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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: eyrie.private-mail
Topic ID: 573
Message ID: 6
#6, RE: I could use some advice...
Posted by Mercutio on Sep-12-13 at 07:39 PM
In response to message #0
Allow me to add my chorus to the voices saying "just write. Worry about quality later."

But to add on that... write as much as you can, get it down, and then invite, no, demand that people rip it apart. Find people whose opinion you trust, friends, forum-dwellers, whoever, people who you KNOW can recognize good or bad writing when they see it, and ask them if they'll read your stuff and tell you what's awful about it. Tell them to be brutal, to pick nits. Your best friend as a writer are people who think you suck and suck hard.

Steal shamelessly. Find methods of story construction of clever literary tricks in other works you like and lift them out wholesale. Someone did something clever with scene construction or timelines? You lift that sucker out and file out the serial numbers if you need it for your own work. Don't plagiarism, but aside from that anything goes. Don't be afraid of not being "original." Nobody is original. SHAKESPEARE ripped off all his best stuff from the classics.

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