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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: eyrie.private-mail
Topic ID: 26
Message ID: 3
#3, RE: High tech shit
Posted by Laudre on Feb-07-02 at 09:37 PM
In response to message #2
>>(And could they have found a goofier-looking kid for the ad?
>I think both the kid and the couch in the background date to the
>original Sinclair timeframe.

I didn't even see the couch the first time I looked... must've been blocking it out, 'cause it is BUTT ugly. It's almost as bad as the couch that got left in an apartment I used to live in (think orange, Brady Bunch-era... we kept it b/c we didn't have a couch anyway, and just threw a queen-size sheet on it to avoid going blind whenever we walked into the living room).

So what this ad is saying to me is:

"Buy a phone that plays games older than your kids, so that they (the kids) can get beat up at school, and all your furniture will turn into ugly, dated stuff in weird colors Not Found In Nature."

-- Sean --
Rabid Crack Weasel #42
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