#14, RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose
Posted by Peter Eng on Jun-07-10 at 02:09 PM
In response to message #9
>> Somebody over there is going to be mightily >>annoyed that they didn't make a bit more of an effort, or at least put >>some cheapass future-success hooks in the contract, if and when she >>makes that triumphant rock 'n roll comeback... > >And she will, of course, because what's a UF hero(ine) >without their side job as a million-selling rock star? <grin> >"All right, that's one 2x4, one Flying Dutchman, one animal style...excuse me -" *WHAM* *KAPOW* *ZZARK* *THUD* "...three large fries, large Diet Dr. Pepper, large Sprite, and a medium Fanta Orange. That'll be twenty-two credits. Your order will be at pick-up window #2." Peter Eng -- I've changed my mind. That's my UF avatar, right there. Okay, maybe not.