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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Featured Documents
Topic ID: 219
Message ID: 23
#23, RE: Naming Note
Posted by mdg1 on Feb-02-09 at 06:43 AM
In response to message #22
Technically, Heinlein inserted himself as multiple characters (or the same guy with multiple names). Most of the villains names are anagrams of his name, his wife's name, or on of his pseudonyms.

Neil O'Heret Brain = Robert A Heinlein

Bennie Hibol = Bob Heinlein

Morinosky = Simon York (pen name; UNKNOWN et al.)

Iver Hird-Jones = John Riverside (pen name: UNKNOWN et al.)

The Villains Nine Rig Ruin = Lt Virginia Heinlein USNR

Torne, Hernia, Lien and Snob = Robert Anson Heinlein

Sir Tenderloinn the Brutal = Lt Robert A Heinlein USN RTD

L Ron O'Leemy = Lyle Monroe ( pen name for SF 1939 -46)

Mellrooney = Lyle Monroe ( pen name for SF 1939 - 46)