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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Featured Documents
Topic ID: 222
Message ID: 55
#55, RE: Preliminary Report: Operation TRIDENT
Posted by Star Ranger4 on Feb-18-21 at 10:20 AM
In response to message #54
>"I'll classify it the same way you do. If you don't want this
>reaching eighty-seven million sentients over the next forty-eight
>hours, you may want to pretend that the Valiant hit you. Pretend
>real hard."
Also, it is something of an oath among newsies "We dont MAKE the news, just report it". Also I wouldn't blame Truss for not banding Swordbreakers abilities about. Might provoke the bad guys to find a bigger sword for Canal to break!