#10, RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose
Posted by JeanneHedge on Jun-06-10 at 10:47 AM
In response to message #9
>> Somebody over there is going to be mightily >>annoyed that they didn't make a bit more of an effort, or at least put >>some cheapass future-success hooks in the contract, if and when she >>makes that triumphant rock 'n roll comeback... > >And she will, of course, because what's a UF hero(ine) >without their side job as a million-selling rock star? <grin> > >-- Bob Especially when she's (rumored to be) going tourning with AoN. Look what they did for Cthia <s> Jeanne
|  | Jeanne Hedge http://www.jhedge.com | "Believe me, if I have to go the rest of my life without companionship, knowing myself won't be a problem." -- Gabrielle of Potadeia