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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Undocumented Features General
Topic ID: 211
Message ID: 6
#6, RE: Hunted Rose
Posted by Laudre on Nov-09-01 at 05:05 AM
In response to message #2
>Actually, it's not - it's from Batman Year One.

*blink blink*

Ah, okay. I shoulda figured it's something I've only read once or twice.

>He mentions that - it's because he's too busy to make the fold
>calculations in his head, and nobody else on the ship (except possibly
>Amanda) is able to operate a fold computer.

Ah, right. It slipped my mind while I was writing my comments.

>(Technically, we haven't seen that Daggerdisc can create its
>own metaspace jump point, only transit a metagate and navigate in
>metaspace; but then, one of those rocket-pack suits Spock used to
>explore V'Ger in Star Trek: The Motion Picture could
>theoretically do that. :)

Yes, and if Gryph can fit a Reflex furnace on a YT-1300-series light freighter, I think he can figure a way to fit a metagate generator in there, too.

-- Sean --

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