) > >>Yosuke is a stronger character than Junpei IMO, mostly for his >>interactions with the others. > >Yosuke has the advantage that he kind of knows he's a huge >doofus, whereas Junpei seems to be under the genuine delusion that >he's cool. :) In all fairness, P3 was the first Persona game they made for a long time then, and the improvement in quality is palpable between 3 and 4, and between 4 and 5. Storytelling and characterization, especially, though the battle system has been nicely refined too. > >>And Teddie is a meme, until he isn't. > >Let's be honest, even when he isn't he still is. :)
------ Authors of our fates Orchestrate our fall from grace Poorest players on the stage Our defiance drives us straight to the edge
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Oct-14-24, 07:55 PM (EDT) |
37. "RE: Persona 4 Golden"
In response to message #23
One Year Later... >the biggest >reason I am not interested in P3 Reload is the lack of Kotone's route >-or- the Aigis-focused addon to the original game. The latter of the two has, in fact, come out as DLC. Alas, still not the former. Probably never the former, if the mumblings I've heard are accurate. :/ >So true! I can't say as much as I want without spoiling awesome >things, so I will abide. Best girl in P5 is yet to come for you, in I >think the dungeon after next. The crowning moment of awesome there is >chef's kiss. Were you talking about the sequence I like to think of as "Class Rep Discovers the Dark Side of the Force" here? :) --G. "Shut your damn mouth, you money-grubbing asshole!" -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Kendra Kirai
Member since May-22-16
724 posts |
Oct-24-23, 09:27 AM (EDT) |
20. "RE: Persona 4 Golden"
In response to message #15
Personally, on the topic of best girls, I have to go with the games only notable MILF. 
*All yo yens, yip yip yap* Also, Nanako. She deserves all the hugs. Seriously though, I don’t remember if I romanced *anyone* my play through back when... it was a much smaller choice pool, and less emphasis put on it, because it was pre-Golden, so maybe I didn’t even get a proper choice for various shenanigans. |
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Charter Member
22778 posts |
Oct-21-23, 03:59 PM (EDT) |
12. "RE: Persona 4 Golden"
In response to message #0
>This was 20 bucks on Switch Tangentially related, I just looked in the store and noticed that all the Persona stuff available on Switch is on sale until the end of the month. Some pretty deep discounts, too; for instance, the deluxe edition of Persona 5 Strikers, list price $69.99, is 22 bucks right now. If I could spare the dough, I'd probably buy Royal again over there, just because I've found it very convenient to play Golden on my TV while leaving my computer free to do other stuff. (I also considered P3P, which I've watched Mori play a bunch of, but by a lucky accident I found out how it ends and uh no.) --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Charter Member
22778 posts |
Nov-04-23, 05:41 PM (EDT) |
31. "RE: Persona 4 Golden"
In response to message #19
>Stupid Persona and their stupid names. I just got super excited for >thirty seconds there and thought this was the new chibi strategy game, >but that one's called Tactica and not Strikers. I just noticed something about the subtitles of the games in the P5 line. Not counting the dancing game (or the original version of P5 itself, which doesn't have a suffix), the letters they start with are in alphabetical order: Royal, Strikers (or Scramble in Japan), and Tactica. Oddly, it seems they don't happen in that order, in the in-game timeline, but... --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Charter Member
22778 posts |
Nov-09-23, 09:58 PM (EDT) |
33. "RE: Persona 4 Golden"
In response to message #0
Oh hey, I just noticed a neatly done little P4 reference in P5R. At one point in the Confidant link you can form with the doctor, she calls what the circumstances strongly imply is a contact at the big hospital where she used to work to ask about something, and that person's name is Uehara. Kronor to cronuts that's Sayoko Uehara, the nurse from P4, who left Inaba at the end of the game to Go Find Herself. Nice. :) --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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