LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-09 AT 07:11 PM (EDT)
>When writing the report, I was inordinately pleased with the volumes
>that are implied by the simple phrase,
>MCPO Spartan was obliged to subdue him. It leads to some wonderful mental images. Most of them ending with a firm whack to the back of the head for the Adjutant.
>It could - and will, by some authorities - be argued that the
>Earthforce invasion of Tau Ceti was orchestrated when it was to
>provide cover for the Danzig disaster. Also, I hope that
>stands as an indication that the first version of A Day of
>Infamy is far from completely superseded.
Oh,'re not one to throw away needlessly. It's just nice to see where some things are being set back into place in the new picture.