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Forum Name: Featured Documents
Topic ID: 214
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#0, IPO Internal Memo: Ending The Argument
Posted by Mephron on Nov-20-08 at 09:19 AM
LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-08 AT 08:58 PM (EST)

Office of the Chief
All-Departments Memorandum
June 30, 2410

After last week's round on ipo.flame, I went through all the records I could find, and based on all the records I had access to, compiled the authoritative list of the Top Twenty Open-Handed Martial Artists in the known galaxy. If you want the math, I'll provide it separately once you can prove you understand quantitative statistical analysis.

1. Kong Sang "Jackie" Chan
2. Kei J. Morgan*
3. Benjamin D. "Gryphon" Hutchins
4. Cassandra "Batgirl" Cain
5. Yuri Daniels
6. Slade "Snake-Eyes" Wilson
7. Steven "Captain America" Rogers**
8. Wade "Deadpool" Wilson
9. Kurt "Nightcrawler" Wagner
10. Katherine "Shadowcat" Griffin
11. Martin "PCHammer" Rose
12. "Batman"
13. "Red Mask" (yes, he's Big Fire; he's also that good.)
14. Sandra "Lady Shiva" Woosan
15. Alison R. "Lady Jaye" Hart-Burnett Faireborne
16. Timothy "Robin" Drake
17. Dashiell "Flint" Faireborne
18. Henry "The Beast" McCoy***
19. R. Dorothy Wayneright
20. Brother Thomas "Neo" Anderson****

Honorable mentions to Eiko Magami Rose, Paige "Spitfire" Guthrie and Cain "Juggernaut" Marko (this is more based on skill, guys; being able to punch the guy over the horizon doesn't do it on its own), and the entire Duelists' Society except Dorothy (open-hand specific).

I hope this settles you guys down a little bit. There are some people I would put in different places, but there's no records of their combat abilities (for example, any member of the Ichinohei ninja clan, or most of the Tomodachi ninja clans), but this is the statistics speaking.


* statistically speaking, in her career, Kei still beats the hell out of just about everybody.
** yes, he's that good, even without the shield.
*** he makes the list. No, Susan, he doesn't talk his opponents into surrendering.
**** yes, he's mostly a gun-fighter, but when he goes weaponless, he's that dangerous.

Geoff Depew - Darth Mephron
Haberdasher to Androids, Dark Lord of Sith Tech Support.
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