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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Featured Documents
Topic ID: 214
Message ID: 13
#13, RE: IPO Internal Memo: Ending The Argument
Posted by Star Ranger4 on Nov-21-08 at 08:43 PM
In response to message #0
>After last week's round on ipo.flame, I went through all the records I
>could find, and based on all the records I had access to, compiled the
>authoritative list of the Top Twenty Open-Handed Martial Artists in
>the known galaxy. If you want the math, I'll provide it separately
>once you can prove you understand quantitative statistical analysis.

Actually, the funniest thing about this one is not that there is an ipo.flame, given the background of the founders way back then it woulda been wierder to NOT have one.

Its that one of the wars got so out of hand that Vision felt compelled to compile the list to end it once and for all!

And at first I was wondering why no Jedi, till I recalled that they, like Neo, tend to do lightsabre more than not, with maybe the exception of Morpheus, and its not like they'd have a lot of qualified battles to judge from.