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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Mini-Stories
Topic ID: 201
Message ID: 17
#17, RE: (UF/GA) Operation Blackout Prologue
Posted by Senji on Feb-17-23 at 03:01 PM
In response to message #8
>>I prefer to leave it ambiguous whether the Stricklands of various eras
>>represent a long family line, like the Chins of Dìqiú's
>>Western Empire bureaucracy, or are all the same long-lived guy. They
>>are, however, all played by the same actor. :)
>And no doubt served by the same barber!
>"Jesus. Didn't that guy ever have hair?"
Every member of the Strikland family (even the women) has a dominant hereditary mutation of the AR gene on the X chromosome causing extreme androgenetic alopecia. Most of the Striklands have responded to this by close-trimming or shaving the rest of their hair and sometimes wearing hats; but there is the notorious exception of Edna Strikland (b. 1942) who instead founded a major wig brand.
