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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Featured Documents
Topic ID: 228
Message ID: 19
#19, RE: BPGD: Special Assignment 139
Posted by The Traitor on Mar-05-10 at 06:18 AM
In response to message #18
Lab/Con will never happen. Ever. Too much of a gap (and for gap read 'yawning abyss comparable in scale to the Marianas Trench') between their respective ideologies.

I agree with you on the Lib/Lab, though. It'd probably shore up the left-wing position rather more than a Lib/Con parliament would. Cameron's conservatives are, in my view at least, devoid of any helpful sort of policy anyway, but that's by the by. If there'd been a Lib/Lab coalition back in '97, however, then we probably wouldn't be having this conversation; it would have completely destroyed the Tories and not even DC, England's leading exporter of shiny forehead, could have saved them.

Not entirely convinced that a Lib/Lab coalition will now come to pass, though, particularly when you factor in people like Vince Cable (Lib Dem deputy leader and vehemently anti-Brownite politician). Nick Clegg I'm not sure about but he seems pretty much left of centre and that's the direction the party has made over the years.

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