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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Featured Documents
Topic ID: 228
Message ID: 16
#16, RE: BPGD: Special Assignment 139: Known Associates
Posted by TheOtherSean on Mar-02-10 at 08:54 PM
In response to message #2
>> When assisting the group, she is impishly referred to on comms as The Penguin.
>You are a bad, bad man, Meph. :)
>Not to say that wasn't good!
>But you are a bad, bad man.

That reminds of a time I was out with a girlfriend checking out this giant specialty supermarket. They had crazy decorations inside, like an actual firetruck above the large hot sauce section, a fishing boat by the seafood, etc. And of course, they had penguins atop the freezers at the frozen foods section. I pointed them out to my girlfriend. "Look at those penguins!" She hit me. "What?" I asked, and she pointed down the aisle. At the three nuns wearing habits. :-)