>Thank you very much for that writeup - while I am still somewhat
>confused about the Red & Green Martians, I at least have sufficient
>information to go educate myself :) Malacandri I knew from Cartoon
>Network's JL, and Sarmak I assume are the original H.G. Wells Martians
>(as opposed to the Movie/TV series WotW
>Martians/Mor-Taxians/Morthrans/whatever). I'm not sure who you're
>referring to as the "fungoid invaders" - the two possibilities are the
>"fake" martians from the original pilot of JL, or the martians from
>Mars Attacks! - but those are just guesses. The "fake martians" from the JL cartoon are a loose adaptation of DC Comics' evil White Martians, ancient enemies of J'onn's race. From earlier comments, I'm pretty sure the "fungoids" are the Gnards and/or Paeecs from Mars Attacks!
And "sarmak," for the record, originally comes from the '90s anthology "War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches," used by Burroughs' Red Martians to refer to Wells' crew. It has since been adopted by large chunks of the fandom.
--The Evil Midnight Lurker what Lurks at Midnight
"An object at rest--CANNOT BE STOPPED!!!"