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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Symphony of the Sword/The Order of the Rose
Topic ID: 375
Message ID: 11
#11, RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello
Posted by JeanneHedge on Aug-23-13 at 05:39 PM
In response to message #5
LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-13 AT 05:45 PM (EDT)
>>"... you took the giant gem. From it's pedestal. Lifted it right off.
>>Walked right up and just... yoink."
>>"I did! ... why are you backing away like that?"

That's different, I was expecting the cliche.


Jeanne Hedge
"Never give up, never surrender!"