>Thank you. Is Admiral of the Black a reference to the old Royal Navy
>practice of separating flag ranks into Red, White, and Blue,
>or is it a way to separate Space Navy ranks from Sea Navy
>ranks? Neither; it's the official styling for one who holds or has held the Royal Salusian Navy's supreme command - equivalent to the Wedge Defense Force's Grand Admiral. This position is also sometimes known by the more prosaic title "Admiral of the Fleet", and very occasionally, in older documents and newer ones whose authors wished to hearken back to the Elder Days, by an Old Cheltarese phrase meaning Admiral of the Ocean of Stars.
(As an aside, the small-but-proud branch of the RSN which still serves at sea is known, rather grandly, as the Pelagian Flotilla, and the officer commanding it, though in truth only a commodore - for it is quite a small outfit, relatively speaking, in modern times - may choose to be called by the courtesy styling "Admiral of the Blue".)
Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Admin
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.