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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: eyrie.private-mail
Topic ID: 507
Message ID: 59
#59, RE: Ask G anything, the topic that never ends... just
Posted by Offsides on Jun-07-12 at 00:03 AM
In response to message #56
>>They haven't. Easiest way to do that is to just, well, do it yourself.
>er it seems you missed part of the problem and the main reason i
>asked, i don't have time to sift through however many threads there
>are here to find the stories. i personally would have been very
>grateful for such an archive and to a degree i have done so, it did
>take a while and unfortunately the collection is woefully incomplete
>lacking any of the forum only stories. trying to pull/properly place
>the minis and other material from forum dives got frustrating and in
>the end i just dropped it and gave up entirely on that aspect of the
>universe. it sucks but meh i'd rather be missing material than stop
>reading because i got sick of having to dive the threads to find
>relevant stories that i probably should have read before a given mini.

Um, it's actually pretty easy. 1) Grab all of the stories liked under the UF section of the site. 2) Grab everything in the Mini-Stories forum, understanding that several of them are part of the omnibus collections you already grabbed. 3) Assemble them in whatever order you like, understanding that some are plain text and some are HTML, and they aren't just going to concatenate with each other cleanly.

Really - it's pretty easy to find all the stories on the forum, since the actual stories are all in the Mini-Stories forum, one per thread, and other than the Featured Documents thread everything else in the UF forum is plain discussions anyway...

I really don't see why this is so hard...


[...] in order to be a realist you must believe in miracles.
-- David Ben Gurion
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