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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: General
Topic ID: 1731
Message ID: 0
#0, Uh... what. (Dream thing)
Posted by Sofaspud on Apr-20-22 at 02:28 PM
Last night I had a bizarre dreamscape adventure in which I hid from a sudden thunderstorm in a convenient nearby abandoned mansion. Very Rocky Horror Picture Show on the outside. It was much smaller on the inside, and somehow this made sense -- I don't know why, but it wasn't a surprise. The floor plan was basically a front room, hallway going back with bedrooms and bathrooms off the sides, and a kitchen looking out into the backyard.

Also, the house was actually occupied. By the EPU writing staff and several of the characters. (I've never actually met any of them but I knew each of them on sight... somehow.)

Thankfully, nobody was doing a Dr. Frankenfurter impression, but I was not an expected nor welcome guest because Something Important was afoot. Everyone was very polite but also very busy, running around and Doing Stuff and taking phone calls and the like, and I was trying to stay out from underfoot. After the fourth or fifth time I got in someone's way -- Gryph's, this time -- someone proposed sending me on an errand to get me out from underfoot.

"Great idea," Gryph said. "I require pizza."

"But what about the zombies?" I said, looking out the window at the shambling undead.

"Juniper can handle them," he replied, and that worthy blew an exasperated sigh, picked up her bokuto, and said "C'mon, you," as we headed out to retrieve enough 'za to sink the Titanic.

I wish there was more to it but that's when I woke up because my alarm was blaring at me.

--I didn't even *eat* pizza last night, whatthehellman