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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Undocumented Features General
Topic ID: 278
Message ID: 13
#13, RE: Top Ten Rejected Mac Subplots
Posted by sideways on Nov-27-01 at 07:00 PM
In response to message #11
>>A suburb of what some people call 'the biggest shopping mall in
>>America.' Meaning Dallas, TX.

No, I've lived in a suburb of Dallas, and I live in Denton. Big difference. People in Denton have souls.

>>If you want to be technical, Denton is not a -suburb- per se; it's
>>just that the D/FW cluster of cities has grown out towards it...

A-men. Then again, that has its upside. The nearest good sushi joint is only forty-five minutes away.

>Nice place, for Texas. Friend used to live there. It has the single
>largest used bookstore I've ever been in in my life...

Recycled Books is by no means the largest bookstore out there, or even in the city. It may well be the largest privately-owned bookstore within easy recollection, but its distinguishing feature is not size. It's otherworldliness. There is a tragic shortage of good otherworldly secondhand shops in the world, and any place where the owner is reclining in a massage chair wearing silk pants and nothing else while college students are getting lost in the subbasements is a place you'll find me of a Saturday afternoon, let me tell you!

And never, ever, open the door set in the ceiling in the back room near the bathroom.

Mike Thedford
Dark Nation
Terribly off Topic