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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Introductions
Topic ID: 1
Message ID: 10
#10, RE: introductions
Posted by Laudre on Apr-29-01 at 11:59 PM
In response to message #0
Okay... I started reading Eyrie stuff back in '96 or '97 (all I know for sure is that it was at some point when I was attending Southern CT State U) when I found Warrior's Legacy while searching for quality SF fanfic. I didn't get around to plowing my way through the rest of the EPU catalog until I started reading NXE last year, thanks to reading "An Encounter at Shamrock House", which I found so quirky that I had to know what spawned it. So I read NXE, and finally read UF (I'd started UF1 several times but never finished it); after reading that, I went through the rest of the EPU catalog over the course of the following week or two.

As a quick note, I'm a writer as well, planning on self-publishing a novel in the semi-near future.

-- Sean --

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