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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Undocumented Features General
Topic ID: 86
Message ID: 7
#7, RE: SOS and imortality
Posted by Redneck on Aug-27-01 at 10:07 PM
In response to message #0
>Thinking about Kate's freindships with Utena & Gang, I got to thinking
>about Omega 2, and what was gonna happen in about 20 years, when the
>U&G are all aging(mid thirties) and Kate is a spry little youth

Kate still has a few years of growth to her. She won't be a bespectacled pixie forever, even if she were that -now.-

>Could she convince her parents that Utena at least deserves
>O2, or will that just be one of the things that she learns to deal
>with as she ages?

I doubt she'd ask, really.

I forget where it is mentioned, but the life expectancy of an Earth-descended human in the Core Worlds is approaching 200 years of age, of which 150 or so can be considered 'active.' This is due to dietary supplements, superior health care, minor genetic tweaking, and the extermination of a host of diseases. There's no cancer, no AIDS, no polio or smallpox or ebola. There are a few -new- diseases brought on by continuing exploration of new worlds, but these are usually curable with ease.

Hoffmanites, because of their early genetic modifications for heavy-world living, have a much shorter life expectancy, about a century if one discounts the many, many, many violent ways a Hoffman can end up dead.

I don't know about Dantrovians or Gamilons or Minbari.

In any case, though, the question is not likely to come up for -quite- some time.


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