The five sentients that make up Special Assignment 139 are a formidible crew. They also have an extended structure of friends they can call in for specialized help or backup.These include:
Max Guevara - Max is the result of a genetic engineering program for creating 'super soldiers' to compete with GENOM's White Legion for profit. She escaped from the project enclave and turned her combination of skills and genetic enhancements to the service of, basically, herself, out of a need to survive. She became a galaxy-class cat burglar, coming to the attention of the International Police. When they set up a situation where she would have to abort the robbery to save someone's life, she did so instinctively. That particular someone was SA1 agent Xander Cage, who faked her death with the help of a revolver-load of actor bullets, getting the agents of the Manticore Corporation off her tail. After a re-orientation program, Max and Cage went back and dismantled the entire Manticore operation.
Max's genetic structure is based on a transgenic fusion of cat and human. It gives her exceptional strength, speed, resilience, reflexes, coordination and agility. The build also gives her a high IQ, a nearly-eidetic memory, accelerated healing, an advanced immune system, and enhanced senses. She is also trained as a martial artist and infiltration specialist. She also has a Lens, and is a member of Special Assignment 11 (The Chief's Furies).
Max has one significant weakness: whether accidentally or by design, her brain is unable to generate sufficient serotonin without outside help. This is usually kept in check through dietary means (turkey and milk seem to be two foods that handle it), but on long-term assignments there can be problems.
When operating with the team, her comm code is Dark Angel.
Makoto Kino - An electrokinetic from New Hokkaido, Makoto came into the care of a special school for 'anomalous psionics' - children with psi powers that did not fit the standard classifications and rankings. This school was actually a front for Big Fire, one of the core policies of which is that paranormals should be in charge (as they supposedly represent the next stage of human evolution). After eliminating her parents, the BF Group funneled her into their training program.
One of the senior students in the program was Geoff Depew, and his violent departure from Big Fire apparently set a mental block in place that kept Makoto's loyalty programming from setting in completely. She concealed this until, during the Antianeira Incident, she had the opportunity to pass him a message asking for extraction. The particulars of the extraction have been sealed by order of Deputy Chief Steve Rogers.
Makoto possesses the ability to generate and control electricity, using it as defense and weapon. She can also destroy most electromechanical devices' ability to function by literally frying the circuity. Makoto has sufficient control over her abilities to be able to short out one circuit without damaging the others. She can also 'read' electronic datastreams if she is in contact with the device in question. Finally, she possesses standard Big Fire combat training, the equivalent of an International Police Tactical Division trooper, in case she has to deal with someone or something she can't electrocute.
Her comm name, as with Geoff Depew, is her old Big Fire codename, held in defiance of that organization's code of allegiance or death: Thunderbolt.
Konoko Kokoromi - Everything about Konoko is a mystery, even to herself. She was discovered wearing a torn and battered jumpsuit, barefoot and unconscious, in the vehicle bay of the Salusian Ministry for Public Safety's "Section 9" counterterror agency. Psionic probes have been unable to dislodge any memories of anything before her waking up in an MPS Intelligence Service hospital room. Testing showed her to be a humanized Salusian female in otherwise excellent condition, and whatever conscious memories she lacked, she was a top-grade soldier. She also possessed a Daodan symbiont, the nature of which was discovered during her physical examinations.
Taken into Section 9, she was paired with Lloyd Batou, the two of them making a very strong team. It was during a surveillance mission that she met up by accident with Geoff Depew. During the fight in the Galactor base, she discovered he too had a Daodan. She believed she was having psychological issues due to hers, and took a leave of absence to spend time with him and learn how he dealt with his. When he returned to Barsaan to work on his Ignatine training, he presented her to his mentor, Logan, who helped her overcome the violent impulses she felt through meditation and martial arts training.
Konoko is a top-flight military specialist, the equal of Geoff Depew (who she sometimes calls her 'brother' as the result of the bio-implant they have) in military skills. While she worries about her past, she doesn't worry that much, because it'll sort itself out... or not.
When assisting the group, she uses her Section 9 comm codename: Oni.
Sister Mary Destiny - Built by eccentric (some would say insane) roboticist Timothy Waynewright, sold to the Yakuza of Kane's World for the money to build a 2.0 model, Red Destiny became a frequent antagonist of the Batman until the day R. Dorothy Wayneright came to town with the Art of Noise. Nearly destroyed, then rebuilt by the sister she hated, she left Kane's World and found herself converted to Catholicism and taken in by the Ignatine Order through what she believes was the direct intervention of God. Her new views on life, as a sister of the Ignatine Order, inform her every action. She no longer is a creature whose existence is based on the belief that she was abandoned; rather, she was found and saved by a greater power.
As an Ignatine, she possesses the full weapons skills of that order, along with the mechanical precision and physical prowess her android construction suggests. As an Itinerant Cleric of the Ignatine Holy Grammaton, she deals out fierce justice, tempered by mercy. Sister Destiny also enjoys knitting.
When assisting the group, she is impishly referred to on comms as The Penguin.
Geoff Depew - Darth Mephron
Haberdasher to Androids, Dark Lord of Sith Tech Support.
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