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Forum Name: Undocumented Features General
Topic ID: 278
Message ID: 0
#0, Top Ten Rejected Mac Subplots
Posted by Redneck on Nov-26-01 at 02:04 AM

Well, sad to say, we've probably seen the most of Mac in any story we ever will. He's had his moment, and now he's going back to being a very industrious and focused, but otherwise ordinary, high school student.

He (or his meta-self, anyway) is fighting it every step of the way. It's almost like having a teenaged William Shatner in my head, suggesting all sorts of (usually bad) plot points and text in order to justify more screen time.

What follows is a list of the stinkiest of the ideas thus far. Some of these have already been fielded, and rejected, by the Powers that Might or Might Not Be. Others I stopped before they went that far. All of them, however, you can take this to the bank, all of them are about 0% probable for future occurrence in ANY UF fic. These just will NOT happen.

And now, direct from the home office in Flower Mound, TX...


10. Mac becomes a Jedi and defeats a resurrected Darth Vader
9. Mac designs and builds the entire new school for the Duelists, single-handed
8. The Dread Pirate Mac
7. Mac begins seeing a psychiatrist about his feelings of inadequacy
6. Mac confesses his love for Kaitlyn Hutchins
5. Mac finds the Claire Bible and journeys to Sairag to face the Demon Dragon King Gaav... whoops, wrong setting
4. Mac switches to lead guitar and joins the Art of Noise
3. Mac joins the Zardon Foreign Legion to forget something-or-other
2. Harcourt M. McKenzie, President of the Federation

and the Number One Rejected Mac Subplot:

1. Mrs. Elizabeth Broadbank McKenzie

Redneck (and after the break, Claudia Schiffer)

Red wizard needs money badly...
White Lightning Productions - don't tell the Pope