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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Undocumented Features General
Topic ID: 233
Message ID: 0
#0, The guide: a compliation?
Posted by trigger on Nov-15-01 at 01:51 PM
I've been playing around with a crazy idea in my head since Roses in Springtime: what if the guide was actually posted on the website? Blame it on the flurry of posts explaning how things work in UF.

Then I realized that would be (a) another task to take our authors away from what we really want them to do: write, and (b) unnecessary.

Here's my proposal:

Create post that acts as a index to the Guide related items posted on the website. The index could read:

CFMF - Blockades {link to post on blockades}

CFMF - Convoy {link to post on convoys}

CFMF - Fleet Engagement {this should be}

CFMF - Rubber Duck {fairly obvious}

Daggerdisc {link to technical readout page}

Hoffman {link to Kris' original post on this}

Zeta Cygni - Pseudocontient {link to the Forum post where Gryphon explains that it's flat, and just hangs in space}

And so on. We'd only link to posts done by the Authors, and the writing would be canonical...until the Authors decided otherwise. This way new people, nit-pickers, and the authors, could easily refer back to the canon. Afterall, if we have a guide, shouldn't it be accessible, even after it's been archived?

Oh, and the post could not be commented on. Can you lock a form, but still edit your post?

For the authors' sanity, the post would be maintained by a responsible fan (yeah, I'll volunteer) who can will update the post as frequently as necessary with the appropriate links, index names. If it doesn't work out, then the management can shut it down.

I now open the floor to comments.


Trigger Argee
Manon, Orado, etc.
Denton, never leave home without it.