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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Undocumented Features General
Topic ID: 2384
Message ID: 2
#2, RE: (UF/FI) Friends Like These, cont'd
Posted by Star Ranger4 on Dec-04-19 at 07:37 AM
In response to message #0
>I doubt it'll go to seven based on what's left in the
>outline, but since I've been hilariously wrong about that twice so
>far, maybe don't go by me?

But... But... But... YOu are THE lead editor and the person who still writes the most G. who ELSE are we supposed to go by? Moose and Lion... errr.. Moose and Squirrel? Err...

Okay. Lets dig a little deeper here...

> They passed a pleasant couple of days making their way southward through
> the Forest Area, around the lake, and through the bypass tunnel under the
> Desert Area,

You are aware this feels like the first season in reverse, Yes? I'm sure there is a 'Trope' that describes this, but I'm not aware of WHICH trope it is? THerefore, Moving on...

> After mulling it over, she decided that Tsuchinoko probably did, for
> all that the cryptid kept her thoughts on the matter to herself,
> and if Serval and Iwabi didn't, that was mostly a question of perspective

Not as sure I agree with your viewpoint here G, but it is your story; I do have my own to write right now.

> "You guys must know every place in the Park by now, don't you?" Iwabi asked.
> "Only here on the island," Kaban said.

I, personally, would have subbed in Konusu (spelling???) to be clear we were talking about the 'area' of the first season?

> "If I didn't know better," she said at length, "I would swear that
> mountain came straight out of the Spirit World."
> "Maybe it did,"

I am finding this conversation between the Cyrptid and Kaiju... umm... Enlightening?

> "Anyway, have you considered taking off the wetsuit? I'm just putting
> it out there."

and again the "THOSE COME OFF" Trope raises it's hentai... ahem... Head?

> "Drinking cups," Goji mused, wiping the dust from one such object.

"Yes, right of course. because any other possible interpretation is triply business, capturing 'our' Kabaneri, or something even more deadly?