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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Undocumented Features General
Topic ID: 268
Message ID: 5
#5, RE: The Symphony, an epic?
Posted by Laudre on Nov-24-01 at 01:11 AM
In response to message #0
>To put it in another way, it's about 2KB to a (double-spaced)
>typewritten page, which means that SoS is about 1,250 pages

To put this in yet another perspective, doing some ballpark figuring puts SotS so far at about 425,000 - 430,000 words, conservatively speaking. (I could get an exact wordcount, and probably will at some point, but at the moment I'll settle for some rough figures instead.) Rule of thumb says that 50,000 words, typeset and printed, comes to 200 pages in normal publishing formats.

So this is over 1700 pages so far if it were printed like conventional fiction... and that's not counting the bonus materials, like the images and the technical readouts.

And there's much more to come, it would seem.

-- Sean --

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