>>(CMDR V. Leeds)
>>Welcome back Vanessa! Trying to remember... was she part of the
>>Son's backup bridge crew, or part of the alternate Uni crew G brought
>Vanessa's from the Split Infinitive universe; she was USS
>Invincible's comm officer (and went on to hold that same
>position aboard WDF Concordia during Crossroads).
Right. Along with Rick Sterling and Max Hunter.
>>IPS Prometheus CVS-101 (CPT K. Sterling)
>>IPS? I take it the WDF seconded her to the IPO when they decided they
>>needed a carrier?
>Not quite;
>may refresh your memory.
Oh man... considering how much I yaked in that one I'm embarrassed I forgot about it.
>>IPS Assailant NCC-06067 (CMDR R. Hoshino)
>>I see Ruri got a much deserved promotion.
>Indeed. She stayed as G's yeoman for much longer than, by rights, she
>should have, so once she left that job her advancement curve was
>pretty steep.
Yup, not just in rank (I thought UF G promoted her to LCDR when she left) but IIRC she originally left to take the helmsman position and now she's moved to the center chair.