(CPT Sir D. Soandso, Bart.)
What does Bart stand for? name or some sort of Salusian order like KCB?(CMDR V. Leeds)
Welcome back Vanessa! Trying to remember... was she part of the Son's backup bridge crew, or part of the alternate Uni crew G brought back? confused cause I recall what her source material was, but for some reason I cant place just what changes were made when she got folded in.
IPS Prometheus CVS-101 (CPT K. Sterling)
IPS? I take it the WDF seconded her to the IPO when they decided they needed a carrier? And is it important that they NEEDED a carrier deck or am I just investigating too closely.
IPS Assailant NCC-06067 (CMDR R. Hoshino)
I see Ruri got a much deserved promotion.
EAS Retiarius, Retiarius-class Perimeter Control Vessel
Perimiter control?
> With Retiarius out of action, both in-system FTL navigation and the
> use of transporters became possible. Within a half-hour, Force TRIDENT
> was joined by several vessels which had not reached the Initial Point
> in time to be part of the initial assault:
AH. I get it now, basicly a scaled up Interdictor. And it makes sense that a vessel designed to interdict FTL navigation in a volume would be anti transporter as well.
> the Hon. Peregrine Took (58th Baroness Tuckborough), who was
> personally responsible for neutralizing the Black Omega esper agent
Somehow I have this image of Perri being dismissed as a threat by the BO until she clocks him one and lays him out cold.
So now we have the broad strokes cause G cribbed his outline for this, but I still wanna see all the luscious details yet to come.