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Forum Name: Undocumented Features General
Topic ID: 2383
Message ID: 30
#30, RE: (UF/FI) Friends Like These
Posted by Sofaspud on Nov-27-19 at 06:37 PM
In response to message #0
I don't know if I'll have time to do this for all the parts, but for this first one, I gotta.

> "Aw, it's OK, Kaban," Serval replied, catching her around the
> neck in a hug. "If there's one thing I've learned from traveling
> with you, it's that I'm a lot more adaptable than I ever thought
> I could be." Grinning, she released her companion—it was too hot
> and sticky out here for prolonged hugging, however much she
> usually enjoyed that sort of thing—and went on, "Guess some of
> the human is rubbing off on me."

What, you don't think there's enough Crypto-Lesbian Subtext around here already? Geez!

(Alternate line that ran through my head: "This isn't THAT sort of fic!")

> <title picture>

I quite like this, and kinda hope it sets the tone for the rest of the piece. Coming off a fresh re-read of the Beast Wars piece from nope-not-gonna-look-at-how-long-ago-that-was, the ending sting from back then ...

... well, let's say it's a bit of a mood swing for the next piece to be Bright Cheery Cartoon Feels. Y'know, like going from Metallica to Enya. That sort of subtle, hard-to-pin-down transition.

> Now they were mostly gone, broken up by decades of exposure to
> the elements and the slow, relentless work of the plants.
> They arrived at the door to the Facilities building and found
> it intact, a deeply weathered but still-solid-looking metal
> barrier. Serval bent down to peer at an object affixed to the
> door, a sort of hinged metal bar with a small block of greenish
> brass hanging from it on a loop of peeling chrome.

Y'know, I'd pay good money for a Fallout game set in this park. Just sayin'.

> Kaban recovered her poise, slightly red-faced at having lost it
> in the first place, and crouched down to be closer to eye level
> with the guide robot. "I'm not a visitor, I live here," she
> said. "My name is Kaban. I'm a Park Ranger from the Kyōshū
> Region."
> "Checking. Checking," said the Lucky Beast, its eyes flickering
> rainbow colors. "Records downloaded from Kyōshū Region personnel
> system. Kaban, no last name..." It paused for several seconds,
> then said, "Error. Records mismatch. Reconciling... Mismatch
> reconciled. Kaban, no last name, Japari Park Chief Ranger."


Did Kaban... did Kaban just get promoted to supergroup lead because nobody else logged in for too long?

> The Professor closed her eyes, as if her next remark caused her
> physical pain to utter, and said, "But, in this instance... not
> wise enough." Then, opening them again, she fixed them on
> Kaban's once more and told her, "You must find a way to prevent
> this, Kaban."
> "We believe you are the only Friend who can," Mimi agreed.

Accept Quest (Y/N)? _

> "For we are wise," Mimi put in.

Tell me, Mimi, what was it you were, again? I'm not sure. If only someone would tell me what quality it is you possess.

> "'Interstellar Communications'," she sounded out, scratching
> her head. "What the heck does that mean?" She turned to Kaban,
> <...>
> "It..." Kaban paused, as if searching for words, then said,
> "I'll explain later. We have to stay focused on what we're
> doing. This..." Opening the door, she stepped into the room
> beyond with Serval right behind her.

... eeenteresting. I mean, I read your writeup about the source show, so I'm not coming in *completely* cold, but nothing in that would have made me suspect Kaban had any clue about the outside galaxy. But she clearly does, here.

> She was there when I read that particular old book in the
> Professor's library, but she wasn't paying attention.

Ok, one: well, that's a lot more pedestrian of a reason than I was geared up for, but makes sense.

And two: I think that's Serval's default state.

> "Raaar," she murmured happily, not really awake. "Got you."
> "Please don't eat me," Kaban whispered, smiling.


I like it! I mean, there's not much here yet -- and my statement above about not being sure I'd have time? That was before I read it, so,
1) you're getting this reaction shot 'sight-read', as it were, and
2) ignore what I wrote, if they're all this length(ish) I'll be able to do this for all of them as I get to them.

Anyway! Looking forward to the next, I won't get to it tomorrow because oh god, holiday, but I'll probably try to hit part two on Friday.

--why is it always crypto-lesbian subtext? can't we have just plain ol' lesbian subtext once in a while? crypto is so last decade.