>Dominus is the Professor Enigma analogue of The Master? That works
>rather well for Clarkson... Indeed. As you see, their Christmas special programming that year had a sort of Top Gear/Professor Enigma twin theme going on; Jeremy Clarkson's special guest appearance as Dominus was the point of convergence.
Some hardcore Professor Enigma fans who aren't also Top Gear fans were rather annoyed by his turn as Dominus; it's obvious he didn't take it entirely seriously (the big hint there being the bit where he hangs onto his TARDIS's control console, shoving all the levers to their furthest position, and yelling "POWERRRRR!" over the sound effects). Then again, they never take the Professor Enigma Christmas special entirely serious. I mean, look at the bits with John in Australia. Jack Harkness was on vacation when they shot the special, which is why he isn't in the main plot at all, and the B-plot shots are all just hidden camera footage from his actual vacation.
As an aside, one of the BBC channels having a Top Gear-themed Christmas is not unheard of; last year on Dec. 23 they had a "Top Gear Night In" on BBC2 in which all the shows aired in prime time featured at least one of the presenters (well, except The Great Escape, which they showed because they show it every year around Christmas and it's Clarkson's favorite movie).
Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Admin
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.