>(Also, and this is not specifically directed at you, Jeanne, but this
>is where the discussion seems to have got to generally: When did we
>arrive at the place where a particular installment suddenly had to be
>Necessary? That's what most of the objections I'm seeing tonight
>appear to amount to: "It just didn't seem to be necessary." Are we
>seriously judging pieces now by whether you had to read them in
>order to advance to the next loading screen or something? If so, uh,
>dang. That's not gonna work out.) I think that part of the problem is that there's so many plots and subplots and whatnot going on that we (the readers) want to see, that when something comes out that doesn't address those existing pieces that some people are disappointed. I personally enjoyed the piece, though it did take me a bit to sort out exactly how it fit into things (timestamps are one thing, actually wrapping my head around the temporal flow is another :)).
I'm not sure there's a good answer here, since you (the authors) are going to write what's on your mind at the moment, and it's almost never going to satisfy everyone. The best I can come up with is to use small words in big letters to indicate which stories are "main plot", which are "side plot" and which are "background color". (Note: tongue is planted mostly in cheek. I say mostly because it seems like some people (myself occasionally included) have trouble deciphering the implications the various musical terms you use in the titles, at least in advance. Movements are obvious, some of the others less so. Of course, now I also have to say that I like them, even if I occasionally don't get them right away...)
*shrug* You write, I read. It's all good in the end.
[...] in order to be a realist you must believe in miracles.
-- David Ben Gurion
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