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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Undocumented Features General
Topic ID: 173
Message ID: 5
#5, RE: Roses in Springtime
Posted by Laudre on Oct-30-01 at 04:14 AM
In response to message #0
Is Kate's Beauxbatons Academy sweatshirt a throwaway reference, or does it mean something more?

> Devlin, throughout all of this, made only a quiet, pitiful
> noise, as of a tiny creature which knows it is doomed.

I'm having a hard time feeling sorry for Devlin here ~_^.

> Amanda nodded. "I must concur with the rodent."

I find this line inordinately amusing.

> gave us our second wind. It did me, anyway. I -love- that round
> robin solo, and the way the rhythm section is integrated into the
> whole song - when it goes right it really makes me feel like we're
> clicking, and it -definitely- went right tonight. After we nailed

I am so tempted to make my standard complaint about guitarist wanking.

> Goodness, she realized, he's getting tall enough to kiss my
> forehead. Won't be long before he's towering over me. I guess I
>inherited Dad's 'short gene'...

<div style="tangent">
I was around that age when I started towering over my short, older sisters.

> Utena cocked an eyebrow, read the letter again, then picked up
> her bookbag and stuffed the letter into it. Whatever. She was
> running late for Klingonese as it was, and Professor Kraalgh got so
> grumpy when people wandered in late.

Somehow I don't think it takes much to get Professor Kraalgh "grumpy".

> afternoon, immediately following lunch. This sparked a digression
> into wondering just how the scheduling for these meetings had been
> determined, since they seemed to follow neither the alphabet nor
> student ID numbers. Finally that thread was abandoned as unresolvable
> without more data, and Kate was tasked with letting the others know

My guess? Plot mechanics.

> "K-Katsuj-j-jinkenr-ryuu," said Kaitlyn, and left it at that.
> "I d-don't f-feel like exp-plaining it to the d-d-dean."

Does the Psi Corps know that Force-users can sense psi? Do they even know the Force exists?

> "I think I'll keep my appointment," said Azalynn, a slow smile
> spreading across her face. "I can think of all -sorts- of interesting
> things to think... "
> A faint smile played at R. Dorothy Wayneright's lips. "She's
> welcome to scan me all she wants," she said.


> "I am a Gamilon soldier," Amanda replied grimly. "We do not
> divulge information to the enemy."

I could be off, but this screams foreshadowing to me.

> Juri suppressed a most un-Juri-like impulse to reply, "With a
> magnet," or possibly, "I follow the trail of dismembered bodies and
> the terrified shrieks of the doomed," instead replying simply, "I
> enjoy her company."

Oh, my. I'm beginning to really like Juri.

> Ravenhair arrived tuxedoed as well - and so did Nall, his little vest
> and bow tie eliciting a most unseemly storm of giggling from the box.

I want to see a picture of this ^_^.

> Juri looked up at the sky again, then back at Kate, and
> sighed, a tired smile crossing her face.
> "I'm not much for taking chances," she said, "but there's a
> first time for everything."

Yay! ^_^

-- Sean --

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